Friday, December 28, 2012

Homeschool: More Responses

These two responses come from a sister/brother duo, both of who seek ardently after God's heart. The first set of answers is from a young woman who is pursuing a degree in Secondary education, although for the time being she feels led not to utilize it in the public school system. The second set is from her younger brother, J.C., who I have come to know in the last several months & am deeply honored to know. I am really excited to have the male perspective factored in!
1. What is your age & the length of time you have been homeschooled?
Is it bad that I already have to stop and think about how old I am? I’m 23, and was homeschooled from Kindergarten through 12th grade.
2. Name of any curriculum you have used & your opinion of it
When Mom and Dad started homeschooling me, they used Bob Jones University curriculum, but around 5th grade (I think), Mom realized that I wasn’t being challenged. The next year we tried Switched on Schoolhouse, which I despised. In 7th grade, we started with A Beka Academy’s video program and stayed with that the rest of my school years. Mom has continued using it with my 6 siblings.

I cannot thank my parents enough for using A Beka. I loved that it challenged me and I was no longer bored like I had been with BJU and SOS. The workbooks (especially grammar, which is ironic and I’ll explain why in a minute) were tedious sometimes; but as I’ve gotten older and gone through my college career, I’ve grown to appreciate how much better prepared I am than most of my classmates. The ironic part of their grammar is that I am now an English major; I will give A Beka’s wonderful video teachers the credit for kindling this love for all things grammar and literature! A Beka’s approach to the classics (Reading, ‘Riting, and ‘Rithmetic) is to give the student ample explanation and practice. As a pre-service teacher who has spent a lot of time in the system, this is one of the biggest flaws I see in our public (and private) education; students have tons of information thrown at them, but it’s all done in the name of standardized testing rather than teaching students how to take control of their own learning, then applying their new knowledge towards becoming critically literate adults who can better society and work towards the Kingdom. It is for this reason that I do not plan to teach once I graduate in May, unless the Lord says, “You want to do this.” This is a topic that I could write an essay on (I am an English major, after all!) but I’ll stop there.

One of the downfalls of their curriculum is that it tends to be overly indoctrinated in some areas, but when something didn’t quite line up with what I knew the Bible said or what my parents had taught me, I asked my mom and dad about it; it wasn’t a big deal, usually. Other general things that I liked about their video program and curriculum:
o Being able to see a teacher and classroom
o Having a teacher that can explain the different topics (very helpful once high-school hit!)
o As much as I hated doing it then—the daily Bible lessons and weekly verse memorization. I love being able to recall those verses and lessons as an adult.
o Graduating with an accredited diploma, rather than a GED typical of most home-school situations.
3. What are some pros & cons of homeschooling . . .your true opinions.
You mean there are cons to homeschooling? J Pros that I see include: 1) Flexibility, yet having accountability from the Academy. 2) Not being subjected to the sub-par
environment that comes from most public schools. 3) An education that taught me not only how to learn, but how to apply my knowledge. 4) The opportunity to experience education outside of the school-building (see #1). 5) I think the other pros have or will come out as I answer these questions.

The only con that I can think of is the lack of scholarships available to homeschooled students, but once I got through that first year of college, my grades were strong enough that I haven’t gone another year without some sort of grant or scholarship. I honestly can’t think of any other cons. I loved being around my parents and my siblings, enjoyed having more one-on-one attention than most students get, and had fun playing outside during rainy days and having snowball fights. I also liked having the rare opportunity of having my grandmother teach me sometimes!
4. Do you feel awkward in social situations due to being educated at home?
Not at all. I am confident in my ability to speak in front of people and to relate to people of all ages. Looking back, I was always comfortable speaking to and being around adults, and I think this is due to the fact that I wasn’t around so many kids all of the time. Any awkwardness that comes is due to the fact that I really don’t like being around large groups of people and it tires me to be social. I once thought that was because I was homeschooled, but I’ve since learned that it is simply my personality.
5. Do you feel as though you lack (or suffer from) social interaction: friendships, sports, proms, & etc?
I played softball through the local high school, basketball through the YMCA, and volleyball through the local homeschool group. I wasn’t really interested in the dances, and I had such an awesome group of friends from church and the different sports arenas that I don’t think I lacked at all! I live in Fort Wayne now, and I know that the groups around here actually have formals that students can attend, but there is a dress code enforced, and parents have a pretty large role in it.
6. Do you feel as though your parents were equipped or adequate to teach you?
Oh my goodness, yes. My mother recently completed her bachelor’s degree in nursing through an online program with IWU and finished with a 3.99 GPA, all while working and homeschooling the rest of my siblings. And my dad is another one of the smartest people I know; he’s the one I went to when I needed help with English and History, and he’s the one Mom sent me to when my attitude about math and Bible had worn her out. J
7. Parents (mostly moms) fear their ability to command their children's attention or respect. Was this a problem in your experience?
See the above statement. I think one of the best things about homeschooling is that parents are better able to stay consistent with disciplining, especially when it comes to a teenage girl’s attitude. My dad and mom did a great job of being the teacher and principal and my mommy and daddy, so I felt the consequences when I wasn’t being respectful. My mother might tell you differently, but my lack of attention was
primarily in my younger years when I wasn’t being challenged and, subsequently, was very bored. I have seen this pattern even in college courses, though, and I’ve noticed that it’s pretty typical for students who aren’t being challenged.
8. Do you regret your parents decision to homeschool you?
Besides teaching me about Jesus, my parent’s decision to homeschool was the best thing that they have done for me. Homeschooling allowed my mother to see that I needed something more difficult and to meet that need.

9. Did homeschooling in any way provoke rebellion or a desire to turn away from your faith?
Not at all. If anything, it gave me more time to strengthen my foundation and grow in faith. Now, that isn’t to say that I haven’t struggled with my faith or didn’t rebel from what I knew was right; but my decisions have nothing to do being homeschooled, but rather my own stupidity.
10. Would you consider homeschooling your current/future children?
Most definitely. One of the first questions I asked my boyfriend before we started dating was about his preferences in education for his children; he answered “homeschooling” before he knew I was a homeschooler!

As I’ve gone through college, one of the questions that my professors will ask me when I meet for individual conferences is, “Where did you go to school?” When I tell them that I was homeschooled, they always receive it positively and enthusiastically. I’ve had many tell me that if they could do it over again, they would homeschool their own children. Two have even mentioned that they would rather teach a homeschooled student than any other student because they tend to be better prepared for college courses, more disciplined, and more respectful. Many of my fellow Education majors have said that they will homeschool their own kids, rather than send them to the school systems.

1. What is your age & the length of time you have been homeschooled
22 and I was homeschooled for 12 years.
2. Name of any curriculum you have used & your opinion of it
Before high school my parents switch the curriculum around a little bit I have used Bob Jones, and Saxon. When entering high school my parents switched me to Abeka Academy (distance education) which allowed me to graduate with a real high school diploma. I have also completed 3 years of college and had no trouble adjusting.
3. What are some pros & cons of homeschooling...your true opinions
Pros: Growing up without the negative influence of the secular world. My parents were able to morally prepare me for it before I had to fully experience the filth that is in our public school system. Cons: I have not experienced any draw backs to homeschooling. I hear what kids are learning about in public school and it breaks my heart that they are being lied to. That they are being taught that truth is relative, that abortion is acceptable, and that homosexual lifestyle is okay.
4. Do you feel akward in social situations due to being educated at home?
hahahahahahahaha This is one question that i have heard over and over again from skeptics and if they really knew me they would not even ask the question to begin with. I have no problem interacting with complete strangers.
5. Do you feel as though you lack (or suffer from) social interaction: friendships, sports, proms, & etc?
Before high school i played baseball,football, and basketball. While in high school I played basketball in a local homeschool league. As far as dancing goes the extent of my dancing skills is playing just dance on the wii:) so I have really had no desire to go to dances.
6. Do you feel as though your parents were equipped or adequate to teach you?
My parents are both very intelligent people and I have never doubted their ability to teach.
7. Parents (mostly moms) fear their ability to command their children's attention or respect. Was this a problem in your experience?
No my parents handle it as a parental unit, if parents want respect and attention then they need to teach their children discipline.
8. Do you regret your parents decision to homeschool you?
Never! I thank God that I have parents who listen to him and teach their children to do the same.
9. Did homeschooling in any way provoke rebellion or a desire to turn away from your faith?
If anything provoke me to rebellion (though I never rebelled to any great extent) it was the influence of my "friends" from the public school system. And I have never had any desire to turn away from God.
10. Would you consider homeschooling your current/future children?
Yes without a doubt! I pray that God blesses me with a wife with the same desire.

To Homeschool or Not To Homeschool: Answering Commonly Asked Questions...

"Love God, Your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that's in you, love him with all you've got. Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you & then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall in bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates.'
Deuteronomy 6:4-9

I cannot remember the precise moment when first I read these verses, but I do know that they were vividly imprinted upon my heart. Deep within me the desire to educate my children was born...these verses have served as a personal conviction towards that end ever since. My heart is not to condemn nor judge any godly parent that feels otherwise led, but my intent is to encourage homeschooling parents & to answer questions of those who feel led to do so but have some reservations. The Lone Ranger & I have always known that we would homeschool the Darlings & so almost from the minute Goldilocks was born I began researching curricula, methods, school room vs. kitchen table, & so on. To be honest questions & concerns over the wisdom of homeschooling never entered my mind until I began mentioning our intention to others. Their concerns caused me to seek answers, & I was surprised to find that all the answers came from the parents' perspective. Years later as we are about to embark upon this homeschool journey, it dawned on me that the questions need to be asked not of the teacher, but of the student. I have queried homeschooled students with 10 common concerns of parents who are interested in homeschooling. They have been gracious enough to answer me candidly. I will post the 10 questions followed by the responses of the individual. Out of respect for their honesty & candor I will list only their names & the number of years that they have been homeschooled. This will require several consecutive posts. I am making no alterations to their responses, these are their answers just as they responded. It is my hope that for those parents who fear certain repercussions of homeschooling, & for those who feel led to but have yet to make a decision...that these heartfelt, honest answers from a unique perspective will provide you encouragement as well as direction in which to proceed. I have been utterly inspired & awestruck by the blessed! Here we go! 
My first response came from a wonderful, godly young woman. I must say that before I even truly knew her she inspired me with not only her maturity but with her zest for life. I have had the blessing of getting to know Rachel (she gave me leave to use her name), & hope that my daughters grow up to be like her!  Here are her answers to my questions!

1. What is your age & the length of time you have been homeschooled?
* 21 and I was homeschooled for 11 years. 2nd grade through graduation according to the Core 40 of Indiana.
2. Name of any curriculum you have used & your opinion of it
*We used Alpha Omega through most of my schooling, but I loved Saxon for math. I really enjoyed algebra because I could comprehend it according to their curriculum.
3. What are some pros & cons of homeschooling...your true opinions
*Pros: 1) Extreme flexibility. When my grandpa was sick, we were able to pack up all our school and stay in Indianapolis for weeks, therefore being with family for support and comfort, and we stayed caught up. 2) Mom was able to give us all more individual and undivided attention. 3) I am fully confident in my ability to use proper grammar and correct spelling . 4) I wasn’t forced to learn the “morals” of a decaying society. I was taught from a biblical worldview and not tolerance. 5) I personally feel more prepared for life in what God would have me do. I have learned how to live will. It may not be the American dream, but the American dream is an empty lie. 6) I have strong beliefs and convictions that are shared by my peer group and have been reinforced because of how I was raised and taught.
Cons: The only real con is that I didn’t get to blow anything up in chemistry, but that isn’t a real con because chem classes are a part of college, so if I really wanted to take it, it would be available. I don’t feel like there were cons.
4. Do you feel awkward in social situations due to being educated at home?
*Nope. I only feel more mature and very sad when I see young kids walking paths that are not what God intended. I have a wide variety of friends and I get along with most people very well. I can carry on conversations with virtually anyone. The only awkwardness is when people may talk about something inappropriate and I have no idea what it means. That gets kind of awkward  but I am not missing out at all.
5. Do you feel as though you lack (or suffer from) social interaction: friendships, sports, proms, & etc?
*Nope. I played volleyball in the homeschool group, all my friends were homeschooled, and dances never quite interested me because of what goes on during a lot of them. I feel like I was protected from a lot of negative social interaction, especially with boys. I have never had a boyfriend, nor have I been on a date, and I have never felt pressured to impress boys or try to change my state of singlehood.
6. Do you feel as though your parents were equipped or adequate to teach you? 
*Yes. I fully believe that God told my parents to homeschool us and in He honored their obedience and fully prepared and used them for His glory. 2nd Corinthians 3:5-6 says, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” Basically, I see them being normal people who don’t have their teaching licenses, but God made them sufficient for His purposes. Not only in educating us physically, but spiritually as well, in teaching the new covenant and not religious legalism.
7. Parents (mostly moms) fear their ability to command their children's attention or respect. Was this a problem in your experience?
*If parents start out teaching their children first time obedience and respect, then they shouldn’t have a worry about whether their children will show the same obedience and respect in schooling. The parents have to be the ones in control in order to properly train the children. That also prepares them to be obedient to what God is telling them.
8. Do you regret your parents decision to homeschool you?
9. Did homeschooling in any way provoke rebellion or a desire to turn away from your faith?
*No. If anything, it strengthened it. I have an awesome support system that has always been here for me and has always reaffirmed and supported and encouraged me.
10. Would you consider homeschooling your current/future children?
*Without a doubt. I don’t want my children learning that “alternate” lifestyles are acceptable. I want to teach them to stand firmly on the Bible. I don’t want to subject them to bullying, immature “romance”, cussing, drinking, drugs, disrespect, etc. as something that is the norm, because it’s not. As followers of Jesus, supernatural things should be the norm. I want my kids to rise above the decay of our society and walk in boldness and truth and purity.
Sorry about the novel I’ve written, Brianne! I hope it makes sense. I am honored that you are asking us all about this. I’ve been graduated from highschool for almost 4 years. I went to VU for a year and there was no hard transition or anything. I did well in my classes and I made friends there, as well. I have held the same job for almost 4 years and I interact with the public on a daily basis. Homeschooling isn’t the enemy at all. Fear of failure is an enemy. I struggled with that before starting college, but God quickly dealt with that one. He gives the ability to match the occasion. He can do anything. He is so very faithful and patient with me. Thank you again for this opportunity! If there’s anything I can help with, let me know!! I don’t care if you drop names either. I’m proud of the way my parents raised me. I don’t want a career, but I want to love and live well. They taught me about real life. I don’t know everything yet, but they taught me how to learn and listen and wait on Jesus. That is completely invaluable to me Be blessed!!

Countdown to Christmas & the Event Itself!

Thanksgiving is the beginning of our advent season. Each year as the Darlings get older, we are able to more & more teach them of the meaning behind the holidays. 
 This year I made the girls Turkey shirts to wear on Thanksgiving. I'm glad we got this picture because within 15 minutes of getting to Granny's each shirt was bombarded with stains.
 Each year after Thanksgiving we go to a local tree farm & pick the perfect Christmas tree! This year there was no lack of opinions, but finally we found one that was 'just right'!
 This year our family hosted a birthday party for Jesus! His theme was 'Hearts Under Construction' to remind us that the reason for his birth was to complete a work in our hearts so that we might have relationship with him.
 Signs to remind us of that connection between Cradle & the Cross

 My favorite mantle yet! The Christmas Tree & Cross both on display together :o)
 Great Grandma & Pap came over for the 2nd annual Gingerbread House!
 Christmas morning was wonderful. I was impressed by our girls. They took their time opening their gifts & fully appreciated each one.
 The darn flash made it hard to get a picture of Belles & Whistles with her eyes open, but this was a precious first Christmas for our little one!
 The two oldest darlings shared a big gift this year, & I have to say their castle was a hit!
 My beloved Lone Ranger with our littlest darling!
Sweet & Sassy wouldn't cooperate for a picture, but these two did!
Christmas brought with it a blizzard! We had 10 & a half inches here & it sure made the day after Christmas exciting!
Goldilocks was awfully proud of her snow angel :o)

It has been a season of abundant blessings with Jesus as the greatest one of all!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Davidson Christmas Letter

Davidson Christmas Letter

In lieu of the traditional Christmas card, in protest of the cost, & because it's impossible to limit our list of recipients, our Christmas letter will be a little different this year...welcome to the Christmas Post!
To look back over the last year & to sum it up in a nutshell, I would say that this year has been one of Hope.
We serve a Savior whose very birth was the greatest gift of Hope one could ever receive, & this year the Davidson's have received that gift in countless ways...
The arrival of our third Darling was most certainly the greatest symbol of Hope we received this year. Indeed her very name exemplifies that. Isabella Hope Davidson entered this world on May 7, 2012. After a rough pregnancy & several scares, the Lone Ranger & I could not have been happier or more relieved to have our little Belles  & Whistles here safe & sound. She has added such joy, love, & yes, hope to our lives! We endeavored to soak in the precious days of having a baby in the house again, but this tiny girl has grown far too quickly! Eager to play with her big sisters, Isabella is not content to sit by & watch their activities. Crawling & pulling up are her latest achievements, & with no sign of stopping until she can keep up with them, Belles & Whistles is determined to walk, run, & get in on the action! Vocal like Abigail, feisty like Jordyn, & full of personality all her own, our third darling is a wonderful addition to our family! This precious gift from the Lord is a constant reminder of the meaning behind her name, 'Our God is a Promise of Hope'...indeed He is!
If Isabella was our great gift of Hope, Jordyn's health has certainly had us clinging to it. This poor little lady has been through the wringer this year! Eight consecutive ear & throat infections resulted in surgery to insert ear tubes as well as to remove her tonsils & adenoids. A traumatic night in the hospital & a rough recovery finally seemed to bring our Sweet & Sassy some semblance of health. A couple of months ago we discovered that in addition to those maladies, our girl was also having trouble seeing. An optometrist visit & a pair of glasses has set that to rights! Cute as a button in her glasses & seeing clearly for the first time, Jordyn is happier & healthier than ever. Our second born is full of spunk & sass but also the picture of sweetness...when she wants to be! Jordyn has embraced the role of big sister, & has Isabella's complete admiration. Sweet & Sassy keeps us on our toes, but we wouldn't have her any other way. As we have watched our spitfire grow, mature, & change from baby to toddler, we cannot help but know we chose well when we picked her name. 'God's Promises Flow Down'....Indeed they do!
Abigail Grace has transformed from toddler to little girl this year. She's an old soul & has an amazing sense of intuitiveness. Her imagination takes her far beyond our little corner of the world. Princesses, dress up, baby dolls, & bossing her sisters are her favorite past times. Goldilocks, as we like to call her, is an incredible big sister & little mother. She desires to serve & to do right. Abigail is full of questions & wants answers...real answers. I must admit that she often catches me off guard with her pondering, & I most certainly do not always have the right answers! With the precious faith of a child, she has asked Jesus to live in her heart...Praise the Lord! As I watch my first born grow & become a little lady after God's heart, my hope for her future soars! In the new year, we will begin our journey of homeschooling, & I cannot wait to see how Abigail blossoms with focused instruction. Abigail Grace truly is 'Her Father's (& Mother's) Joy'...Indeed She is!

 John has had the honor of preaching in several churches as well as continuing to help lead a youth mission in a nearby town. The Summer brought drought...another great reminder of Hope, & the Fall yielded the busiest season to date for the family trucking company. We were sincerely grateful to have work when so many did not. The Lone Ranger juggles the four of us ladies with grace & with ease. He is in high demand in our household! Late Fall & early Winter found John in the deer stand several times, though not nearly as often as he would have liked. The girls' & I will endeavor to give him more much needed alone time next year! My year has been one full of ups & downs. A rocky pregnancy with periodic bed rest was well worth it when Isabella safely arrived. Four months after having her, I completed a 5k obstacle course called the Rugged Maniac. In the Spring I began a blog to encourage women, & I have found myself immensely blessed by this outlet. I have entered a new season of life, & the Father has laid heavily upon my heart the desire to be a Proverbs 31 Woman. My days are filled to overflowing with being a stay-at-home mom, & I'm so thankful that the Lone Ranger's hard work allows me this honor. I am eager to begin our homeschooling journey in the new year, & to train up our daughters in the way they should go. The Lone Ranger & I are grateful for each & every day we have with one another & with the darlings. Our greatest goal is to serve the Lord & to bring glory to His name in all that we do...Indeed that is our greatest Hope!

May you be blessed this Christmas season & in the new year that is to come!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Was Blind But Now I See...

A couple of months ago Sweet & Sassy had her 2 year check up & all went swimmingly except one girl had a case of the squints. Doc noticed that she squinted quite a bit & combined with a few of my own concerns, her fate was set. Sweet & Sassy had to go to the optometrist. After the traumatizing dilation of her eyes & being pinned down to get a good look, the diagnosis was confirmed, our darling needed glasses. Sweet & Sassy has astigmatisms in each eye for both her near & far sighted vision. She'll need visual aid forever. This realization brought a new awareness to us. Our poor girl has probably never seen things clearly. She has probably suffered from near constant headaches due to the strain of trying to focus. Yesterday Sweet & Sassy got her new glasses. I was not prepared for the impact that it had upon her. As we left the optometrist office, my darling nearly broke her neck craning this way & that to look around. She squealed with excitement as she pointed out things that we had seen a thousand times before. 'Mama, Look!" she called & gestured as we made our way through the grocery store. On the way home I took the Darlings to see Christmas lights & nearly wept at the wonder in Sweet & Sassy's little voice. She could see...really see. I had been prepared to fight her to keep her glasses on, but to my astonishment she did not ask once to take them off. She knew that the way she could see now was so much better than the way she had seen before. Even her behavior was altered. My high strung wild child was of a sweet nature all day long...has been that way all today. The glasses & impact they have had upon her vision seems to have changed my girl in countless ways.
I find no irony in the fact that my post earlier this week was of God's Amazing Grace that Saved a Wretch Like Me... Abba works that way. He has used Sweet & Sassy's eyesight & correction of it to remind me of the second part of that beloved song. "I once was lost, but now am found. Was Blind, but now I see." Prior to wearing her glasses, Sweet & Sassy had no idea that her vision was blurred. She had no way of knowing that the headaches were a result of poor eyesight. Until the moment that the prescription in the lens allowed her to see clearly, she was unaware that things could look any different than what she'd always known. The moment the glasses went on, a change occurred. I could see it on her face, & yes in her eyes. It was evidenced in her demeanor, in her voice, & in her behavior. Beloved ones before we accept salvation, we have skewed vision. Without evening realizing it, we see through a haze.  So many of our pains & struggles come from that inability to see clearly. When Grace comes along & we embrace it, suddenly we are changed. We see with new eyes...with the vision that Abba reveals to us. That change is (or should be) evident in our demeanor, in our voice, & in our behavior. Before we receive His love, we are blind... Blind to Who We Really Are & the Impact of that...but with Grace comes sight...Insight into Who He Is & the Impact of that...
For the last 24 hrs I have been awestruck & emotional as I watch my daughter embrace her new perspective, & I have been reminded anew how much I need Abba's vision & perspective in my life...of how much I want to see this world & the things beyond through His eyes. The transformation that comes when we leave behind our sinful perspective & embrace His righteous vision is...well, it's Amazing...Amazing Grace! Be Blessed this Day!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Are You Wretched?

Yesterday I wrote of every woman's desire for Fairy Tale Love & of God's predestined plan to create that desire within her. I created my own little ditty in an effort to show that Jesus is the Rescuer that every Damsel in Distress is waiting for. (If you didn't read that post but would like to, cop & paste this address:)

Within my story I described how the princess reaches a point of hopelessness, a point of realization that perhaps she will never be rescued & indeed might not be worthy of it...perhaps that sentiment struck you as odd? In most Fairy Tales the Damsel, Princess, Scullery Maid, or whoever the Fair Lady be is of fine character. She generally is a young woman of high moral principle & of integrity. She exudes wonderful qualities such as kindness, selflessness, & can be assumed that these delightful traits in fact contribute to her beauty. If was asked of her "is this lady a good person?" & the proper answer would be a hardy "Yes." Can it therefore be assumed that if our Fair Lady is good that when distress comes the Damsel is then deserving of rescue? More simply: Does her goodness maker her worthy of a Knight in Shining Armor?

I venture to say that if most of us were to examine ourselves (our actions, our words, & the fruits they produce) that we conclude that for the most part we are good. We try to do what is right. We try to be kind. We hold ourselves to a certain standard & strive to achieve it. When compared to serial killers, indeed we appear to be very good. What am I getting at?  My fear is that our conclusion that we are 'good' leaves us feeling somehow worthy of Abba's Grace. My trepidation is that when we begin to see ourselves as 'for the most part' good that we cease to see ourselves as sinners...and when we lose sight of that fact that we are sinners, we begin to become something more in our eyes. Without realizing it (I do not believe this is anyone's intention), but subconsciously when we lose sight of the fact that we are wretched, we can very easily lose the proper wonder that is due to the Grace we have been granted. You see, if a Damsel is deserving of a Prince then it is not nearly so wondrous that she gets one...she was worthy of him. He is her due reward, but can I ever be so good as to be worthy of Jesus living & dying for me? Can I ever be of high enough character to have Grace be my just reward? When we become callous to the precious, selfless, undeserved gift of Salvation, we begin to take it for granted, and when we take for granted the extreme sacrifice of Abba & His son, how can we truly be in accord with Him? Why am I concerned with this you might be wondering...well let me tell you.

We live in a culture & in a world that would have us be the gods of our own universe. We live in a society that is full of the concept of entitlement. We deserve a job & a good paying one at that. We deserve a nice house & car & clothes & computers & games & the list goes on. On top of all the materials good that we feel we merit, we also want accolades & praise for achieving those things. Christians are no different, we often just word it differently & pretend to give the glory to God all the while joining Him on the podium for the praise. Notice Me. Admire Me. Envy Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me. I'm not exaggerating. This is not merely the concepts of a secular nation & world, but the plot of Satan to diminish God's grace & our need for it. When we feel entitled & worthy of...well you name it, we lose our boundary. So perhaps we do deserve a roof over our heads & food on the table, but where does the sense of entitlement end? If I deserve a luxurious life, do I also deserve a man to be brutalized & murdered for my sake? My fear sisters & brothers, is that Satan has not only won over the bulk of the world to this concept, but that He is slowly numbing the Church to the extreme gift of God's Grace. When we begin to have such a high opinion of ourselves, we no longer feel wretched. When we no longer feel wretched ,we no longer feel the need for His Amazing Grace.
My intent is not that anyone walk away from this post feeling stepped upon or hope is merely that we can keep in perspective that no matter how good we are that at our best we are still far from worthy of Jesus...When we remember that, we will remain in awe of His gift....we will remain grateful....we will remain in passionate love with Him.  We know from scripture that no one is good:
Romans 3:11-12
'There is no one righteous, no not even one; there is no one who understands, there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one."
But if that isn't enough to convince us that we are wretched, here's a Wretched Test:
1. Have you ever lied? Even once counts...
2. Have you ever stolen? Even something small & cheap counts...
3. Have you ever spoken God's name disrespectfully?
4. Have you ever wanted something someone else has?
5. Have you ever looked upon someone with lust? (Matthew 5:28)
6. Have you ever been more worried about missing a football game (submit your interest) than praying or reading the Bible?
7. Have you ever worked on the Sabbath?
8. Have you ever been angry with someone? (Matthew 5:22)
9. Ever spoken disrespectfully of or to your parents?

The answer of Yes to these would make you a : Liar, Thief, Blasphemer, Coveter, Adulterer, Idolater, Murderer, & well there's no fancy word for a disrespectful person so I guess Rude will have to do.
Friends, I am all of these things.  I am Wretched. I am in sore need of Amazing Grace...time & time again. The beauty of the love story that I wrote about yesterday is that I am a Damsel in distress isn't the typical trials of life, but that I am wretched & unworthy of Rescuing. That dire situation makes Abba's love story all the more intense. My Hero rescues me because even though I am unworthy, I am of priceless worth to Him! Now don't think that because we are unworthy & because we are not good that that somehow gives us an excuse not to try to be...if My Prince chooses to ransom me to be His make me an heiress to His make me a daughter of the King of Kings...well Honey, you can be darn sure that I am going to spend every day of my life trying to bring Glory to the Family Name! Please be let this be an encouragement today. Please take this not as condemnation but as the re-establishing of clear perspective & as a humbling re-awareness of the precious gift of salvation.  I am, a Damsel in Distress....I am unworthy of my Hero, but I am so humbled by & thankful for His Rescue...I am thrilled & anxious to make my citizenship in His Kingdom one that bears fruit.

Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound, That Saved a Wretch Like Me...
Be Blessed Beloved Ones...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Romance & A Damsel in Distress

There are 2 things that melt the feminine heart quicker than anything: Romance & Babies. What woman, or girl for that matter, doesn't delight in a good love story? Be it an age old fairy tale or a modern day novella, we females just have a hankering for romance. The setting & names of characters change from story to story, but the plot, climax, & resolution are always the same...a woman, most always 'a damsel in distress' (even if she doesn't realize she's distress), needs rescuing...the kind of rescuing that only a hero, a knight in shining armor can provide...that rescuing (sometimes physical, but always an emotional deliverance) most typically has the hero (a man of integrity, both gallant & chivalrous) swooping in at the most dire moment to save the damsel from a most fearsome fate. The result of this great deliverance is, of course, an affection of epic proportions...a passionate, love-at-first-sight, happily-ever-after still my beating heart! Deny it all you want...but I am willing to wager that the vast majority of women get the same kind of rush when hearing such a story....and want such a story for themselves...a real live fairy tale.

Don't be shameful of such a were created by the Author of Love to want such a romance, & the truth of the matter is there is a glorious love story being written with you as the heroine...the princess, the damsel in distress! My preference is a historical romance so humor me & picture this scene...

Trapped in a great stone tower, surrounded by a vast fortress, was the  beautiful Princess _______ (insert your name here)...  
So great were the barriers entrapping her that she despaired of ever being free...truly free. Her one solace was a shred of hope...perhaps one day she would be rescued. Day in and day out the princess became more melancholy, smothered in the fear that she would always be captive to wretchedness...
There came a day when all hope was gone, when Princess _______ yielded to the truth...she would never be rescued...indeed she probably did not even deserve to be. That realization sent the princess spiraling into despair, & it was at this dire moment that hope became more than a became reality. In her desolate state, the princess had not noticed the ruckus below her tower...she had not heard the clink of swords striking one another or the grunt of effort from battling men. Through her tears & sobbing...awareness rose...something was amiss. She stumbled to the window & stared astonished at the scene below.

 A man had breached the walls of the fortress. He had struck down her captors, & he was relentlessly fighting...fighting for HER! From somewhere deep within hope sprang forth anew. On pins & needles she watched, breathless as this hero fought valiantly to rescue her. By the time the final obstacle had been overcome it was clear that the man was wounded...mortally so. With his last ounce of strength, he laid himself before her feet...his final words were an offering of the most precious, hard earned gift...She was free at last. This man, who owed her nothing, had fought to the death to release her from set her overcome obstacles that she herself could not conquer. He gave his life to do so...Her heart broke in bittersweet agony. She was finally free...but her liberation had come at such a cost. In her wildest dreams of rescue, the conclusion had never been this....but surely this, this sacrifice of life for her sake, for her salvation, was love....

Abba wrote a love story for each of us, dear sisters. He authored an account so rich in passion,so full of  romance...that no work of fiction could rival it. We are indeed damsels in dire need of rescuing. Without a hero, we are entrapped by a fortress of sin, ensconced in a miry pit that we are incapable of escaping on our own. We need a rescuer...a hero...a Savior...and the Author of Love provided one...
Remember the second thing that women adore?  Babies. Our hero, our rescuer, our Savior, the Lover of Our Soul, came not as a 'Knight in Shining Armor' but as a tiny, precious baby. He grew into manhood, not in the splendor of a kingdom but through the hardships of a commoner's life. He became a hero not cloaked in fine armor, but in humility. He fought for & won our rescue not by the sword, but the the laying down of His life. Our freedom cost Him everything. So often in love stories the hero is rich, wealthy, & powerful, but in this love story the Hero gave all that up, humbled himself in order to become common. He left a Kingdom & a King to become flesh. He willingly sacrificed it all to rescue rescue you. We need not open the pages of a novel nor watch a movie to have a taste of earth shattering love...we need only accept the precious gift of Life that was offered to us that long ago Christmas morn...a baby, a hero in tiny form, a deity humbled...broken, beaten, & murdered to rescue us. What greater romance is there than Agape (selfless) Love? It is no coincidence that our hearts long for love...that we tremble at the thought of Love & at the sight of is the natural reaction to being created in His is the proof that His love story is the Master Plan & that we have always had a role within it. We are guaranteed a Happily-Ever-After (Eternal Life) if we but embrace that gift, accept it & open it. Our salvation has come, we are rescued! I cannot read a romance novel or watch a chick flick without thinking of Christmas...without realizing that the greatest love story of all was not fiction, but truth, was not an imagining, but reality...without realizing that it is not about some made up character but of a hero in infant form.

Even as I write this my darlings are twirling around the living room, draped in their dress up gowns, & singing Disney songs of love...their hearts are hardwired to crave this romance...not far away their baby dolls are tucked in for a 'nap' & it is clear that even little ladies are already innately embracing the roles that Abba has written upon their hearts. It is my prayer that as Christmas approaches that we would make the connection of baby & hero, of love story & our role within it. It is my heart that we would accept our position as damsels in distress, to acknowledge that without him we are indeed in that hour of desperation, & that we would accept the precious offering of deliverance. If we have already embrace & opened that gift, my heart is that we would be reminded of this precious love, & that it would become new & real once again. Christmas is important because of Easter. The Hero, The Rescuer, The Savior began as a wee babe. My heartstrings are tugged...are yours?
Be Blessed!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Growing Pains

A little before midnight I awakened to the heart wrenching sound of sobbing. Sweet & Sassy, clutched her beloved Piggy, blubbered incoherently, & in vain I attempted to discover the reason for her apparent misery. My second born has a cry that creates seismic activity, the pitch & the volume of it are so extreme. The Lone Ranger & I bolted into action, knowing that her weeping could soon have the other darlings awake & crying as well. We went through the usual list of questions. Bad dream? Did something scare you? What hurts? Finally (after what seemed like hours) we learned the source of her woe. Through mumbled words & in between the hiccups of sobs, Sweet & Sassy conveyed that her "wegs hurt"....Here I must pause to give due credit to my husband, as he was far more on top of things than I. As soon as our girl uttered "wegs", the Lone Ranger instantly knew that she was enduring the angst of growing pains, & I have to admit that at 4'10", I have never experienced them for myself...Once we knew the source of the problem, discovering what to do to ease her discomfort was another matter. Tylenol was a given, but as we waited for it to take effect, our parent's hearts were breaking as we watched our little one suffer. Big crocodile tears streamed from her eyes as she looked at us with expectation. Clearly written upon her face was the anticipation that we would take away the affliction...and now. My precious husband picked up our daughter, cradled her to his chest, & in a soothing voice explained to her that he too had endured this pain when he was a little boy. He told her how it was a sign that she was growing, becoming a big girl, & that while it hurt so badly right now by tomorrow morning she would feel all better & be bigger because of it. To my astonishment (& admiration), his explanation eased her crying a bit. The sobs turned to sniffles, & my husband relinquished our little lady to my arms. I began to rub the back of her knees, her calves, & her feet. The medicine & massage did their job and soon Sweet & Sassy was able to drift off to sleep. True to the Lone Ranger's word this morning my precious girl bounded into the living room, blissfully recovered from the trauma of the night....I daresay that she does look a little taller  :o)

In the wee hours of the morning, Abba reminded me of the growing pains I experience in my faith. As I journey through life from time to time aches arise. Conviction on a matter, trials & tribulation, misunderstandings, & even the simple worries of life often create a tenderness that leaves me stinging. In the midst of the affliction I am raw & emotional. I wonder why these things have to happen, & why my Abba allows it. Last night He spoke through my beloved husband to remind me. The pains are a sign of my spiritual growth...indeed the lack of them would be a sign that I was not growing as I should. While I am hurting it is difficult see past the pang, to see it for what it is...a symbol of deepening faith. Just as my daughter became incoherent in her agony, so do I lose myself in the angst of a situation. The muscles, tendons, & other anatomical matter of a child are stretched & strained to create room for growth, & perhaps this is where the correlation of my analogy ends. A child did nothing to warrant the pain of growing, & they can do nothing but endure it until it passes, but for adults & the growing pains of faith it’s a bit different. Here are a few reasons for spiritual growing pains & remedies for handling them:

1. Spiritual Warfare
:  Increasing, deepening, influential faith is the greatest threat to Satan, & he will do his utter best to halt its progress. Spiritual manifests itself in any number of ways from minor annoyances to perpetual sickness, to extreme trials & persecution.
     Remedy:  Cloak yourself in the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)   
                      "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."
 When Spiritual Warfare comes, be prepared to fight the battle. Take heart in knowing that if you are enduring Spiritual Warfare it is because Satan views you as a worthy foe. If he is taking time to cause you trouble that can only be because you are having a positive impact for the Kingdom....and that's a good thing! You must be doing something right!

2. Conviction: Abba brings to light sin within our lives. The revelation of that sin stings & results in many emotions: shame, embarrassment, self-consciousness to name a few. It leaves us in the place of needing to repent & to change our ways. Conviction is uncomfortable at best...agonizing would probably be a more apt description. 
     Remedy: There is only one effective way to alleviate the pangs of conviction: Repent, Believe, & Turn. Sincerely, wholeheartedly Repent (to feel regret, to change thinking) to the Lord & to any against whom the offense was committed.  “From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near." (Matthew 4:17)  Believe, 'being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.' (Philippians 1:6) The third step of Repentance is to Turn & to amend our stop the sin & do what is right. “Now it’s time to change your ways! Turn to face God so he can wipe away your sins,pour out showers of blessing to refresh you, and send you the Messiah he prepared for you."(Acts 3:19)

3. Revelation of Abba's Strength:  The fall of man originated from the misconception that we are capable of being godlike. One bite of fruit made terribly clear that we are not as smart as Abba nor as powerful as He is, yet we often still need reminding of that some 6,000 years later. The weakness that initiated sin in the first place still creates growing pains today. For whatever 
reason we are guilty of the presumption that we can outwit the Master Plan or re-orchestrate our lives & God-given, free will allows this 'stinking thinking' to play out...ultimately manifesting itself in predicaments of our own making. If we are honest with ourselves nearly all of the dramas, troubles, & stresses of our lives are direct effects of our own stupidity, & Abba allows us to suffer the consequences to teach us a lesson: He alone is omniscient (all-knowing),  omnipotent (all-powerful), & omnipresent (all-present)...He allows it so that we might be humbled.
      Remedy: Be mindful of our smallness in the grand scheme of who He is! When we become gods in our own minds, when we exalt other people & objects into idols...He will remind us who is Boss.
"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12:9-11)
"But it is for this very reason that I have kept you alive — to show you my power, and so that my name may resound throughout the whole earth." (Exodus 9:16)

4. Consequence of a Fallen World:  Problems, struggles, opposition, sickness, & so on are normal repercussions of living in a sinful world. When people walk to the beat of their own drum, when they live with their own pleasure & gain at the forefront of their minds, when they pursue their own will no matter the consequence to themselves or others bad things will most certainly happen. As a people, as a culture, & as a church we are often guilty of blaming God for these miry pits we find ourselves in when the truth is we dive into them head first. Growing pains are very often just direct results of poor choices...of sin.
     Remedy:  Be a disciple of Christ, make disciples of Christ. Until the time of Christ's return or until we breathe our last, we will be living in this desolate world & we will suffer from the consequences of sin. The greatest thing we can do is to make wise use of the time Abba has granted & to do our best to have as much impact for the Kingdom as possible. We can also strive to handle our growing pains in a way that is glorifying to the Lord. A child handles the raw agony of pain in the the only way she knows how, to thrash about & to cry out, we have options. We should most certainly cry out to Abba when we are hurting, but we should also handle those times with grace & with behavior & actions edifying to Him. We have the assurance that He has already fought & won any battle we might we must enter the fight with the heart of a champion & conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of His esteem. The Lone Ranger's favorite scripture pertains to this:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

I am certain that I have missed reasons for why we endure growing pains...this is a rudimentary synopsis at best, but I hope that it has been an eye opening encouragement to view the tender situations of your life for what they are...evidence of a life lived for the glory of the Lord. Be encouraged! The more aware you are of the pain, the more you see it for what it is, the more you can be certain that you are indeed growing in faith! Just as the Lone Ranger lovingly & tenderly explained to Sweet & Sassy the reason for her discomfort, so does your Abba do the same for you...John 15 is a precious passage to me & I will close by posting it in it's entirety...if you have read this post this far, please do not close out until you have read that scripture. Your Abba loves you, & He allows you to endure growing pains so that you might draw near to Him, & most importantly He abides with you through that pain.  Be Blessed this Day & Continue to Grow!     
*The bolded verses in the passage are my doing
John 15
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.4Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.5I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.9“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14You are my friends if you do what I command. 15I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17This is my command: Love each other."

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Red & Yellow, Black & White: International Readers

"Red & Yellow, Black & White, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world!"

 This post has been on my heart for awhile, but I have been hesitant to write it for several reasons...primarily that I do not want to come across as proud or arrogant. Abba has persisted in impressing it upon me to write so I will be obedient & pray that my intentions come through clearly.  A feature of this website it that it allows the writer to see where her/his readers are (no worries, not a specific location). Through this I have discovered that to my astonishment there are readers if this blog world wide, but primarily (other than those of you who know me personally) in the middle East. I intentionally will not list the countries specifically as I do not know the degree to which certain monitoring & resulting persecution could occur. Since discovering this, my heart has been drawn to reach out specifically to those readers. This post is for you.

I want you to know that I am blessed & humbled to know that you, sisters & brothers, have read what I have to say. My greatest prayer is that this blog has been a blessing to you & has been a true representation of Christ's love. There are those of you reading this that could face consequences for reading this, at the least it would be frowned upon, but in some places the consequences could be far greater. My heart is that this blog be a place for you to receive the truth of God's love & grace. I want to give you my word that I will not take lightly the posts that I write, & to assure you that I will do my best to research God's word & be certain of it's truthful application. I know that for some of you the practice of Christianity, the owning & using of a Bible, & the mention of Jesus is dangerous...that for some of you this is one of the only ways to receive spiritual nourishment. I want to serve you. I want to bless you. I want to reach into your heart & your life to show you the truth of Jesus. There is a way of commenting anonymously on the blog...if you ever have a need, a question, or something that I can address for you & you feel comfortable asking, I'd be honored to do my best to seek out the answers. This blog was began as a guide to women about the journey of becoming a Proverbs 31, godly, righteous woman...the intent is still that, but it has also become more. It has become an opportunity for women worldwide to band together in the quest of being who God wants us to be. For women everywhere, be it in the West or the East, this means unraveling the web of lies that we have been force fed about being "successful, beautiful, & good." Our cultures & their expectations are different, but sisters we are striving towards the same goal. Some have more to lose, more at stake than others....those of you who risk persecution, I want you to know how ardently I admire your willingness to pursue righteousness, & I want you to know that you will be in my prayers.

I learned the words to that song even before I can remember doing so, & certainly before I was aware that the colors were referenced to ethnicity & race. Proverbs 31 Women, we may never know one another's names, but indeed we are sisters of the heart...pursuers of the ultimate goal in Christ, & it is my fondest hope that if only through prayer alone that we will walk through life supporting one another.

Women, we who have the freedom to do as we like, when we like, & how we like, I ask that we band together in prayer for these sisters who do not have that same freedom. Keep them in your thoughts & in your hearts.  I pray that this is not viewed as a tooting of my own horn, but as an acknowledgement that God can use a simple blog to reach into places that He is not welcome. Sisters of my heart, Be Blessed this Day!

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. -Galatians 3:28

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Power of Pinterest

A new phenomena has taken hold. It has become a world-wide craze, obsession even. It's known as Pinterest. I'm sure many of you are users of this incredible website, most at least have heard of it, but for those rare few of you still unfamiliar with the wonder that is Pinterest, let me acquaint you...this marvelous creation is a cyber bulletin board. Have you ever found an awesome website, only to never be able to find it again? Pinterest eliminates that problem! Ever searched & searched & searched for something but never really found what you've been looking for? Search no more! Pick a topic, any topic, & want to know how to do it, where to find it, or what is the best? Pinterest will have the answers. It's a marvel for sure. It allows a person to create various bulletin boards & then to 'pin' websites to those boards. Once pinned, you know exactly where to go to find it. The OCD in me was delighted to know that I could have limitless boards so of course my Pinterest account is broken into minute categories. Even more amazing is that it allows you to view other people's bulletin boards. It's a vast network for anything you'd ever want to know. It's popularity has exploded, & as I said it's become a worldwide phenomenon. The other day I 'pinned' a tutorial on hairbow making only to discover it was in Dutch...but I am fairly certain I could find a 'pin' on how to decipher foreign 'pins'...yeah, it's that awesome. I promise I am going somewhere with all of this...

So the other day I was meandering through Pinterest recipes & happened upon one called 'Pumpkin Lust Cake.' Needless to say the name alone deemed it worthy of 'pinning' on my Recipes board. As I was making my grocery list I decided that 'Pumpkin Lust Cake' must be our weekly dessert, & so I went to the Recipes board, found that particular 'pin', clicked on it, & Voila I was staring at the recipe. I added the ingredients to my shopping list, & off I went to town. Two boxes of Pumpkin Spice Pudding were top on the list & so off I went in search of it. The website said it was a seasonal item, & suggested stocking up (a piece of advice I should have heeded). Later on in the week I made Pumpkin Lust Cake & let me tell you that name couldn't be more appropriate! It was divine! One taste of it & I knew that it would be perfect for Thanksgiving dinner. This week when making my grocery list I added Pumpkin Spice Pudding to my list, & off I went to town. I headed to the holiday section, right where I had found to last time, only to discover it was completely sold out. I was more than a little bummed, but quickly realized I could ask my mom to pick some up in her hometown. It wasn't long until she called me back to say that her local grocery store was also sold out...and now it had become a mission. There had to be Pumpkin Spice Pudding somewhere! She ran across town to another store only to be told that they had received a case that morning, but that a lady had just bought it...that's right the entire case! Things had just stepped up a notch. My persistent mother called the other grocery store in town to see if they had the evasive item, & was informed that they had just gotten a shipment in! As soon as she hung up she headed that way to stock up (if I had heeded the 'pinner's' advice in the first place, I wouldn't be on such a scavenger hunt!)...I haven't heard back from her so I am assuming she was able to purchase the pudding. Anyways, back to my point, all of this got me to thinking....I'd be willing to bet cold, hard cash that what has transpired is that countless people pinned the same recipe I did. I'd wager that they discovered just how delicious & irresistible Pumpkin Lust Cake is & that they wanted it for Thanksgiving dinner too! One woman pinned a recipe for pure Heaven in a pie, & suddenly Pumpkin Spice Pudding is disappearing just as quickly as it hits the shelves. That is powerful! As usual this led me to deeper matters. If a lone recipe is having that much impact on pudding, just imagine all the billions of other recipes, tutorials, ideas, crafts, & etc. that people are sharing, partaking in, making, & so on just because of one website. Needless to say it's a given that the economy has received a boost from it, but more importantly then that think of how much impact that has on people's lives, time, finances, & so on. This one website has revolutionized countless people's lives...that's a potent & significant thing.

Why is it, sisters & brothers, that we allow a cyber bulletin board to so greatly impact our lives, yet we are reticent to let Jesus do the same?  Why are we quick to devote our time, our attention, our money, our excitement, & our emotion to a website, but we are unwilling to offer the same to the Lover of our Soul? How can a networking of ideas create a sensation that is spreading like wildfire, sending shock wave's around the world, yet the message of the Cross...the knowledge that we are saved by Grace be considered mundane? Why am I willing to do what it takes, go to countless stores in various towns, to track down Pumpkin Spice Pudding, but I am hard pressed to take the time to get into God's word & spend time seeking Him.Why does the discovering of DIY projects, craft tutorials, & new recipes get me excited, get my blood to pumping, but the thought of creating disciples & of having an impact for the Kingdom neglect to create motivation & inspiration. If we are honest with ourselves, many of us would have to admit that this marvel of a website receives more of us than our Abba does. I am convicted this morning! The Power of Pinterest is astounding, but the omnipotence of the Creator of Heaven & Earth, the Author of Life, the Giver of Grace, of our Abba Father well that is inconceivable...and perhaps that is why we do not grant Him the credence He deserves...because we cannot truly bring into comprehension the awesomeness of the Lord.
Ephesians 3: 17-21

'Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.'

My heart this morning is this, if I cannot grasp the love of God, the magnitude of Christ's sacrifice,the preciousness of the grace that I have received, the importance of my role & responsibility as a believer then I   have far more important things to seek than ideas on a website. Far more consequential than any craft or recipe or diy project or creative idea is that I know, truly know my Abba & that I invest myself in helping others do the same. Bear in mind that I am not saying that Pinterest or partaking in it is a bad thing...I am saying that if it is a higher priority than the deepening of faith then that is wrong. This revelation will have me thinking next time I open the browser & log on to Pinterest. I cringe as I get ready to type...I am praying for conviction to fall upon me if I spend time perusing  & pinning but have not done the same with the Word. I am asking for guilt to be placed on my shoulders if I share the excitement of a 'pin' with others, but not His love. I believe wholeheartedly that He will do this, & I also know that I will be seeking forgiveness on this more than once. I am certain that my faith will be impacted & revolutionized that I am in the wrong if Pinterest has more Power over my life than my Savior does...

Be Blessed Today...