Monday, December 22, 2014

Train Up a Child...How?

As each member of the Gaggle has come along, the Lone Ranger & I have increasingly felt the burden (& the blessing) of how to raise them up in the 'training and instruction of the Lord'. (Ephesians 6:4)

How does one do that? How do you herd up little heathens...keep them calm...keep them still...keep their attention? What do you teach them? Where do you begin? 

The task is daunting! Believing parents' greatest desire...their greatest joy...would be knowing that their children 'walk in the truth'. (3 John 1:4) Our children personally & sincerely accepting the faith is what we all want...but how do we lead them there?

A couple of years ago the Lone Ranger began doing family devotions with the Gaggle before bedtime. In the time since we've tried several tactics, used countless children's Bibles, & mostly wound up feeling defeated. If you've any doubt that your child is indeed a sinner in need of saving, you've only to attempt this feat to rid yourself of such misgiving. We struggled to find something, ANYTHING that would work...that would give any evidence that seeds were being planted. Our kiddos needed more than watered down Bible stories...and we were exasperated. The time that we so intended for good became something that we all dreaded...until my wonderful husband struck upon the perfect teaching tool.

Several months ago the Lone Ranger came home with a skip in his step & a renewed excitement for our devotion time. When I inquired as to the reason for this revitalized outlook he said something about a Catechism. I had not a clue as to what he was talking about. I nodded, agreed, and at the first opportunity sneakily googled the word Catechism. 'Oral Instruction'....that's the definition. A deeper look defined it as this: 'a collection of questions and answers that are used to teach about the Christian religion'. I must admit that I was a little skeptical as to how this would solve our dilemma, but my husband was so full of excitement & had done so much research that I found myself catching his enthusiasm. 

That evening after supper we gathered around the table, & the Lone Ranger asked the Gaggle a question. 'Who made you?' Immediately they answered, 'God made me!'  They were right of course, & it really was as simple as that. From that moment on our devotion time has been different. Each night the Lone Ranger pulls up our catechism, reviews questions & answers from the precious nights, & asks a new one. The Gaggle (& I) memorize the answer. The catechism also has scriptures that support the theology so we check those out as well. We make a game out of seeing who can answer the most questions or answer them the quickest...and the girls LOVE it! I've been astonished by their reaction. Our girls are ages 5, 4, & 2 and each of them (even precocious Belles) participates. Their enjoyment & obvious gain of knowledge would be enough reason to continue but today something occured that further solidified my commitment to this style of instruction.

As a parent have you ever had your kiddo ask you a question...a hard question? Have you ever fumbled for an answer? Have you ever not known what to say, & so you respond with 'ask your dad'? Well that happens to me ALL THE TIME!  The Gaggle would ask me something like, 'Why can't we see God?' And I'd be all like, 'ummmmm....well....hmmmmm....'. That's a good question. It needs a good answer. Now, thanks to our Catechism I have one! The proper answer is this, 'God does not have a body like men'. Our catechism has provided a foundation, a reference point upon which we can turn to for answers. Just today my girls were asking questions about the Trinity & how it works...not long ago I'd have stalled and given some mumbled answer. Today I could remind them of their catechism question: 'Are there more gods than one?' They immediately responded with the answer they'd learned: 'There is only one God.' The question immediately following is this: 'In how many persons does this one God exist?' Again they knew the answer. 'In three persons! The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit.' 

I can't tell you how many times this scenario plays out. Weekly at least, more often daily. Our Gaggle is learning what they believe & why they believe it (and so am I!) As the questions come, so do the answers...and it's such a blessing. I tell you all of this because it's truly changed the dynamic of how we 'train up' our children. (Proverbs 22:6) I tell you this because we have a responsibility & a duty teach God's truth to our kiddos when we 'sit at home and when we walk along the road, when we lie down and when we get up.' (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) We have that calling and it is daunting and overwhelming...but we MUST do it. This catechism has given us a wonderful avenue upon which to be faithful to that responsibility. I share it with you because I hope it'll do the same for you! Below is the link to the catechism that we use. Don't be frightened by your children's age...they are capable! Don't be intimidated baby your lack of knowledge...learn with them! I pray that this will be a lesson you & yours!