Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Red & Yellow, Black & White: International Readers

"Red & Yellow, Black & White, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world!"

 This post has been on my heart for awhile, but I have been hesitant to write it for several reasons...primarily that I do not want to come across as proud or arrogant. Abba has persisted in impressing it upon me to write so I will be obedient & pray that my intentions come through clearly.  A feature of this website it that it allows the writer to see where her/his readers are (no worries, not a specific location). Through this I have discovered that to my astonishment there are readers if this blog world wide, but primarily (other than those of you who know me personally) in the middle East. I intentionally will not list the countries specifically as I do not know the degree to which certain monitoring & resulting persecution could occur. Since discovering this, my heart has been drawn to reach out specifically to those readers. This post is for you.

I want you to know that I am blessed & humbled to know that you, sisters & brothers, have read what I have to say. My greatest prayer is that this blog has been a blessing to you & has been a true representation of Christ's love. There are those of you reading this that could face consequences for reading this, at the least it would be frowned upon, but in some places the consequences could be far greater. My heart is that this blog be a place for you to receive the truth of God's love & grace. I want to give you my word that I will not take lightly the posts that I write, & to assure you that I will do my best to research God's word & be certain of it's truthful application. I know that for some of you the practice of Christianity, the owning & using of a Bible, & the mention of Jesus is dangerous...that for some of you this is one of the only ways to receive spiritual nourishment. I want to serve you. I want to bless you. I want to reach into your heart & your life to show you the truth of Jesus. There is a way of commenting anonymously on the blog...if you ever have a need, a question, or something that I can address for you & you feel comfortable asking, I'd be honored to do my best to seek out the answers. This blog was began as a guide to women about the journey of becoming a Proverbs 31, godly, righteous woman...the intent is still that, but it has also become more. It has become an opportunity for women worldwide to band together in the quest of being who God wants us to be. For women everywhere, be it in the West or the East, this means unraveling the web of lies that we have been force fed about being "successful, beautiful, & good." Our cultures & their expectations are different, but sisters we are striving towards the same goal. Some have more to lose, more at stake than others....those of you who risk persecution, I want you to know how ardently I admire your willingness to pursue righteousness, & I want you to know that you will be in my prayers.

I learned the words to that song even before I can remember doing so, & certainly before I was aware that the colors were referenced to ethnicity & race. Proverbs 31 Women, we may never know one another's names, but indeed we are sisters of the heart...pursuers of the ultimate goal in Christ, & it is my fondest hope that if only through prayer alone that we will walk through life supporting one another.

Women, we who have the freedom to do as we like, when we like, & how we like, I ask that we band together in prayer for these sisters who do not have that same freedom. Keep them in your thoughts & in your hearts.  I pray that this is not viewed as a tooting of my own horn, but as an acknowledgement that God can use a simple blog to reach into places that He is not welcome. Sisters of my heart, Be Blessed this Day!

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. -Galatians 3:28

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Power of Pinterest

A new phenomena has taken hold. It has become a world-wide craze, obsession even. It's known as Pinterest. I'm sure many of you are users of this incredible website, most at least have heard of it, but for those rare few of you still unfamiliar with the wonder that is Pinterest, let me acquaint you...this marvelous creation is a cyber bulletin board. Have you ever found an awesome website, only to never be able to find it again? Pinterest eliminates that problem! Ever searched & searched & searched for something but never really found what you've been looking for? Search no more! Pick a topic, any topic, & want to know how to do it, where to find it, or what is the best? Pinterest will have the answers. It's a marvel for sure. It allows a person to create various bulletin boards & then to 'pin' websites to those boards. Once pinned, you know exactly where to go to find it. The OCD in me was delighted to know that I could have limitless boards so of course my Pinterest account is broken into minute categories. Even more amazing is that it allows you to view other people's bulletin boards. It's a vast network for anything you'd ever want to know. It's popularity has exploded, & as I said it's become a worldwide phenomenon. The other day I 'pinned' a tutorial on hairbow making only to discover it was in Dutch...but I am fairly certain I could find a 'pin' on how to decipher foreign 'pins'...yeah, it's that awesome. I promise I am going somewhere with all of this...

So the other day I was meandering through Pinterest recipes & happened upon one called 'Pumpkin Lust Cake.' Needless to say the name alone deemed it worthy of 'pinning' on my Recipes board. As I was making my grocery list I decided that 'Pumpkin Lust Cake' must be our weekly dessert, & so I went to the Recipes board, found that particular 'pin', clicked on it, & Voila I was staring at the recipe. I added the ingredients to my shopping list, & off I went to town. Two boxes of Pumpkin Spice Pudding were top on the list & so off I went in search of it. The website said it was a seasonal item, & suggested stocking up (a piece of advice I should have heeded). Later on in the week I made Pumpkin Lust Cake & let me tell you that name couldn't be more appropriate! It was divine! One taste of it & I knew that it would be perfect for Thanksgiving dinner. This week when making my grocery list I added Pumpkin Spice Pudding to my list, & off I went to town. I headed to the holiday section, right where I had found to last time, only to discover it was completely sold out. I was more than a little bummed, but quickly realized I could ask my mom to pick some up in her hometown. It wasn't long until she called me back to say that her local grocery store was also sold out...and now it had become a mission. There had to be Pumpkin Spice Pudding somewhere! She ran across town to another store only to be told that they had received a case that morning, but that a lady had just bought it...that's right the entire case! Things had just stepped up a notch. My persistent mother called the other grocery store in town to see if they had the evasive item, & was informed that they had just gotten a shipment in! As soon as she hung up she headed that way to stock up (if I had heeded the 'pinner's' advice in the first place, I wouldn't be on such a scavenger hunt!)...I haven't heard back from her so I am assuming she was able to purchase the pudding. Anyways, back to my point, all of this got me to thinking....I'd be willing to bet cold, hard cash that what has transpired is that countless people pinned the same recipe I did. I'd wager that they discovered just how delicious & irresistible Pumpkin Lust Cake is & that they wanted it for Thanksgiving dinner too! One woman pinned a recipe for pure Heaven in a pie, & suddenly Pumpkin Spice Pudding is disappearing just as quickly as it hits the shelves. That is powerful! As usual this led me to deeper matters. If a lone recipe is having that much impact on pudding, just imagine all the billions of other recipes, tutorials, ideas, crafts, & etc. that people are sharing, partaking in, making, & so on just because of one website. Needless to say it's a given that the economy has received a boost from it, but more importantly then that think of how much impact that has on people's lives, time, finances, & so on. This one website has revolutionized countless people's lives...that's a potent & significant thing.

Why is it, sisters & brothers, that we allow a cyber bulletin board to so greatly impact our lives, yet we are reticent to let Jesus do the same?  Why are we quick to devote our time, our attention, our money, our excitement, & our emotion to a website, but we are unwilling to offer the same to the Lover of our Soul? How can a networking of ideas create a sensation that is spreading like wildfire, sending shock wave's around the world, yet the message of the Cross...the knowledge that we are saved by Grace be considered mundane? Why am I willing to do what it takes, go to countless stores in various towns, to track down Pumpkin Spice Pudding, but I am hard pressed to take the time to get into God's word & spend time seeking Him.Why does the discovering of DIY projects, craft tutorials, & new recipes get me excited, get my blood to pumping, but the thought of creating disciples & of having an impact for the Kingdom neglect to create motivation & inspiration. If we are honest with ourselves, many of us would have to admit that this marvel of a website receives more of us than our Abba does. I am convicted this morning! The Power of Pinterest is astounding, but the omnipotence of the Creator of Heaven & Earth, the Author of Life, the Giver of Grace, of our Abba Father well that is inconceivable...and perhaps that is why we do not grant Him the credence He deserves...because we cannot truly bring into comprehension the awesomeness of the Lord.
Ephesians 3: 17-21

'Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.'

My heart this morning is this, if I cannot grasp the love of God, the magnitude of Christ's sacrifice,the preciousness of the grace that I have received, the importance of my role & responsibility as a believer then I   have far more important things to seek than ideas on a website. Far more consequential than any craft or recipe or diy project or creative idea is that I know, truly know my Abba & that I invest myself in helping others do the same. Bear in mind that I am not saying that Pinterest or partaking in it is a bad thing...I am saying that if it is a higher priority than the deepening of faith then that is wrong. This revelation will have me thinking next time I open the browser & log on to Pinterest. I cringe as I get ready to type...I am praying for conviction to fall upon me if I spend time perusing  & pinning but have not done the same with the Word. I am asking for guilt to be placed on my shoulders if I share the excitement of a 'pin' with others, but not His love. I believe wholeheartedly that He will do this, & I also know that I will be seeking forgiveness on this more than once. I am certain that my faith will be impacted & revolutionized that I am in the wrong if Pinterest has more Power over my life than my Savior does...

Be Blessed Today...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Family Friday

It's that time again already :o) I haven't had a chance to sit down to write today so this might be more brief than usual as it's nearly supper time.

On Tuesday a precious friend of mine & her 3 kiddos came over for a playdate/crafting. Goldilocks was over the moon about getting to play with her bestie. :o) The kiddos had a hayday in the playroom while us mamas made turkey shirts, & it was my first realization of how independent my big girl has become. It was bittersweet to have her do her own thing & not need mama right there. Today while the little darlings were napping, Goldilocks & I put up & decorated the Christmas tree for the big girls' room. This year has been the first that she has anticipated & understood the upcoming holiday. The mother & school teacher in me is so excited to be able to truly teach her the meanings behind these special events that we celebrate.

Sweet & Sassy:
My second little lady enjoyed our playdate also, although she's not too sure she like's sharing Goldilocks' attention. She made her possessive nature clear a couple of times :o) Sweet & Sassy pleasantly surprised me several times this week with encouraging signs that she is learning the character qualities that the Lone Ranger & I are striving to instill. I am learning that the effort & motive are all that matters, & that the execution can be improved later...to clarify, Sweet & Sassy 'help pick up' as she informed me, which really meant she took the toys scattered in the living room & launched them into the playroom, but I was sooo pleased to see her desire to serve. She also 'help Isabella Hope' (she feels the need to call Belles & Whistles by her full name) which meant she dropped a toy on her little sister's face...but once again I just had to rejoice at the sweet side of my sassy girl!

Belles & Whistles:
This baby of mine just amazes me with her tenacity & determination to be a big girl! She's way too interested in table food, & has no interest whatsoever in baby food. She is vastly improved in her sitting up, & has an uncanny ability to get wherever she wants to go by rolling over. I have to say Little Belles & Whistles impresses me with the way she maneuvers her body to go the direction she wants & then gracefully rolls & rolls & rolls until she reaches her destination. The Lone Ranger has been trying to help her learn to crawl, & to my dismay I do believe it is working!

The Lone Ranger:
Things have finally wound down for fertilize season, & so the Lone Ranger no longer has to leave at 4:30 am for work. For the most part he leaves at 7:00 & is home between 5:00 & 6:00. We are blessed to be owners & operators of a family business, & one of the perks is that sometimes he gets to come home for lunch. The Darlings & I have been trying to let Daddy go deer hunting every now & then, & I can tell he is enjoying the chance to do something he wants to do. This week we had 54 kids at our youth ministry, & we truly feel the steady hum of the Holy Spirit moving.

The greatest blessing this week was good news from the cardiologist. Apparently I am abnormally normal, but we have nothing to worry about. God is so good! The 2nd great blessing of the week was that I truly felt like God's hands & feet at our ministry. I am striving to be more intentional about developing relationships with the kids, & I feel like God is honoring that effort...it was humbling & encouraging! My 3rd blessing was some girl time with my friend. Rarely do mommies get to have adult conversation so when we do, we appreciate it! With my bigger girls being more independent & Belles & Whistles conveniently taking naps we were able to craft & converse...it was a priceless & precious afternoon!

This evening we are staying home for some family time, & I am so looking forward to quality moments with the Darlings & my husband. Now I better get to cooking or the quality of that time might suffer a bit!  :o)
Be Blessed!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Darling's Christmas Attire

My Darlings are going to be...well, darling this Christmas! (Says a biased Mama)
Skirts with funky holiday patterns :o)
Little Belles & Whistles Rudolph Onesie :-) I'm going to make her some leg warmers & add some more ribbon I think!
Sweet & Sassy's Shirt
Goldilock's...had to have a pink nose of course!

Add hairbows & leggings & the look is complete!
I'm pretty pleased with how these turned out :o)

If anyone would like a Christmas shirt or outfit for their little Mr. or Miss just let me know!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Family Friday

I am finding that this little weekly tradition of mine is bringing to light how very quickly time is passing! Almost before I can blink it is time to write about another week, & I am discovering how bittersweet it is to watch the Darlings grow. Sentimental thoughts aside, here is our week :o)

I don't usually begin with describing my role in our week, but in an unforseen turn of events I turned our week up on it's ears. Sunday was a wonderful day. The Darlings & I got crafty again & made turkey shirts that were our funnest project yet. They turned out adorable (if I do say so myself) & earned my, "Aw Shoot! That's Cute!" award. We had a laid back week with 3 days in a row just to be at home, & all went swimmingly until Wednesday afternoon. To backtrack a bit I have been having some heart palpitations for several years now but since having the Darlings they have increased in frequency. My mama & Grandma have a congenital heart defect that it was recommended I be tested for at some point. On Wednesday I had a palpitation along with some other symptoms that led to the decision to go to the Emergency Room. I left the Darlings thinking I'd be back shortly only to wind up with an unexpected over night getaway. My EKG tests came back irregular & so the decision was made for me to stay overnight for observation & further testing. I was distraught...mostly about leaving my girls for the night. The only time I am separated from the Darlings & the next one is being born. It was a little traumatic for all of us, but we survived the night a part. On Thursday morning I was released & was able to come home to my ladies. I have an appointment with a cardiologist on Wednesday to find out more about what, if anything, is wrong. I returned home to happy girls & snotty noses as allergies have flared up yet again. Today we are in our pj's taking it easy :o)

 Last Friday the Darlings & I had a spontaneous Fall photoshoot & I have to say I was pretty pleased with the outcome. This picture spoke to my heart because it so clearly shows my eldest daughter's heart. Goldilocks is ever asking questions & ever seeking real answers...not the 'good-enough-to-make-me-stop-asking' answers, but true ones. As I think back over each week's synopsis it seems as though Goldilock's segment is always about those question & answer conversations...I shouldn't be surprised as talking is breathing to this girl of mine. This week her questions were about Heaven. Where is Heaven? Is it in the sky? If Jesus is in Heaven, how can He be in my heart? If God is in Heaven, how can He take care of things? I have to admit I had to tell her to give me a little while to process all of these before I answered, & truthfully I am not sure if she grasped any of what I explained, but we do our best, Goldilocks & I, to solve the riddles of faith together. Her maturity, her compassion, & her sense of integrity often amaze me & convict me to be worthy of her admiration. This week my little episode upset our household, but Goldilocks handled it with stride & with grace. Goldilocks assured me that she would take care of her sisters & help daddy. She was so sincere in her promise that when the girls' Mamaw offered to keep Belles & Whistles overnight, Goldilocks vehemently refused to be separated, citing her promise to Mommy to take care of them. This Mama couldn't be more proud :o)

Sweet & Sassy
I had to share this picture for several reasons...1. It's the look I usually get from my second born. 2. This look is exactly where the Sassy part of her name comes in. 3. Honest pictures are my favorites, even if they aren't the best. This girl of mine is onery as can be, & truthfully I wouldn't have her any other way. We had been on a brief stint of more sweet than sassy, but this week weighed a little more on the sassy side. As I battle each day with this hardheaded girl of mine, there is one thing that becomes more & more clear & gives me more & more hope. When Sweet & Sassy sets her heart & mind upon the Lord, she will be unstoppable & unswayable. This girl does what she sets her mind to & no one is going to stop her. Those qualities that wear me out now will one day be molded into the admirable attributes of a godly woman...I believe that. I look at this picture & I see a fierce little girl who will grow up to be a bold woman, & that excites me!

Little Belles & Whistles
My littlest lady celebrated a milestone this week, but it was overshadowed by her mama's escapade. Belles & Whistles turned 6 months old on Wednesday! I cannot begin that I have already had the pleasure of holding her for that long! She is in the beginning stages of sitting up & of figuring out the motions for crawling. This little one blesses me so! While I was away the other night she wrecked havoc on her daddy's sleep & refused to go to bed since mama wasn't there...kind of nice to know I'm loved :o) She has learned a technique for getting her daddy's attention that we call "the dog whistle". Belles & Whistles emits this ear piercing...nearly unhearable scream that's reserved only for the Lone Ranger. He cannot resist his littlest lady when she sounds so desperate. She might be our most dramatic girl yet. The stinker hears that diesel pickup pull into the driveway & immediately turns her coos into wails as Daddy comes in the door. He rushes over, picks her up, & is rewarded with a grin. We'll have to keep an eye on our Belles & Whistles :o)

The Lone Ranger
Sunday afternoon the Darlings & I shooed our man out the door for some much needed Female-Free time, & so off he went deer hunting. The adventure did not yield prey, but did offer some good alone time. Monday was back to business as usual followed by a trip to the E.R. with his wife on Wednesday. After debating about whether to stay with me in the hospital or whether to return home to the Darlings, we decided they needed him more than I did. My man came home & held down the fort. Belles & Whistles didn't want Daddy to be lonely & so she determined to stay awake until 3:30 a.m. The Lone Ranger set out in the semi at 5:00 & so needless to say he was worn out. Last night was our youth ministry, & the Lone Ranger brought home a good report. The Lord led him into some good conversations, & we have faith that seed was planted. This morning dawned with my man on the road again, & the Darlings & I are eager for an evening home together. After capturing images of the Darlings, I am determined to persuade the Lone Ranger into letting me get a few of him as well. If I am convincing & successful then next week I might have some Daddy-Daughter shots to show you :o)

I pray that your week has been a blessed one, & that the one ahead will be more of the same. :o)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Keeping Christ in Christmas: Traditions, Decorating, & the great Santa Claus debate

Caroling, delicious goodies, stockings, It's a Wonderful Life, multi-colored lights, pine trees...all of those things instantly bring to mind Christmas. In the Christian culture there is a wave of movement towards not celebrating that wonderful holy day...some Christians are starting to become a little green & hairy (like a particular Grinch) about celebrating a 'pagan' holiday, & I can well understand their concern. Christmas in this day & age is more about the unwrapping of gifts & the pouting of lips when one doesn't receive the present one was hoping for. It's about greed & anger that comes when he has more gifts to open than she does.  It's become about how much money is spent, & who has the greatest light display.It's about stress & financial strain. It's about chaotic & weary traveling from one party to another. The day given to celebrate Christ has become all about celebrating us...oh yes there are a multitude of reasons for believers to be concerned with continuing on in the Christmas tradition. For the reasons listed & so many more, some believers are opting out of a secular self-centered day. There's no tree, no presents, no goodies, no lights, no Christmas movies, no caroling....there's no Christmas, & while I understand the attempt to make a stand, I must say that I have wondered what the repercussions of that stand would be.

When children, who have been denied the joy of Christmas, grow up, will there be resentment? Will there be cynicism? Will there be doubt? Will they have a stoic, impersonal, wrathful view of the Lord? Perhaps not, but my fear is that if we cut off acknowledgement of every single event or day that should be Christ-focused but isn't, then we will become a joyless people...a believing people yes, but a people devoid of joy. My fear is that in an attempt to shield our children from secularism that we will make it all the more attractive. I can only imagine what a child who only observes Christmas rather than experiencing it will one day do when left to their own devices. Rather than eliminate the celebration of holidays, (which by the way derives from holy-days) my perspective is that we should celebrate them in abundance...in the way that they were meant to be celebrated, with Agape (Selfless) Love. Let's keep the "Christ" in Christmas, as the saying says. Let's redeem this holy day & make it as it should be. We are indeed supposed to be a 'peculiar' people, set apart, but I do not think that means that we simply don't do what the world does, I think it means we do it in the right ways. Below are some Christmas traditions & ways to keep them in a Christ-centered way.


"A cheerful heart is good medicine,

    but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength."

Proverbs 17:22
I have noticed within my own family that the manner in which we keep our home has an impact on the emotional environment. For example when our home is messy & unkempt, a feeling of chaos & unease reigns. My children do not behave well, & my husband cannot relax. The opposite is also true. I derive great pleasure, & truly feel a burden to set the tone for our household. In the Spring I decorate our home with light & airy colors. I set out flowers & in general create a feeling of freshness...my husband comes home & breathes in deeply & truly seems refreshed. In the Fall I deck our home in all things Autumn, & in Winter with Snowmen & warm afghans...the reason being that it creates an aura within our home an atmosphere of newness with each season. Many times the Lone Ranger has told me that our home feels like an oasis to him, that he does not need to go away on vacation because our home is a refuge. This is not so much a credit to me as it is as the verse above states, 'a merry heart is good medicine" & the decorating of the home presents a feeling of...well Merriness! It creates a sense of excitement, & for this reason I say decorate!  Set the stage for the "reason for the season." Nativity scenes, Scriptures, Christian Christmas sayings, & etc. are simple ways to create a holiday environment with directed focus. 

The continuation of traditions, to forming of new ones are wonderful ways to provide your family with a sense of stability & of solidarity. You determine what those traditions are & what they are about. Be certain that as you perform an annual tradition that you always describe the meaning behind it. Christmas trees, wreaths, candy canes, mistle toe, & even gifts all have Christian explanations & origins...educate yourselves on them & teach them to your children. Can some of these traditions be explained in pagan ways, absolutely. They can most certainly also be explained in a way that is Christian. Those things are only pagan in meaning if we do not explain them, & explain them with a Christ-focused reasoning! Christmas traditions can also be utilized to teach your children about practicing selflessness. Teach them the joy of giving. Teach them how to serve. This year the Lone Ranger & I will begin a tradition of Advent countdown. Each day will have an activity for the Darlings, an act of service, & a Scripture. We want our girls to know that part of Christmas is learning to be like Jesus...to be selfless. (I'll be working on this Advent Countdown & will share it with you when it's completed). I am passionate about traditions within my family...I feel as though they create a sense of identity & unity for the Darlings & that when we center those conventions upon Him, their identity is found in HIM!
Here are a couple of websites that give the meanings of age old Christmas traditions & also ideas for some new ones.
Christmas Treehttp://bible.org/article/gods-christmas-tree  (good for older children)
                           http://hollywoodjesus.com/tree.htm    (good for little ones)
Mistle Toe:  http://toknowhimjesus.blogspot.com/2009/12/christian-origin-of-mistletoe-love-it.html
Wreaths: http://www.holidayinsights.com/xmas/wreaths.htm
Candy Canes: http://www.scoop0901.net/life/Candycane/story.htm
Santa Claushttp://www.christianitytoday.com/ch/news/2004/nick.html
Gift Giving:  http://www.gotquestions.org/Christmas-gifts.html
New Ideas:     http://www.themotherhuddle.com/christ-centered-christmas-traditions/

Goldilocks, who is wise beyond her years, asked the Lone Ranger & I why she gets gifts on Christmas when it is Jesus's birthday...good question! This spurred us on to create a tradition of our own. In our home Jesus has a big birthday party just like every other family member. On a separate day from Christmas, we are having a birthday party. Jesus even gets a birthday theme (I love to plan parties & to go all out for birthdays, so we can do no less for Him!)...this year His theme is "Under Construction." Hardhats, dump trucks, & etc. will make up our decor, complete with friends to come & celebrate with us. The littles will get to create a "gift" for Jesus that we will place under the tree & will hear a little devotional about how God is always "working" in our hearts. Worship, goodies, & birthday cake will make an evening focused on Jesus birth.  While the Darlings are little, we are hoping this separation will provide our girls with an easy understanding of a day that truly belongs only to Jesus. 

*I recently discovered an awesome alternative to "Elf on the Shelf"! Set a manger under the tree & each night place a Mary & Joseph somewhere in your home (explain to your littles that they are 'traveling' to Bethlehem), steadily moving them closer to the tree each night. Every morning have your littles search for Mary & Joseph, even giving them a turn to move them. I think we will do this with the Darlings! Now I need to find a cheap & unbreakable nativity set :o)

To Santa Claus of Not Santa Claus
This is a somewhat sticky issue for many believers. I have no interest in swaying anyone one way or the other, but I will simply share with you our personal conviction on the matter. As the Lone Ranger & I approached parenthood, we began discussing & praying about our stance on the Santa issue. Part of us wanted to foster the innocence & excitement of childhood by embracing the idea of Santa Claus, while still another side of us could not deny that it was misleading. It was in fact a big deal to us because Christmas was a big deal to us. We deeply wanted to do the right thing. Here is our personal conviction. We will not lie to our children. There is a danger in leading our daughters to believe in things only to discover that they are not real. We want the Darlings to love, believe in, & serve a God that they cannot see & most likely will not audibly hear... therefore we cannot encourage & then stamp out a belief in mythological beings that they cannot see & cannot audibly hear. In our family we do not do the Tooth Fairy. We do not do the Easter bunny. We do not do Santa Claus. We felt that if we were to encourage a belief in these characters only to one day reveal their lack of reality that we would place in jeopardy our authority & authenticity on truth...if that would cause our girls to doubt our trustworthiness on issues of faith...well to us it isn't worth it. When our girl's lose teeth, we will pay them for the tooth. Mommy will make an awesome fairy. When Easter rolls around, they wake up to a small basket of goodies, but our focus is the empty tomb. On Christmas morning the Darlings discover gifts under the tree...left in the spirit of remembering that Christ received gifts & indeed that HE is the greatest gift we can receive. Our girls are still small & only beginning to ask questions, but when they ask questions we answer them as truthfully & as simply as possible. We understand that they will not always understand nor grasp the deeper meanings, but we do make a point to be truthful. For example the other day Goldilocks asked if the sky was Heaven. The easy answer would have been yes, but deep but truthful answer was that Heaven is not the sky, but that it is a spiritual existence that even Mommy doesn't understand. Did she get it, not really, but she did understand that Mommy's answer would one day make more sense. I will not have to go back & tell her I was just trying to give her an easy answer. Back to Santa, we have plans in place to tell them the stories of St. Nicholas & to explain that people give gifts in honor of him....deriving it all in the name of Jesus. If you came to our home you would see a Santa or two, because we want to remind our girls to know about St. Nicholas, & we want them to be reminded that people are capable of Christlike behavior. We will not eliminate Santa Claus, but we will not build him up into anything more than he ought to be. We want the Darlings to enjoy the innocence of their youth, & we know that they will be excited to give & receive gifts regardless of who puts them under the tree. As I said I have no desire to sway you one way or the other, nor to bring condemnation upon your practices...this a subject between you & Abba. I merely wanted to share our revelation on the matter. 

Here are a few links to Focus on the Family's website with related Christmas topics, these are only a few of many many related topics:
Making Christmas Memories:
Christmas Activities:
Teaching Kids about Christmas:
Meaningful Christmas Ideas:

I hope that this has been a good explanation of our heart towards Christmas & all that goes with it. We are determined to keep Christ in Christmas, & to do so not by conceding the day to the non-believing world, but to redeem it just as He has redeemed us! As we steadily trek towards this season, I pray that we will unite as the Body to restore the Joy & meaning of this Holy-Day. If you have any questions, need help moving in this direction please don't hesitate to ask :o) 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Christmas-Crazed Mama

My palms are tingling. My legs are restless. I pace from one room to the next, all the while sending frantic glances towards the basement stairs. Anxiousness exudes from my core. I'm ready & chomping at the bit. What has me so hyped up? In 15 days I will decorate our home for Christmas! From ceiling to floor every single room will be decked out, & I absolutely cannot wait! On Wednesday, November 21 the Lone Ranger will leave for work with our abode covered in leaves & scarecrows only to return home to a winter wonderland. It's downright magical! It is a profound understatement to say that I enjoy the Christmas season...I squeeze every last drop of joy out of the holiday. For 25 days leading up to the grand event we watch Christmas movies, read Christmas books, make Christmas candies, do Christmas crafts, go see Christmas lights....you get it, I'm sure. The only thing I do not do at Christmas is wear the silly sweater. This family does Christmas, & we do it BIG. Every year the day after Christmas our tree comes down, the Christmas decorations go back in their box, & make the dismal trip down to the basement...why? Because seeing it reminds me that there will be another 365 days until Christmas comes around again.  Some of you might be concerned that I have gotten wrapped up (pun intended) in the secular nature of the holiday, rest assured I have not. Others of you might be thinking, "this fruit loop sure loves baby Jesus," & you'd be right, I do...but my great excitement about the holiday has nothing to do with the Cradle & everything to do with the Cross...

I've always enjoyed the holiday season. I've always kept in mind the cutesy little sayings, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season" & "it's not about presents but His presence." Oh yes, I'd always kept in perspective what Christmas really was about, but in the space of a moment I knew that Christmas would never be the same for me again. The day I became a mother realization dawned within me. I'll never forget that day, the day of discovering that life was growing within me. It was a life altering, faith changing moment. On September 19, 2008, I finally grasped the true meaning of Christmas. I thought of Mary that day. The scriptures referring to her immaculate conception came to mind & suddenly reading them was more than just a story to me. The day my little miracle came into the world, I thought of Mary again. I understood how she must have felt as she looked upon that precious child. As Goldilocks grew, I often thought of Mary watching her son grow. The bittersweet moments of triumph as a baby learns something new, the endeavor to soak in those fleeting moments of childhood, the burden to prepare the little one for all that lies ahead.  During my first Christmas season as a mother my cheeks hurt from grinning as I watched my darling girl gaze in wonder at Christmas lights & ravage wrapping paper on her gifts. During my first Easter as a mother, I wept...before Goldilocks, I could not truly understand, truly grasp Grace. As the Lone Ranger & I read the story of the crucifixion, my heart broke for Mary. I thought of the few times that my little one had gotten hurt or of when she was sick & how those moments hurt me more than her, & suddenly with a parent's eyes I understood the sacrifice. Before I was a mother I did not/could not fully appreciate God as a Father, as Abba. All at once I could, to some degree, picture the immensity of His love. To envision both the joy & the loss of sending Jesus as a tiny babe & of watching him grow into a man. To imagine the pain of watching His son suffer, of allowing it for the sake of those far from worthy...well it was more than I could bear. My faith became real when I became a mother, & as I experienced anew those first holidays as a parent I realized the immensity of those celebrations, of the acknowledgement of what Christmas & Easter truly mean. I could easily speak to you that standard Christian jargon & explanations, but to feel it, well that was something that changed my life. All at once I knew that Christmas was not about the manger. It was not about an agonizingly painful natural delivery. It was not about a sweet gurgling precious baby. It was about LIFE...NEW LIFE. Christmas is about the Cross...it's about the journey from the Cradle to the Cross. The birth of Jesus is priceless & precious because of His death. He received the gifts of gold, frankincense, & myrrh but He gave the gift of life...life eternal. His coming into the world is to be honored because when He left this world He left the gift of salvation. As I pass on to my darlings age old traditions, as the Lone Ranger & I create new ones, we inundate our daughters with the true meaning of the holiday...as best we can until they one day become parents themselves & fully grasp the immensity of Christmas. Christmas marks the moment when the Father put His grand plan into action. It is the starting line of a race that resulted in a prize we could never obtain on our own. It is not the celebration of one event, but honoring of countless choices & decisions made for our gain. Each year as we approach this advent season, the excitement once again builds within me. The JOY of knowing that my Abba loved me so much that He sent His only Son to grant to me life eternal...well that Joy is more than I can contain. This year Goldilocks is asking questions, & I am doing my best to have the answers. 

In 15 days I will unabashedly become a Christmas-Crazed Mama...for all of the right reasons.  I will endeavor to raise a generation of women who will one day do the same for their children...all in the hopes of creating a generation & a culture in love with Jesus Christ. My prayer is that for you this holiday season will come alive within your hearts, & that it will ignite a passion to share that life with your children :o)  Be Blessed!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Turkey Shirt

Just had to show you the Darling's Thanksgiving shirts. When I happened upon one on Pinterest, it made me laugh & I knew I had to recreate them for the Darlings! Let me know if you'd like me to make one for your little lady!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fall 2012


Sweet & Sassy  

Little Belles & Whistles

The Darlings

Sometime soon I'll post the bloopers...just for laughs :O)

Family Friday

Another week has come & gone...how the time flies! Abba is teaching me to treasure each day & to realize the magnitude of the small things. When I try to summon up the great events of the week it seems as though we have accomplished little, but when I truly examine our time, I know that the small precious moments are truly great in their impact...especially in the Darlings lives. So here's our week in a nutshell

My big girl wanted to be a fairy for trick-or-treating so this week was a dash of creating the perfect set of wings & a tutu to go with it. Goldilocks loves crafting as much as I do so she was in on the action & had to deal with Mama's OCD when it came to making her wings symmetrical. On Tuesday evening the Darlings Mamaw blissfully took on the task of taking our big girls Trick-or-Treating...a task that The Lone Ranger & I do not enjoy. (Thank you, Mamaw!) The girls had a wonderful time & came home with bucketfuls of goodies. On Wednesday we made a trip to my hometown & got to Trick-or-Treat with my family. We visited the girls Nana (my mama) at work. She's a marketing director for a couple of local nursing homes, & so we had the chance to make the day of her patients. I was so blessed to see Goldilocks make a conscious effort to bring smiles to the faces of "someone else's" Grandmas & Grandpas. She brought tears to my eyes as she smiled & waved. The Lord has blessed my big girl with a tender heart. Thursday we made our weekly grocery/errand run to town, & as usual Goldilocks decided to quiz me with some tough questions. This week she wanted to know why she can't see Jesus. Needless to say that 20 minute drive made this mama sweat! The Lone Ranger & I try very hard to answer our precocious 3 year old's questions with honesty & in a way that helps her truly grasp the tough concepts, but it definitely is a motivator to seek our Abba's wisdom!

Sweet & Sassy:
This precious girl of mine is such a mix of well, sweet & sassy! She is ever trying my patience & then in the next moment so sweet she makes my heart hurt. She has suddenly embraced her big sister role & is a fierce protector of Little Belles & Whistles. This week she has informed me that she "take care" of her sister "by myself".  Many think we're crazy for having our Darlings so close together, but I have to say I'd do it all over again! These little lovelies are inseparable! Sweet & Sassy is wholeheartedly devoted to being just like "Sissy". Goldilocks can't move without Sweet & Sassy right on her heels. This week found us in the kitchen baking, a favorite past time of the big girls. Sweet & Sassy has become eager to "help" rather than observe, & needless to say we make a fair mess when we get to cooking. It seems as though overnight my second born's imagination has come to life. The beginnings of sweet imaginings & day dreams are occurring. I love to hear her precious voice as she chatters to herself. During our bedtime prayers, Sweet & Sassy has now lengthened her nightly prayer from "Thank you, Jesus" to "Thank you, Jesus. I love you, Amen". The Lone Ranger & I found ourselves with tears in our eyes the other evening as she said those sweet words. I am eager to see this bold & feisty little one's faith grow. She will be fierce in her love for the Lord!

Little Belles & Whistles:
My littlest darling just isn't content to be little for long! She's far to eager to grow up for this mama! Little Belles & Whistles is attempting to learn the art of sitting up, & is even attempting to start the ungraceful first motions of crawling. She is determined to be up & running after those sisters of hers. One evening this week the Lone Ranger & I couldn't get her to sleep so finally we just laid her in her cradle...to our astonishment she smiled at us, turned her head, & fell asleep before we even left the room. I cried. Every milestone is bittersweet for me. I rejoice in their accomplishments & sorrow over their growing up. I need not fret however as a few hours later our blissful slumber was bombarded by the screams of a baby with a tummyache. Little Belles & Whistles has had a rough week in terms of sleep, & I haven't quite deduced the reason yet. Suffice to say next time she wants to go to sleep on her own, I might not cry! :o)  Another development was our discovery that Little Belles & Whistles is allergic to yogurt. Sweet & Sassy is lactose intolerant, & it appears as though her little sister might be also. Time will tell, I suppose. As all of my Darlings do,  my tiny girl made the transition from Mama's girl to Daddy's girl. It seems as though that happens over night. I'd been holding out hope that at least one of my daughters would pick me to be their favorite, but alas it was not meant to be :o)  Until they get sick that it....& of course then only Mama will do!

The Lone Ranger:
I love this man of mine. Each day I find myself more & more in love with this precious gift Abba has given me. Last weekend he spent in anxious preparation preparing to give the message at a local church. I have to say that there is nothing more attractive to me than hearing my husband preach. I had to teach Sunday school at our own church this week so did not get to hear him...this was the first time I wasn't there! The chaos of harvest time is beginning to wear off a bit so this week was slightly more laid back  for him. Last night we began a new season of the youth ministry that we are involved in. The Lone Ranger gives a short message to the kids each week. It's such a blessing to watch him step our in service to the Lord & to be his help meet as he does so. We are eager to see what Abba has in store for this new season of ministry!

Last week I taught Sunday school to the kiddos at church & was reminded about why the Lord had me go to school for education. I love teaching! Watching the faith of a child grow is inspirational & motivating to me. The early part of the week was spent crafting fairy wings (not as easy as I had anticipated) & tutus. I made a Christmas outfit for a friend's little girl & then got to put the proceeds from that towards getting a couple of Christmas gifts. That was a big deal as it has me very nearly completed with my holiday shopping. On Wednesday I had the awesome opportunity to meet with my Proverbs 31 Woman Study & was blessed beyond measure! There is nothing like the fellowship of godly women to encourage you! Yesterday the Darlings & I made our weekly trip to town, which is always an adventure with 3 little ones. Little Belles & Whistles had an epic diaper blowout that left both she & I covered in...well let's not go there. Last night I joined the Lone Ranger at dodge ball night. My role there is to form relationships with the young women who come & to help serve snacks. We had 52 kiddos last night & went through 5 gallons of kool-aide, 2 bags of nacho chips, & 11 boxes of Little Debbies! I left there knowing that God gave me 3 girls because I could never feed 3 teenage boys! Today I am going to attempt a Fall photo shoot with the Darlings. Belles & Whistles needs 6 month pictures, & our woods that we live in is just prime to capture some precious memories! Fingers crossed & with Halloween candy as bribery, I will hopefully get at least 1 good picture of each little lady! The Lone Ranger has deemed tomorrow evening as Family Fun Night, so the Darlings & I are eagerly awaiting an evening out with our Prince Charming :o)

I pray that your week has been as blessing-filled as ours  & that the week to come will be overflowing with precious moments & memories :o)

Be Blessed!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Arrows, Dodgeballs, & Jesus

Years ago one Sunday morning, the Lone Ranger & I were visiting a church. As we were about to enter the sanctuary, my husband put his hand on my arm to stop me. He grabbed my hand & pulled me over to the side of the hallway. The Lone Ranger pointed to a picture up on the wall. That image changed his faith...it changed mine as well.

Never before had I pictured Jesus this way. I knew that he was a man, but in all of my imaginings I envisioned him as very serious, very stern, & to be honest a little unapproachable. When the Lone Ranger showed me this, this Jesus with his head tipped back in laughter...well something clicked. A chasm that I hadn't even known existed between the Lord & I all at once was gone. The Lone Ranger told me how when he read his Bible that he could now truly understand, & now I do too. When I read the parables, I can picture Jesus sitting there with his friends (disciples). I can envision the humor he found at their expense as they tried to decipher the riddles of his stories. I can see the mirth in his eyes, & I can even hear his deep belly laugh that this image portrays. Jesus is real to me now, & not only is he real but he is personal & approachable. One day the Lone Ranger, the Darlings, & I were heading to church jamming to Boston. As my girls wailed, "it's more than a feeling!" I grumbled about listening to the song for the umpteenth time (it's their absolute favorite). The Lone Ranger looked at me & said, "Can't you just picture Jesus & his buddies riding around in a jeep & singing this at the top of their lungs?"  Instantly that image came alive in my mind. The Jesus I know would totally be muddin' in the bottoms with his friends, wailing to Boston or Journey. They'd pull over by the sandbar, grab their fishing poles, & lean back in the late afternoon sun. Their lightheartedness would grow serious, & Jesus would begin to open up to them about who he really was. His buddies would grow quiet as they realized whose company they were blessed to be in. Somebody would get a bite on their line & the somberness of the moment would be gone as they jumped up to see how big that fish was. Jesus would take out the hook & say, "see this is what I'm talking about. This is what my Dad wants you to do...but cast your line for men instead of catfish."  Jesus has become more to me than a name on a page or even more than merely a revered Savior...He's become my friend. I do not believe it's sacrilegious to envision him in this way...no that's the very reason our Abba sent him to us...so we could relate to him. I want to help others to see him that way too. 
Nearly 4 years ago the Lone Ranger & I began to serve a local youth ministry. It began quite nearly as a fluke but has grown into something big. In a tiny town that consists mostly of a church & a tavern, God has planted seeds. The local church came to own an old derelict high school building, & some teenage boys decided to use the hallway as a place to practice archery during the winter time. A godly man saw this as a good opportunity to mentor those young men, & from those meager beginnings a ministry was born. Young men began showing up to learn the art of archery & this godly man began pouring into their lives. Years later someone decided to play dodge ball in the old gym, & today on Thursday evenings WWIII rages in the form of 40-60 young men launching balls at one another. The godly man & founder of this ministry approached the Lone Ranger & asked him to utilize his teaching degrees in the form of a short message to the kids each week.  My husband felt compelled to answer the call & for 4 years now he has been pouring into the youth in this town. From November to April, each Thursday evening, for an hour & a half, kids play dodge ball & shoot archery. Midway through we take a time out for snacks & for a short message. Two years ago if 15 kids came that was fantastic, & now  the average is 50 each week. This has nothing to do with us & everything to do with Him. In this tiny town God is doing big things. We are endeavoring to build relationships with these young men & women, we are striving to show them Jesus. Our mentors have hearts of gold & take out of their own pockets to provide for this ministry. They have shared their passion with the Lone Ranger & I. We greatly want these kids to know the Lord. We greatly want seeds to be planted. We feel strongly that the way to do that is to be Jesus in their lives, & to show them that He is real...that He loves them....that He is approachable...that He is relatable. We want them to know that He laughs with them, that He cries with them. We want them to know that He hurts when they hurt & that He rejoices when they rejoice.
 I have shared all of that with you because of this...tonight we being a new season of this ministry. Both the Lone Ranger & I feel that a great awakening is beginning, & I am asking you to partner with us...Each Thursday could you pray for these kids? The vast majority come from broken homes & near poverty. Most have lacked the love of a father, so how can they know of Abba's great love? Please pray for the Lone Ranger. Pray for the Lord to speak to him & guide him in the sharing of the Word. Pray for wisdom & answers when the questions come. Pray for protection against the Evil One. Pray that God's Will will be done. I've never before felt such a sense of urgency to lift up this ministry, but I do now. Please join me in appealing to the Father for the lives of the youth...I greatly appreciate your faithfulness & your unity with us.

Be Blessed :o)