Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Haggard Housewife: Sanity Saving Cleaning Schedule.

My name is Brianne, & I'm an OCD clean-freak. Sadly enough I feel my condition is serious enough to warrant a statement such as an addict would make. As a young woman, even before marriage & babies, I made a declaration that my home would always be matter how many little dirty feet & grimy hands there were running about. I have given the most valiant of efforts towards the fulfillment of that vow, but alas as every wife & mother's a losing battle. My goal has been reduced from 'immaculate' to merely presentable. If visitors can pop in unannounced, & I not be struck with terror & a frenzy of cramming things in closets...well I consider that pretty darn good. In nearly 4 years of motherhood, with 3 darlings & their mass quantity of toys, I've been guilty of pride as to my level of housekeeping. Everyone warned me that I would eventually reach my limit & just resign myself to the mess...I've never done so...merely run myself ragged proving that I would do precisely the opposite. Surely the Proverbs 31 Woman never let her home go...indeed in Titus, we are admonished to be good keepers of the household...but if I am honest, I must admit the times are not few in which I've neglected focus on my girls in order to do so. Many are the occasions in which I felt conviction for putting such stock in a clean house...I literally couldn't sleep for running my to-do list over & over in my head. I know that many of you can relate & for others the pendulum sweeps in the opposite direction....the task of keeping house has become so daunting that it's easier to give up & admit defeat rather than fighting a losing battle. Lately I have talked to several women who are in the same boat. We are tired, we are stressed, we are frustrated, & we are at our wits end...we are haggard! At some point the thought, 'why bother' runs through your head, & surrender becomes imminent. Does God even care about a clean house? Leviticus & Deuteronomy make pretty clear that cleanliness is important to Abba....for various reasons, but primarily because sickness abounds in unclean environments. Also on that list would be that unrest & the above mentioned emotions run rampant in chaos...cleanliness & organization very often yield peace of mind. It is very hard to 'be still & know' (Psalm 46:10) when you are stressed & frantic over to-do lists. Several weeks ago I stumbled onto a solution that has saved my sanity & brought balance to my home. In actuality I had read this advice years ago & chalked it up to useless, but when I rediscovered the concept of a cleaning schedule...well it gleamed out as a beacon in the night....forgive the whimsy & theatrical description, but it really was just what I was looking for.
Everyone must have been gearing up for Spring Cleaning because Pinterest was loaded with various cleaning schedules. Curiosity got the better of me, & I indulged in looking at each of them. I figured there was nothing to lose & decided to give one a shot...lo & behold if it wasn't much so that I decided to share it with you.
The concept of a cleaning schedule is that there are tasks to be completed daily & others that are done on a designated day.  For me the benefit of this is double fold: 1. It takes the mental stress out of the equation. I know what I need to do each day. It's hanging on my fridge. I don't have to try to remember what needs done or when it needs doing. 2. Literally 2 hours a day is spent keeping up on my home...that's it.You might be thinking 2 hours sounds like a lot, but I'm talking about a CLEAN house...not just a stuffed-in-the-closet-clean...a look-under-the-beds-clean. Skeptical?  So was I...believe me, but here's the kicker: It Works! Here's a rough draft of how it works for me:
Daily Chores:  (30 minutes-1hr)

  • Make beds
  • Load/Unload Dishwasher
  • Gather up trash 
  • 2 (15 min.) pickup sessions *
  • Wipe down kitchen countertops & stove top
  • Wipe down & clean toilets
*Twice a day, before nap time & before the Lone Ranger gets home, the darlings & I do a general pickup of the entire house. Sometimes I literally set the kitchen timer & make a game of it. The girls are responsible for picking up toys while I do the rest of the house. I've found that this allows both them & I to truly rest better. It also allows the Lone Ranger to come home to order rather than chaos. After Daddy gets home the general rule is no more mess. They can play with one thing at a time, read books, or etc. but no more everything out at once. It allows our evening to be relaxed.

Monday: Laundry (1 hr) 
 -generally 5 or 6 loads (work clothes, darks, whites, reds, sheets, & rugs) *
-This means complete the cycle in it's entirety: Wash, Dry, Fold, & Put Away Each Load

* A variant of this is that some prefer to do one load of laundry a day throughout the week. I personally prefer to do all my laundry at once & as such I have 2 laundry days per week. You might have scoffed at my labeling this at 1 hr, but seriously how long does it take to put a load in, throw one in the dryer, & fold...not long. I generally have all of my loads done & put away shortly after noon....not because I'm awesome, but because it really doesn't take long if I discipline myself to get it done.

Tuesday: Floors (30 min)
-vacuum: bedrooms, office, living room
-sweep: kitchen, bathrooms, mudroom
-mop: kitchen, bathrooms, mudroom
*goal is to once a month wipe down all baseboards & vacuum vents

Wednesday: Dust (15 min)
-living room
-dining room
*goal is once a month to quickly wipe down walls as well

Thursday: Kitchen (30 min)

-Clean out pantry, fridge, & freezer
-Wipe down counter tops
-Clean appliances
-Dust cabinets
*goal is once a months to organize/reorganize all cabinets & pantry

Friday: Laundry (1 hr)

Saturday: Bathrooms (15-30 min)
-Clean sinks & wipe down counters & cabinets
*Pinterest had a handy little recipe of shower & tub cleaner that can be kept in each & used when one gets out of either the shower or the tub. This little trick makes bathroom day a breeze because the toilets are cleaned daily & the showers & tubs cleaned as used.

Sunday: Sabbath!

I have maintained this schedule for over 3 weeks now, during which time all 3 girls as well as myself have been sick. I was astounded to find that it allowed me to still get my tasks completed despite very needy darlings & feeling crummy myself. The OCD in me loves is that each task is thorough...there's no half-doing or shortcut. Every room is cleaned completely. The clean freak in me loves that each & every day the house feels & smells clean. People have stopped by & commented on it. The mom in me loves that I am very freed up to spend time with the Darlings. I am truly with them now. The woman in me loves that nap time is now me-time. I'm not scrambling to get things done when the girls rest...I'm resting too or doing something that I want to do. The Lone Ranger thoroughly appreciates coming home to a clean house. I know how chaotic & stressful life is for me, & I am a career homemaker so I can only imagine & admire the life of a working wife & mother....I know that I could not do it or handle it with grace if I had to. Certainly the cleaning schedule would be a great tool for the working woman as well. If maintaining the home could be boiled down to an hour or 2 a day tops, then surely it would be far more manageable & maintainable.  This time diminishes even further as children are able to take on some of the chores themselves. This week I was stunned to find that my darlings were capable (& enjoyed) being responsible for a daily task. For example today was Dusting Day. Goldilocks & Sweet 'N Sassy asked to help so I wet down a rag & set them to wiping down baseboards.
Men are to be the head of the home, & we are to be the heart. It is our job to maintain this hub of our keep it well functioning & running smoothly, & it is indeed a monumental task. We could easily run ragged trying to keep order, or we could just as easily surrender in defeat...neither is prudent nor beneficial. I hope that what I have shared today will give you hope that it can be done...and with time & energy to spare. In no way am I saying that there won't be occasional messes...this is life...they happen, but the overall feeling is that of a organized, well-run home. Give it a try...what's there to lose? I will say that to feel the full impact of a cleaning schedule's benefits you have to give the cleaning schedule 2 full weeks. The first week is getting started, & the second is falling into the groove. I've added several links below to different samples of cleaning schedules so that you might find the one that works for you! There are countless ways of accomplishing the same goal, & one will be the fit you need! Be blessed this day!
Proverbs 14:1
"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down."

Proverbs 31:27
 "She keeps an eye on everyone in her household, & keeps them all busy & productive."
Titus 2: 5
"...younger women will know how to love their husbands & children, be virtuous & pure, keep a good house, be good wives."

Cleaning Schedules:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together: Part 2

So now that I have utterly villified dating & perhaps left some of you stinging, where do we go from here? First, a big THANK YOU for reading this second part post! If you have not yet read Part 1, copy & paste this link to do so, before reading this post...please :o)

I'm going to address 4 things in this post: Why should we be so protective over our hearts & of falling in love? What does God say about love, readiness for it & how to pursue it? What should true love look like? What is the alternative to dating; a godly way to seek a mate?

Why should we be so protective of our hearts & falling in love?
*Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart for out of it flows the springs of life."
I want you to think about a well. For those of us who live way out in the country this is still our source for water. The water in our well is fresh, cold, & endless. There are times when the well water can become polluted or contaminated...times when it becomes unsafe to drink. What's worst is that very seldom do you know your water is bad until you're already drinking it. Your heart is much the same. The love within is endless & pure, but it can become tainted by hurt. After a while of unhealthy love, of false love being poured in...the heart becomes jaded, scarred, skeptical, & cynical. We often do not realize that our hearts are being corrupted in that way until the damage has already been done. The hurt within your heart impacts your entire life...the things you do, the way you act, the decisions you make. Abba admonishes us to protect it, to guard it...becomes the very essence of who we are stems from it. He wants us to not even allow the opportunity for  our hearts to become tainted. The scripture says, 'above all else'. The protection of our love is of paramount importance...this alone shows that the casual, trivial way that the world treats relationships is out of line with God's plan. We should be vigilant & cautious when it comes to matters of the heart...not jumping blindly into love & relationships...that's the quickest way to get hurt.

What does God say about love: readiness for it, & how to pursue it?
* Song of Solomon 2:7 "Don't excite love, don't stir it up, until the time is ripe-and you're ready"
*2 Timothy 2:22 "So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, & peace with those who call on the Lord with a pure heart."
*2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
*1 Corinthians 6:18 "Flee from sexual immorality..."
*1 Corinthians 15:33 "Do not be deceived
*Genesis 2:24 "Therefore a man shall leave his father & mother & hold fast to his wife, & they shall become one flesh."
Scripture, specific as to how to pursue a romantic relationship (at least to my knowledge) does not exist. We can historically go over the customs of the biblical time period, but beyond that when the Bible talks about intimate love it goes hand & hand with marriage...there's not much 'how to' described in getting there...beyond the admonitions for sexual abstinence & purity before (& in marriage). The verse from 2 Timothy does encourage us to not 'pursue' passion but to focus on righteousness. We can deduce that it's then not something that should consume us...we should be far more concerned with deepening our faith. We know from 2 Corinthians that our partner in life should be like us...a believer...a true believer.  Many these days say they believe, but the evidence of their lives tells a different tale. As a single you should only consider a fellow believer as an option for mate. Song of Solomon...a wildly passionate & indeed controversial book because of that, admonishes the young ones to 'not excite love or stir it up, until the time is ripe-& you're ready." It's not something to toy with...certainly not before you're how do you know when you are ready for love. Men: Are you spiritually independent & growing in your faith? Could you provide for a wife? For children? Are you spiritually ready to lead your be the head of your household. Do you feel confident in your decision making? Do you know how to do the handy-man type of tasks the come up constantly in a household? Are you ready to set aside yourself...your likes, your hobbies, your interests, your wants & to put someone else first? If the answer is no, then you're not ready. Women: Are you spiritually independent & growing in your faith? Do you understand biblical submission? Do you know how to care for a house? How to budget & be frugal? Are you comfortable taking care of children? Are you ready to set aside your self...your likes, your hobbies, your interests, your wants & to put someone else first? If the answer is no then you are not ready. I wholeheartedly believe that it is vital to understand what is required to be ready for a relationship & to truthfully acknowledge if you are indeed ready. If you answered no, then the next step is to begin preparing...begin learning to take care of a home, babysit, help your mom budget. Start giving up those diva like qualities that might exist. Begin studying scripture that describes a godly wife...start becoming that woman NOW. Men, take leadership, pursue your faith, become financially stable...begin saving or investing in future financial demands. Learn handyman skills. Start giving up the Wii & Xbox. Begin studying scripture that describes God's role for the husband...start becoming that man NOW.

What should true love look like? 
*1 Corinthians 13:4-7 'Love is patient & kind; it does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."
*Song of Solomon 8:6-7 "Set me like a seal upon your heart, like a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy is as hard & as cruel as Sheol (the place of the dead). It's flashes are flashes of fire, a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it."
*John 15:13 'Greater love has no man than this that he would lay down his life for his friends."
True love is Agape, that is a Greek word that describes not "love" the feeling but 'love' in action. It describes loving someone even when it isn't easy. It is selfless love. That's love God's way. All of the scriptures above describe this intense, passionate,unconditional, righteous, selfless emotion...but it is far more than a's a choice. Those of us who have been married for awhile know that once the whimsical excitement wears off & the real world sets in, love becomes about a whole lot more than a giddy becomes a conscious choice to serve our honor, respect, cherish, & give to them. True love very seldom resembles that wild emotion described in novels & chick flicks...that is a fleeting thing that will leave you wanting. True love is the immersing of 2 lives into 1.

What's the alternative to dating? A godly way to seek a mate?
*Courtship/ Intentional Dating
Call it what you will...I use the term courtship, others call it intentional dating because that doesn't sound as 'out there'...either way it's a process for determining compatibility with the goal of marriage. The easiest way I know to explain it is in a step by step process. The precursor to this is that both parties (young man, young woman) have an open & honest relationship with their parents or chosen parental figures. Parents & children will both understand this process & their role in it.
Scenario: Guy likes a girl & wants to 'court'/date her.
Step 1: Guy expresses his interest to girl. Something like, "I really enjoy spending time with you, think we have a lot in common, & would like to get to know you better to see if there is potential there." (Both parties understand that 'potential' means potential to marry)
Step 2: Girl sets up a meeting between the guy & her dad (or father/parental figure). Before this meeting girl discusses with her parents her feelings about this guy: Does she feel the same or not. Dad meets with guy...asks questions to determine his readiness to potentially marry in the near future. If girl is not interested, dad tells guy that the courtship is not something he feels that they are ready for...end of story. If the girl is interested & passes dad's test, then dad lays down the courtship ground rules (I'll outline those after this process).
Step 3: Girl & Guy begin spending time with one another. This is always in a public and/or chaperoned environment. Private conversation is limited. Most 'dates' are with one another's family or in group setting...this allows family & friends to observe interaction between the couple & to bring to awareness any red flags that cause concern. Time together is fun, but intentional, the couple has serious conversations (calling on life, children, career, & etc). Time should be spent praying with each other, reading Bible, going to church together...beginning to practice roles (guy spiritual leader, girl submitting)
Step 4: After some time passes (I'll also explain courtship timeline below) the couple meets with both sets of parents & determines the direction of the courtship.If the couple feels as though emotions are not progressing, courtship ends & friendship resumes. If the couple feels that love is forming, then they express intent to become engaged  Boy gets girl pretty ring, gets down on one knee, has a romantic proposal.
Step 5: Premarital counseling & preparations begin. Wedding plans get made. No time wasted. Couple begins making firm plans (finding a home, & etc).
Step 6: Guy & Girl get hitched!

Ground Rules for Courtship:
1. Don't enter courtship with someone you do not already know well: a courtship should consist of a guy & girl who already know the essentials: are you a believer with living & active faith, do you want marriage & a family, are you ready (wrote about that above) to be a spouse, & etc...before ever starting this process...indeed that's what should warrant the interest in one another. The couple should have quite a bit of knowledge before beginning the journey.
2. Determine in advance with parents what is the boundary for physical contact (hand holding, arms around one another, kissing, etc). Dad lets guy know the boundary & neither boy nor girl flirts with the boundary. Establishing this from the get go is important.
3. All 'dates' are either with chaperon couple/ group setting/or with family...some  time might be spent off to selves but still within eyesight. Abstinence is a given in a godly premarital's imperative not to place oneself in temptation. It's also important for those who know & love the couple to see how they interact with one another...they will be the first to see any warning signs.
4. Couple must respect & discuss any red flags raised. A big part of courtship is discerning if or if not this is the person you should spend your life with...the people who love you & know you best will help with that discernment...they have an objective perspective that can see through the haze of emotion. Red flags are a good chance to begin strong communication & arguing skills...but any issues that can't be overcome result in the ending of relationship.
5. Irreconcilable Red Flags = End of Courtship.  Any concerns that occur at any point during the courtship that lead either guy or girl, or parents to feel uncomfortable with the continuing relationship need to result in the halting of the relationship.
6. The goal is always in mind. Courtship is always intentional. A couple can have fun while still truly getting to know one another. The whole point of courtship is not just for someone to hang out with, have fun with, flirt with,'s to find your life's partner. Every date, every conversation bears that in the back of the mind.

Timeline of a Courtship: Approximately 1 Year from Start to Finish
Starting point: Decision between guy & girl (& parents) to enter courtship
Courting period: 3-4 months (some say 6 months): at the end of 3-4 months a couple should know whether or not the courtship should end or progress to the next step. Those are the only 2 options. Step back or move forward.In secular dating couples are often together for years...then live together...before deciding that they aren't a match. They  seldom practice abstinence & the resulting breakup is very similar to divorce. Courtship avoids all of that because it is intentional. The 3-4 months courting are spent determining whether the match works or not.
Engagement: 6-9 months (max): The couple (& parents) has already determined that they are committed to the forming of a covenant...there's no reason to waste time. The couple is refraining from physical intimacy & there is a respect & urgency to make them one. Wedding plans begin, couple starts looking for a home, & making a life plan (where to live, vision for future, children, & etc).
End Point: Covenant Marriage Approximately 1 Year later

I hope that everything I have outlined & described makes sense...if not please let me know & I can attempt to better explain. I also hope that Courtship now stands out as a better alternative to dating...that it gives you hope in the prospect of finding a godly spouse. My prayer is that we as a culture would embrace this as the way we teach & expect relationships to be viewed & pursued. As I said scripture is limited when it comes to dating...because God's vision is marriage. The idea of courtship is not something that I came up with, but an age old tradition that is being renewed in the Christian circle. Many well known & deeply respected leaders of the faith advocate for this practice, & I wholeheartedly join them in that. My prayer is that love will find you...on God's terms. Be Blessed!

Humpty Dumpty: Avoiding Heartbreak

"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses & all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty together again"

I can so relate to poor old Humpty! This heart of mine has fallen in love, been shattered, & clumsily repaired so many times that it nearly looks like a puzzle with all the cracks running through it. One of the great regrets of my life thusfar is in the area of romance & dating. At 13 years old I gave my heart away for the very first time. As a wife to my precious husband, & a mother of 3 little girls, I can now fully appreciate how tender an age that was...but at the time I felt mature & ready for love. I was eager to give my heart find 'the one'. For 4 months that young man & I wrote love letters, made googly eyes at one another, & even held hands...pure bliss...and then it was over. How I mourned the loss of that boy! I physically ached, my heart hurt so badly. I vowed never to love again, & then hypocritically began scouring for the next romance. By the time I was 18, I had been in 6 serious relationships...each progressively more long-lasting, more intensely emotional, more physically involved...each ending with deeper wounds & repercussions that I could not fathom at the time. As a high school senior I strutted down the hallway with an engagement ring on my finger, making wedding plans between classes. My fiance & I called off our engagement 10 months before our wedding day. I was utterly devastated & the epitome of broken. The numerous relationships & subsequent breakups resulted in a Humpty Dumpty Heart & in a young woman who had no idea what true love was or what it was supposed to look like...Deep in my soul I knew what the real problem was...Me. I was the problem. I wasn't good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough, sexy enough, exciting enough. I was worthless. I was unlovable. It shames me now to admit that when one of those relationships ended, it nearly took my life with lost was I.
After my final breakup, I knew that I could not endure another love gone wrong...I knew that something had to change...someone had to change...and that someone was me. For the first time I began to seek God's desire & heart about love & dating. I scoured His word for any scripture that might vindicate me or perhaps give me direction for the next time. Do you know what I found? Dating is not in God's vocabulary. Whenever romantic love is mentioned within the scriptures it is described in 1 of 2 contexts: Love within the covenant of marriage &  the repercussions of love (mostly physical intimacy) outside of marriage. What I discovered is that Abba, the God of Love, is not a fan of dating...He's all about marriage. When He divinely inspired words about love, He did so with the understanding that real love isn't an immature & casual thing...rather it's an intense, eternal, lifetime commitment, a covenant.
We live in a society that regards love (emotional & physical), that regards intimacy (emotional & physical) as something trivial. I have written before how the nature of women & men alike is to crave love, to yearn for it...Abba designed us that way. Women seem more prone to long for the more emotional side of intimacy, while it's no secret that for men the appeal tends towards the physical aspects. Man & woman were created for intimacy with one man & one woman...set apart for each other, bound in a holy covenant, united as one flesh. Somewhere along the way the focus blurred & no longer was the covenant the goal, but intimacy became the primary desire. Somewhere along the way people began to seek intimacy without commitment. Today adolescents, teens, & sadly enough even tweens begin seeking this intimacy in the form of dating. Girls want love, boys want pleasure, & both wind up giving the essence of themselves away long before they understand the enormity of what they've done.Society has deemed it both appropriate & normal for teenagers to become intimately attached to one another & then to abruptly part ways. Boys & girls trade partners like they trade outfits or baseball cards. Young men & women fall in & out of love so fast it makes my head spin....and it's all considered fine & dandy. Our culture has turned a blind eye to what's really occurring. There are young girls who starve themselves, who cut themselves, who commit suicide or try to...there are young boys who become increasingly more & more perverse in their lust because they've built up an immunity to sexual excitement. There are women who will never know true security or fulfillment because of the wounds still raw deep in their hearts. Women who will smother & nag their husbands to death because they are so desperate to keep his love. There are men who find no pleasure in the marriage bed because 'it's boring' compared to what sex used to be like. Men who despise themselves because of their struggles to remain satisfied & faithful. Am I being explicit? Yes, I am...because it's the truth. These are the cold hard admissions we need to make. Innocent casual dating is not innocent & casual.  I would indeed argue that men & women have been 'divorced' (multiple times) before they ever become husbands & wives. The system of dating is no more than practice for the future...practice of how to marry & then divorce. Young men & young women 'go out' & then break up...they emotionally (& physically) marry one another & then divorce without even realizing it. I can say with full disclosure that this is exactly what I experienced. I wholeheartedly committed myself to my boyfriends...I gave them my heart...I meant it when I said I loved them...and I was crushed when things didn't work out. Perhaps some readers will cringe as they read this...perhaps it will force you to re-examine your past. Perhaps you will see that you too were a part of covenant relationships & broken vows without ever realizing it. You see the exchanging of hearts...whether or not we realize it or admit it or not, is the forming of a covenant...the joining & becoming of one flesh (sex, & I would argue any form of physical intimacy) is the forming of a covenant. Covenants are sacred bonds, solemn vows...they are not just broken or undone...there are grave repercussions for ending them. Tweens, Teens, Young cannot fully fathom the consequences of 'dating'. I am fully aware that I might sound like an old prude, but as one who bears the scars, please hear me out.
I am writing this in hopes that the upcoming generation, the youth entering this age of adolescence, will read this & determine to stop the nonsense. I am writing this is hopes that young men & women who love the Lord, will determine to honor Him in their pursuit of love. Am I suggesting that you just crawl in a hole & wait for the right one to burrow in with you? Of course not. What I am suggesting is that we, the church, the body of Christ, stop buying into society's casual dating system & embrace Abba's plan of action for how romantic love should come about..that we begin teaching & expecting a new method of discovering Mr & Mrs Right. I am saying that the first step in doing just that is the acknowledgement & admission of the ramifications of entering into intimacy (emotional and/or physical) way too young & way too casually. Dating is practice for future divorce...I know that those of you who even now are in the midst of the dating world will scowl & argue with me, but again, as one who's been burned...that's just the plain truth.

I am ending this post by asking those of you who relate to what I'm saying, who have been where I've been, who know the hurt I am talking about, who have suffered the ramifications to please add a comment below. I desperately want those who read this, who are convicted by this to know that I'm not some prudish, ninny, goody-two-shoes, but a loving sister longing to spare others the hurt I've felt firsthand. I want them to see that I am not the only one who sees the flaws with dating. Your feedback will affirm truth. For those who are bristling & fuming, for those who are scared of where I am going to go next...please read my next post before forming a final opinion. My next post, that I will write as soon as possible, will in depth discuss what God does say about love, finding it, & making it last. It will describe, what I strongly believe, is to be the best way to approach relationships with God's plan in mind. Until then, Be Blessed!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

It Takes A Village...

Do any of you remember the old cartoon in which Sam Sheepdog  is a shepherd? Each day he & Wile E. Coyote punch in their time cards. Sam heads out to keep watch over the sheep, & Wile E. Coyote tries desperately to get ahold of one. Each day Wile E. is 'this close' (picture thumb & index finger showing how close) to nabbing one of those dumb sheep, but each time Sam stops him just in time...which is hilarious because Sam doesn't come off as the brightest crayon in the box, while Wile E. is well...wiley, cunning, smart.  The whole aura of the cartoon is that each, Sam Sheepdog & Wile E. Coyote are just doing their jobs...Sam's supposed to protect the sheep & Wile E. is supposed to steal them...that's just how it is...that's just what they do.  *Just in case you now have a hankering to watch this episode, the link will be added at the end of this post*
As an elementary education major I noticed that nearly every text book I bought in college had a common adage used as a premise for why my career choice was so vital: 'It takes a village to raise a child". At the time I was eager & excited to be 'part of the village' that would cultivate little boys & girls into good, responsible men & women. Every time I heard that African proverb, I would swell with the anticipation of being a role model & educator, & I would feel the enormity of that pressure...indeed that is precisely the reason the authors used that quote as often as possible when training future teachers. I knew that as a teacher I would be with my students 8 hours a day, 5 days a much if not more than their parents. I did not take that lightly. It is not coincidental that the same understanding was exactly the reason in which the Lone Ranger & I felt led for me to stay home with our children...if I did not then someone else would be with my daughters more than I was. I am fortunate to be able to stay home with my girls...I know that very many parents do not have that luxury...there is no condemnation here for the working mother. My heart goes out to you in how much it takes to work each day & then to come home & be a homemaker...that is a monumental that I could not do. When I became a parent, I heard that adage used once again...this time in reference to the village that would help raise my children. As I heard this expression, understood it's implications from another perspective, I became a little less comfortable with the concept.
Some part of me felt a sense of relief. As I looked at my tiny little girl, I was overwelmed with the responsibility & burden of training her up to be a godly woman...That proverb, insinuating that a village would help me raise her...well that was somewhat a consolation. I felt as though a little bit of that weight lifted from my though others were responsible for wearing the yoke with me. Friends, sisters & brothers, fellow wary of entrusting a village to raise your child...your children. I fear that we as a culture, believers & unbelievers alike, have embraced that adage to such an extent that we have parceled off the responsibility...the obligation...of our parenting onto the shoulders of others. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, teachers, pastors, Sunday School teachers, coaches, peers, & etc are in positions of training our children...of shaping & molding who they become. On one hand it is uplifting to know that others are placing significant effort into raising your child along with you, but on the other hand it becomes supremely important to discern that each influential role be one that is positive in nature. When we consider how many hours a day, a week, a month, a year are spent with our children being impacted, for better or worse, by someone/someones other than ourselves...well who that village consists of becomes of supreme, paramount importance.
Abba began speaking my heart, & to my husbands heart about the importance of that village. What if the village that was helping to raise my child was cannibalistic?! Does that sound ridiculous? Am I weird for even thinking that?  But let's be honest...look at the world we live in. Oh certainly no one (other than sick few) actually eat the flesh of another human being, but beyond the physical sense...I would daresay that our culture, our world could quite conceivably be cannibals. Consider the self centeredness of society. We are highly cannibalistic in that there are those (many, many) who would do whatever it takes to get whatever they want...with little or no regard for the impact such actions have upon others. We live in a society in which over 80% say they believe in God, yet the morality of our culture proves how shallow such a statement is. I point all of this out only to say that while it just might take a village to raise a must consider who that village consists of & that it is entirely possible & common to be raised without being raised well.
Here is some of what Abba says about raising up a child. (Bolded emphasis is mine)

"Train a child in the way he should go, & when he is old he will not turn from it." (Prov. 22:6)

"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training & instruction of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4)

"Write these commandments upon your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children.' (Deuteronomy 6:6)

"( A refusal to correct is a refusal to love; love your children by disciplining them." Proverbs 13:24)

I could keep going & have more references for anyone who would like them, but I think you see where I am heading...every reference to children & raising them places the parents as the one to do the raising. Am I saying that others should not be actively involved & influential to your child's life...absolutely not.  I am saying it is highly imperative to choose carefully what village is raising (helping raise) your children. Be picky. Be cautious. Be certain that those who are pouring into your children are pouring in good things, things that reinforce what you are instilling. Be bold. Don't be afraid to share with those choice people your expectations...hold them accountable to reinforce your expectations. Perhaps a village indeed does help raise a child, but the obligation of parenting is yours...God does not take lightly the influence adults have upon innocent ones. Jesus said this, "It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin." (Luke 17:2, Mark 9:42) Just to give some visual perspective, a millstone would have weighed approximately 130 lbs...Jesus was serious about the impact we have upon children (this can include immature in faith). Sisters & brothers, parents, & future parents...I firmly believe that Abba would have us to stop relying (as much) upon stop shirking our duties in the raising of our children. I believe He would have us embrace & fulfill the blessed responsibility of training them up. No one can do it like you one can love your child the way you love one can dry his tears, kiss his one can lovingly discipline the way that you one can understand their hearts the way that you can. 
I will not argue nor dispute the fact that perhaps it does 'take a village to raise a child', but I will say this. You're the chief of your decide who stays & who goes. You're the head honcho when it comes to saying who belongs in the life of your child. Choose wisely, be vigilant. If you are a villager who is helping to raise up a child...take that awesome responsibility seriously. Be respectful of the chief's rules...reinforce the chief's expectations...& pour in with all the love that Abba has placed within you. The Lone Ranger & I have very carefully chosen our village. I am so thankful & grateful for all of those who love our Darlings...we are a better family because of that girls will grow up better because of those who have poured into them. The Lone Ranger & I are vigilant, watchful over the interactions that occur & are ready to step & intervene if needed. My husband & I lean upon our villagers...we depend upon their wisdom & insight. We seek their counsel, but we also know that at the end of the day we alone are responsible for being godly parents to our girls. It is our duty...our calling.It is not an easy task to parent & raise children...indeed it is exhausting in every way...but it is vastly worth the effort. I began this post sharing about Sam Sheepdog & Ralph Wolf...each doing his job. Sam guarded the sheep, Ralph tried to get them.. We are the shepherds guarding our sheep...that's our job. Satan makes a good Wile E. It's his job to try to steal our sheep, our children...and he will do anything to get them. Just like Sam we've got to keep our eyes open & to be mindful of who gets near those sheep. My heart today is that we would embrace the commitment we made when we brought these precious children into the world (as well as those precious foster & adoptive parents who embrace another's child as your own)...'It takes a village to raise a child", but it  most importantly takes a godly, loving, intentional Chief. Be Blessed This Day!

As promised here is the episode I described in my introduction:

Sam Sheepdog & Ralph Wolf: Woolen Under Where (1963)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Lost & Moths: Breaking Free From Troubles

Last night the Lone Ranger & I were rewatching episodes of Lost, when a scene occurred that got the wheels in my head turning. I'll keep the detail minimal, but just for background info, the characters on this show survived a plane crash that left them stranded on an island with no sign of rescue. In this particular episode former rock star, Charlie, is detoxing from drugs, &  hunter extraordinaire, John Locke, is helping him through the rough road of with drawl. Locke tells Charlie that despite how weak & helpless he feels at the moment, deep within he has the strength to overcome his addiction. Locke sees a moth cocoon on a tree, & shows it to Charlie. He then describes the process of a moth emerging from a cocoon...and this is what got me to thinking. One sees the little cocoon trembling from the moth's struggle to even begin to feel sorry for the tiny creature as you imagine how hard that task must be. Locke shows Charlie the tiniest of holes at the top of the cocoon, & he tells him that he could easily use his knife to split open the cocoon, thereby ending the poor moth's struggles & setting it free. Charlie looks back & forth from Locke to cocoon as if willing him to do just that. Just as Locke lifts the knife to the edge of the cocoon, he suddenly stops & looks Charlie dead in the eye. He tells him that if he does this...if he cuts open that cocoon & sets that moth free, that it will not survive. You see, it's in the moth's struggle to emerge in which it develops the strength that it takes to fly. If it doesn't have to struggle to break free from the cocoon then it won't be strong enough to survive. Charlie is obviously moved by that explanation, & the obvious analogy in connection to what he is enduring. By the end of the episode Charlie has determined to struggle to emerge from his addiction...he has set his sights on being the man he knows he can be.
Friends, sisters & brothers, we so often go through obstacles in our lives. We deal with tough stuff & find ourselves wondering if we truly have the strength to survive it. Trouble falls upon us, sometimes so thick we feel as if we are drowning in it...we feel helpless & hopeless. In the thick fog of problems, sorrow, disappointment, & fear...we can't see light at the end of the tunnel. There are times when we wonder if it's even worth the struggle...times when it is far more appealing to bail out rather than press on. When we are surrounded by trials & despair on every side, we can't help but wonder why a loving God allows it to happen. It is in these dark moments when we discover what we are truly made of. We are like that moth, bound up & captive, prisoner to situations (some of our own making & some that are not) that we have no idea how to get out of. We are like that moth, struggling & fighting, battling for our very lives. We are like that moth, seeing a tiny pinprick of light, a fragile source of hope that gives us the strength to keep fighting. In the midst of the struggle we have to wonder why God doesn't just reach down & break off the chains, scatter our troubles to the wind. Locke could have done the same for the moth, but why didn't he? It is in the midst of struggle that the moth develops the strength to is in the midst of our battles that we discover the true source of our strength...that we discover what we are really made of...and we emerge from the dark times stronger & better than ever. That moth was created, designed by the Creator, to survive the struggle of breaking free from it's was part of a grand plan that prepared it to fly...the ability to struggle & survive was the divine nature of the moth.
Sisters, brothers, friends, we live in a fallen world. We live among a people that want nothing to do with the things of God. We ourselves struggle to put aside our sinful selves in order to embrace the new nature He has designed for us, but with His love in us...we are capable of surviving & thriving that struggle. When we deny the instinct to give up, to bail out, or cop out, when we fight the good God's grace we will break free from the bondage that holds us captive. If we did not endure struggles, if life was always fine & dandy, if things always went our way, we would not/could not see our need for God. If the sun was always shining, if we were always successful, if we always had everything was wanted...why would we think we needed Him? Truth be known if life was perfect, to our way of thinking, even then there would be a fill a void that can only be filled by Abba's infinite love...and so He allows the toil. He allows us to feel the fear of being captive to bad things, but He also offers that pinprick of light...that glimpse of hope that causes us to dig in & battle to emerge from grab hold of our Faith in Him with all our might...and with His grace, by His grace, we can & do break free. When we love Him, when we accept Him that becomes our nature...He designed us with the ability to burst out of the cocoon by His strength, by His wisdom, by His mercy...not our own.
The troubles & struggles that I am speaking of come in many forms, the loss of a loved one, financial strain, broken relationships...but it can also be little day to day disappointments that pile up over time...they can be such minute frustrations that we scarcely notice how each begins to take hold us...we do not realize that we are becoming captive to depression, anxiety, & bitterness until suddenly we can't move. One moment we are loving life & full of joy, & then suddenly we are surrounded by darkness. Big problems or small ones...they all can  result in the same captivity. I italicized the word 'can' because we do not always have to be victims to  struggle. The more we press in to Abba, the more we embrace His vision, His expectations, & live according to His will...the more we will be able to recognize our troubles before they take us soon as we feel the weight of  affliction press upon us, we can begin crying out to our Father & leaning into His strength. We can come to resolution before it overtakes us. Today, whether you are fully engulfed in a cocoon of heartache or whether you can just see the threads beginning to wrap their way around you, my prayer is for you to see the light of hope that God is offering to heart is for you to grab hold of Him & to fight with all the strength He has set within you...break free of the bonds because you were created with the nature to do so!
2 Corinthians 5:17 'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone & the new is here!"
The first step to emerging from the cocoon of trouble is to shed off the old sinful nature, to receive God's mercy, & to put on the new nature He created for you...and then fight...fight by knowing His word, fight by crying out to Him, fight by surrounding yourself with those who know Him...and watch with amazement as the cocoon begin to loosen & then fall as you have the strength, through Him, to emerge from the darkness of your troubles & to fly into all that He has planned for you.
Philippians 4:13 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith-and this, not from yourselves, is the gift of God."

Be Blessed this day!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Step Away from the Keyboard

When I began my Proverbs 31 journey, nearly 7 years ago, I felt deeply that Abba would one day call upon me to share all that He was revealing to me.  This journey of mine has been epic. I look back at the woman that I was & do not even recognize her. The pathway to understanding submission & God's role for my life as a woman was not a smooth one. Anything & everything that I share with you comes from a lesson hard learned. I write to you not as one who has perfected anything, but as one who shares out of admission of my shortcomings. The things that Abba has revealed to me have been convicting & my toes have been sore from being stepped on more often than not. When I open up in writing, I do so knowing that all who read it can see where I personally have failed...that is not a comfortable feeling. Countless are the times when I have overstepped my bounds in my marriage...Countless are the times when I am so hung up on envy & jealousy that I cannot see my own blessings...Countless are the times when my concerns & worries are set upon beauty & appearance rather than the heart....Countless are the times when I'm angry over what I don't have instead of thankful for what I do have...Countless are the times when I have embraced the world's expectations of women in neglect of Abba's...Countless are the times when I have been up on my high horse only to be knocked flat. I fail...quite often, but I know that each failure is an eye opening experience that allows me to more closely see the bigger picture...that allows me an inside view of my Father's heart. Each failure brings me a step closer to being that Proverbs 31 Woman that I so long to be...and so I embrace the hard knocks. When the chastisement comes from the Lord, it hurts, it's shameful, it's humbling, & from that point of repentance, I stand back up & try again...encouraged that I've learned a new lesson...or been reminded of an old one.
After 5 years of being a sponge & of soaking it all in, I began feeling a prompting to begin wringing it all back out. Nearly a year ago I began writing letters to the teenage/young women in my church, sharing with them some of the things that Abba had been teaching me. Not long after that the Lone Ranger & I entered the cyber world via satellite internet & my letter writing turned into a blog. Inasmuch as Abba has used that to allow me share with others, He has used it to keep me humbled, motivated, & on track. Quite content in the outlet of this blog, I was taken aback when I felt Him asking me to step away from the keyboard. A conviction that He would have me speak personally to women began to grow. In a combination of fear & of waiting upon the Lord, I just sat on that feeling hoping for some form of be honest hoping that He wouldn't require it of me. I'm fairly comfortable at my keyboard, writing my thoughts, sharing my mistakes, (not really knowing if you agree with me or not) but it is entirely another matter to speak face to face. Several months later I received a phone call from a dear friend asking if I would like to speak at the local church's women's retreat. Validation. I agreed & then prayed that Abba would make clear whether this was a one time gig or whether it would be more. Nerve wracking doesn't half describe my emotions leading up to that event. It was awful, & to my dismay I felt a sense of confirmation that Abba would ask me again to step out in such a way. I have spent the time since leaving that calling in the Lord's hands. I do not want to seek out such things...I do not want to appear as though I view myself as worthy of sharing...I do not want anyone to perceive that I see myself as further ahead than anyone else. As much I feel God's prompting to step out in such ways, I truly fear the way that might looks to others...perhaps if I am honest that is the reason I did nothing about His leading. I had nearly convinced myself that I'd just imagined it all when almost a month ago I was asked to speak at a Women's retreat/Mother's Day banquet this coming Spring. I am hugely honored & painfully humbled to have the opportunity to share Abba's love with some wonderful women in May...I have the next 3 months to seek, fret, & worry over that day, but I am certain of one thing...I am nothing without Him. I confess that I feel entirely unworthy to stand before anyone as though I have something of worth to offer. I ask you to pray for me, if you will, during these next few months. Anything that comes out of my mouth (or from my fingertips), I want desperately to be from the Lord & not of myself.
I share all of this not to gloat, please see my heart, but to encourage you. I am not unique in that I am doing things for God...we each are called to such things. I know that Abba has many plans for each of you...tasks that He would have you to fulfill. People whose lives can only be touched by YOU. Trust in that instinct...embrace the promptings...and when He puts an opportunity before you, step out in faith. P31W, we have so much to offer others, so much to share...even if it is only genuine friendship. Women need to know that there is someone out there who has been where they are, who has made it through, who is better because of it...they need someone to take their hands & walk beside them. I am nothing special. I am not unique. I am not anything more than anyone else. If anything can be said of me that makes me qualified to be used by Abba, it is simply that I'm available..I am willing. If you are willing, if you are available...Abba will use you as His hands, as His feet, & as His voice. He will bless others through you. You are a beautiful image of Christ. You are the delicate feminine side of God's nature. You are the part of His creation that completed His visible, relatable image. Embrace who you are in Christ...rejoice in the role He desires you to fill...let your light shine that others might know Him & His love because of you & your love.
Many of you knew my Grandmother, Donna Gentry. She was the epitome of the Proverbs 31 Woman. Grammie had a heart for the unborn, & most likely saved hundreds of babies from murder. She began a pregnancy care clinic in her hometown. She brought unwed mothers into her home. She was a marvelous woman. Many would look at all of the things she accomplished for the Lord, & would deduce that she was an extraordinary woman...I would say that she was an ordinary ordinary, everyday, lady who allowed Abba to work extraordinarily...mightily...powerfully through her. I know she'd say the same. The truly unique thing about my Grammie was that she was willing...she was available...& she never said no when God asked something of her. I want to be like that. I want to be a typical, normal woman who Abba uses for His glory. I know that you want the same. My heart is that we would each see that if Abba took the time to create us...individual, special, & unique unto ourselves...then He has done so for a purpose. May He allow you to see the precious thought He put into your creation today. May He allow you to feel special & treasured. Psalm 139 
 May He show you the plans that He has for you.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen.13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me."

Be Blessed!