Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Crafts & Costumes

This sassy little ensemble was a fun craft I made this week. Her little lady has a big personality that fits this cute get-up to a T! She loved it & even made an order for another one for her niece!

Goldilocks decided that she just must be a fairy for trick-or-treating & so Mama had a new project!  Fairy Wings & Tutu's it is!

Bent wire clothes hangers, dyed panty hoes, ribbon, glitter, & a big flower! This project through my OCD into overdrive as it's not easy to bend thick clothes hangers & to make them look identical, but we were pleased with the end result!

The Darlings were Happy so Mama was Happy :o)

Next on my agenda is to turn this snazzy little fat quarter bundle into Holiday Cuteness for the Darlings!
Maybe a little something like this...

and this...

Add some leggings...maybe leg warmers & prepare for Ooohs & Aaahhs!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One of Those Days....

Today has all the makings of "one of those days"...

It began around 3:00 a.m. as I attempted to flip my pillow to the cool side. When it wouldn't budge, I realized that the 8 lb head of Sweet & Sassy was weighing it down...not quite sure when she made her way into our bed, but there she was. Around 4:00 I stretched out my legs only to kick Goldilocks...not quite sure when she joined us either! At 4:30 the Lone Ranger's alarm began blaring & in his sleep dazed state, he flipped on the lights thereby waking up The Darlings...all 3 of them. 3 snoozes later, the Lone Ranger was up and bumping about the room getting ready to head out for the day. Thankfully the Darlings continued snoozing & even slept in until 7:00. The marvelous scent of coffee woke me from my slumber, & feeling rather stiff from the lack of being able to move, I made my way to the kitchen. There, all over the counters & the floor, was my precious coffee! I had taken time to prepare the coffee maker the night before, but neglected to put the pot under the spout!
With the mess mopped up & a new pot of coffee brewing, I asked Darlings 1 & 2 what we should do today.  Goldilocks decided her toenails needed painting, so off she went to pick out "the perfect" color. Sweet & Sassy, as usual, trailed right behind her. I sat down with my warm mug, & laid my head back, enjoying the momentary silence...but I should have remembered Rule #1 in Mommyisms: Beware when your kiddos are quiet, but alas I did not. The Darlings &  I, minus Little Belles & Whistles, spent the next little while painting little toes & fingers. Purple, Yellow, & Glittery were the choices of the day. With my little ladies contently watching a cartoon as their nails dried, I gathered up polishes & headed to the bathroom to return them to their rightful place...only to step on a wet roll of toilet paper. Grumbling to myself as I removed my soggy sock, it suddenly dawned on me to wonder: just how had that toilet paper gotten wet? This could only be the work of one Darling...Sweet & Sassy. Sounds of little feet pattering my way, followed by "is nassy (nasty), Mama!" proved my conclusion to be true. For the second time this morning out came the mop & bucket.
That task taken care of, next on the agenda was to whip up some banana bread. With chairs pulled up & aprons tied on the Darlings & I were ready to bake! I set the mixer on the counter with the bowl & beaters.  I grab my recipe only to turn back around & find that my beaters were missing. A quick survey confirmed my fear... Goldilocks already "cleaning" them for me. Hot water & dish soap quickly restored them to readiness, & soon 2 loaves of banana bread were baking in the oven. By this time my sweet Belles & Whistles was ready for her morning nap so after some snuggling & a bottle she drifted off. I looked at the clock & realized that it was only 9:30 a.m. After breaking up a wrestling match, I decided it was time for  my secret weapon...our indoor pop-up princess tent. The package claims that it's E-Z fold up & pop-out technology is a breeze to maneuver, 4 steps complete with stick-figure pictures assure you that it is so. I am fairly certain that the battle to unfold & set up that silly tent would have been a more than adequate audition to participate in Cique du Soleil! Finally with the older Darlings distracted & the little one sleeping, I had a moment to take a deep breath. I knew that this was just one of those days & that I had a choice to make: Cry or Laugh.
I sit here now, listening to silly giggles & happy chattering, & I'm reminded of a quote that my dad always used to say. "The only difference between a good day & a bad day is your attitude." How right he is! Right now I am making a choice, Today , with all of it's oops & uh ohs, I will laugh & I will choose to have a good day :o) I think I'll cut a couple slices of that warm banana bread, climb in the princess tent, & have a mid-morning snack with my Darlings!

Be Blessed!

Monday, October 29, 2012

YOUnique: Custom Party Planning & Decorating

Custom Party Planning & Decorating

Psalm 139: 16
“You saw me before I was born.
    Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
    before a single day had passed.”

Each day of our lives was planned out by the Lord, & I delight in making those most precious of days YOUnique & memorable! Birthdays, Anniversaries, Bridal Showers, Baby Showers, & Wedding Days are opportunities to celebrate those predestined & priceless moments in our loved one’s lives.  I plan these events with personal touches & great attention to the smallest of details. Every event is a reflection of an individual’s personality & interests. I’d be honored to help create a memorable day for your loved one!

For more information please contact me via email & we will begin creating a truly YOUnique celebration!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Family Friday

This week I made the leap & deleted my Facebook account. I've felt compelled to do so for awhile now but  finally committed to doing so. (Proverbs 31:27) Having said that I know that there are family & friends who kept up with our family through that, so I have decided to have a post on Fridays that will give an update on our week. I'll do my best to be faithful to doing this as well as posting pictures of  The Darlings. So here's our a nutshell :o)

The Lone Ranger
My precious husband has been working his tale end off. He always does but as every farmer knows there are 2 crazy times of year...planting & harvest, Spring & Autumn. In addition to the hectic nature of farming, my husband's family also runs a trucking & excavating company, so the chaos of our life is 3 fold. His schedule has been from 4:30 a.m. to about 6:00 p.m. for about a month now. We are grateful for the work, blessed beyond measure, but I must say the Darlings & I are ready for things to slow down a bit.  The Lone Ranger has also been asked to bring the Word to a local church this coming Sunday & so preparations for that have been in the works as well. I never ceased to be amazed at the ways in which my man handles it all. He walks in the door & sweeps his ladies in his arms. I see the weariness in his eyes, but also see the joy that springs up the minute he sees The Darlings. He's a rare gift of a man, & I am so lucky to have him.

Our first born Darling keeps us on our toes with her quick wit & sharp mind. On the way to the grocery store she prayed to thank the Lord for the beautiful day, & this led to a discussion about blessings. I explained the meaning of the word & asked her to think of some examples. We proceeded to go back & forth about different ways in which God has blessed us & I said that getting to stay home with them was one of my greatest blessings. When she didn't respond, I looked in my rear view mirror to see her little brow furrowed. She finally said that since daddy was working so much & she didn't get to see him very "oftly" that must be a "mean blessing."  Goldilocks then proceeded to tell me that she would one day marry a young man, we will call him 'I', who is the son of dear friends of ours. In the sage wisdom that only comes from a 3 year old she told me not to worry because it wouldn't be until "after Thanksgiving, & Christmas, & my birthday".  She constantly amazes me, & I praise the Lord for this quick wit of hers  :o)

Sweet & Sassy
The second Darling had her 2 year checkup on Monday. She cooperated far better than I feared she would. At 2 years old they say you can double a child's height & that is a pretty good guess of how tall they will be when fully grown. If such a thing is true Sweet & Sassy will be around 5'6", which is pretty impressive to this 4'1-" mama. The only minor hiccup was that the Dr. suggested a trip to the optometrist to have my little lady's eyes checked. On Thursday The Darlings & I cajoled The Lone Ranger's aunt into saddling up her pony, Biscuit, so that the girls could ride. The Darlings spent a glorious afternoon alternately rejoicing in riding & pouting because they had to take turns. Goldilocks suggested the purchase of another pony...hmmm.

Little Belles & Whistles
Our littlest lady has had a big milestone this week! Belles & Whistles is the proud owner of 2 teeth! Such a sweet baby, she scarcely has complained about what surely must be a painful experience. She is finally rolling over with ease & now seems determined to learn to crawl. Our Little Belles & Whistles brings us such joy! She is anxious to be up & running with those sisters of hers.

My life is pretty much summed up in all of the above. I do my best to love on & create a happy home for this brood of mine. This week was one of milestones for me as well. As I mentioned before I gave up Facebook. It seems silly to think of that as such a big thing, but in many ways it was. God is faithful though, & I can truly say that I have not missed it & have been tremendously blessed with more focused time with the Darlings. After prayer & a time of consideration I also made another decision. I stepped down as Story Time coordinator for the Children's Ministry in our church. I'll still be teaching, but have taken a step back from that obligation. So often as a stay-at-home mama I desire to be "useful" & I forget just how big my job really is! The Father has reminded me of this mission He has set before me, this ministry of homemaking, mothering, & help-meeting. I have clear eyes & a heart of excitement to continue walking along this path.  The Lone Ranger & I are involved in a local youth ministry that operates every year from November to April. (I'll be writing a post about that ministry this week) Last night was clean-up night in preparation for next Thursday when our ministry begins again. Today the Darlings & I made Fairy Wings for them to wear trick-or-treating. I enjoy getting crafty when I can. I'll post a picture of the girls in their costumes on next Friday's update.

I hope that this will help those who love us stay in the loop with us, & I hope you know that we are blessed to be loved by so many! Until next Friday....

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Keeping the Home Fires Burning

 The other day as The Lone Ranger (my husband), the Darlings (my daughters), & I were walking through the woods, & my man mentioned that it was about time to stockpile firewood & to get the chimney cleaned out. Out here in our little oasis, we still do some things the old-fashioned way, & heating our home with a wood stove is one of them. The Lone Ranger grew up that way, & after a few years of high electric bills...well we decided that smoke rolling from the chimney would be a welcome sight. Up went the chimney, & down came the chainsaw. The idea of building & maintaining a fire was pretty daunting in my eyes, but under The Lone Ranger's tutelage, & with the incentive of free heat,  I have learned the basics. As we strolled through the woods, making plans to redd-up for Winter, God began to speak to my heart. As my Abba often does, He uses the mundane to bring understanding to the profound. My mind began to ponder the fire building & hearth keeping skills that I've acquired...the vast majority learned through trial & error...mostly error. Suddenly the everyday task of keeping the stove burning became a metaphor for keeping a relationship strong. I realized that the tips I'd learned for building & maintaining a roaring fire were applicable to building & maintaining a vigorous marriage, sturdy family bonds, & solid friendships. I hope this blesses you just as it has blessed me...
Lesson #1: Don't let the fire burn out.
Once The Lone Ranger & I began heating our home with the wood stove, it didn't take me long to figure out that the worst mistake I could make was to let the fire burn out. One day I picked up one of the Darlings & realized her toes were little icicles. I ran over to the thermostat & gasped as I saw it was only 60 degrees in the house. In my busyness I'd forgotten to add more wood to the fire.  I took the poker & stirred around hoping to find some smoldering coals.  In the dead of winter it doesn't take long for a house to get cold if the fire has gone out. The way to be sure there's continued heat is to keep the fire going.
Relationships are quite like these smoldering coals. They need time & attention in order to thrive. Just as a fire dies out without additional wood, just as coals smolder in ashes, so do relationships wither when we are not attentive. Former good times, memories of days gone by, can only keep a relationship going for so long. Without new memories, without investment in one another, eventually the bond smolders & dies out. Even a marriage that once resembled a wild fire with it's all encompassing passion can eventually become nothing more than a dying ember. The deepest of friendships can be reduced to ashes. I have experienced the pain that comes with such a loss, but I have also experienced the wonder of rekindling the flame. Coals can be buried among ash & smolder from quite some time, but when left entombed they eventually burn out. As long as a few coals burn red, that fire can be coerced back to life. Relationships suffering & struggling are like those smoldering coals, as long as there is even the tiniest bit of fondness left hope remains.
Lesson #2: Bring smoldering coals out from under the ashes & let air permeate them to rekindle the flame.
When The Lone Ranger sees that the fire in the stove is dying out, he leaps into action. He digs out the red embers, pushes aside the ashes, & gently blows air onto the coals. Like magic they begin to crackle & burn brighter. He carefully touches kindling to the embers & before I know it small  hopeful flames are leaping forth. Gently, patiently The Lone Ranger continues adding kindling to the increasing flames before finally adding several logs to the flame. Before my eyes, he's coaxed the fire back to life, & is reminding me to be more mindful of tending to it. Struggling & suffering relationships are so very similar to those smoldering coals. At first glance we often write off those relationships as hopeless or as lost, but upon further inspection we often find that buried among the rubble of either inattentiveness or conflict, love remains. If that is so then there is hope! We must uncover that love, setting aside the rubble of hurt feelings. We must breathe new life into that relationship. Forgiving, forgetting, & moving forward are the first steps to reviving the bond. Trusting anew & sharing with one another are like the kindling to that ember. These little acts of faith ignite & restore life into the relationship.
Lesson #3: Smoke needs to go up & out not down & in.
One day I set out to surprise my Lone Ranger by having a roaring fire ready & waiting for him when he came home. I knew he would be home any minute so I quickly tossed some wood into the stove, poured on a little lighter fluid, & lit the match. Big mistake! In my haste I did a poor job & the result was my weary husband returning to a house filled with smoke! Lesson learned. A fire not built correctly will draw the smoke down the chimney & in to the house. Patiently The Lone Ranger put out my pitiful flame & showed me how to properly stack the wood & start the fire. The flames sprang to life & with a whistle the flue began drawing the smoke up the chimney. How often do we hastily spout out words without thinking, jump to conclusions, or make rash judgments? The results of such behavior is often hurt feelings, bruised egos, & a chasm within the relationship. Just like my incorrectly built fire caused smoke to pour into our home, so does unhealthy handling of conflict billow hurt & destruction into our relationships. When conflict arises, & it will occur, we need to handle the strife properly & delicately. We need think before we speak, we need to carefully choose our battles, & we need to consider all perspectives before reacting. When we approach differences with forgiving hearts & with understanding attitudes the tension can be broken & can dissipate. Just as the smoke of a properly built fire flows up & out the chimney, the hurt of a disagreement can be released when we send it up to our Father & let it out of our hearts.
Lesson #4: Leaving something on a hot surface is a bad idea!
One evening I headed down the stairs with my flashlight, set it on the stovetop, opened the doors, & proceeded to build up the fire. By the time I closed the doors the fire was roaring & heat was oozing from the stove. I made my way back upstairs & carried on with my tasks as usual. It wasn't long until a strange smell began wafting it's way upstairs. The Lone Ranger came home & immediately smelled the odd aroma. Like hound dogs we sniffed around until we made our way downstairs. There upon the stovetop was my flashlight...a melted mass of plastic. We had to clean off the goop & then once the fire had burned out scrape away the remains. Conflict unresolved has a similar impact. We must be certain upon encountering disagreements that we resolve the issue & that we remove the remnants of it from the relationship. If we leave hurt feelings to fester, they will melt into bitterness & a resentment that takes hold & that produces a chasm within. Not handling disagreements, pushing differences to the side, or denying conflict does not remove the problem. So often we think that if we squelch our hurt feelings, go back to business as usual that we will just let it be & deal with it not more...but we all know that's not the way it works. Leaving these things on the hot surface of upset feelings is a bad idea!
Lesson #5: All wood burns, but not all wood burns well.
Last year The Lone Ranger was not able to stockpile as much wood as he would have liked. Several times we found ourselves chopping up random trees rather than carefully choosing which type of wood we wanted to use. Several mornings we woke up to a chilly house to discover that a certain wood burned far too quickly. A fire that should have lasted all night instead had only lasted a few hours. The same amount of wood had been stacked into the stove, regardless of the type, but apparently type mattered. The Lone Ranger prefers to use hedge wood because it burns hot & because the wood is dense it takes longer to burn through. He avoids using pine because it's a soft wood that burns quickly & with little out put of heat. We might invest a lot of time into a relationship but the quantity of time matters little if the quality is poor. For example, I'm a stay-at-home mom. I am with the Darlings 24 hours/day 7 days/week. No one is with them more than me. The amount of impact I have on them however doesn't boil down to the amount of time I spend with them but the way in which I spend that time. Do I plant them in front of the t.v. so I can plant myself in front of the computer? Do I squelch their need to play so that my house remains spotless? Do I talk to them or do I talk at them? We can not assume that quantity is more important than's not. I can talk to my best friend for an hour, but if all we do is gossip how does that deepen our relationship? I can spend every evening with my husband, but if I only nag instead of praise is that time well spent? Time not well spent is time wasted, regardless of the amount. Just like a fire built with pine will produce little heat & will burn out quickly, so will a relationship wither that is shallow. All wood burns, but not all wood burns well.
Lesson #6: Just because there's no bill doesn't mean heat is free.
The first year we turned off the furnace & built a fire I was under the grand illusion that we were heating our home for free, but I was wrong. It didn't take too many times of spending hours in the cold splitting wood to see that this mode of heat wasn't free at all. Countless trips from the woodpile to the stove & back again proved that the lack of bill was saving us money but little else. Seeing The Lone Ranger come home weary from work only to head downstairs to build up the fire for the night showed me just how much this mode of heating our home really cost....but it's worth it. We all pay for the luxury of warmth either by the writing of a check or by the sweat of the brow...we earn it, & if we don't pay for it then we lose it. Don't write the check, the heat gets shut off. Don't chop the wood or put it in the stove, the fire dies out. Our marriages, our friendships, our relationships operate in the same manner. We reap the rewards of our investments, & we suffer the consequences when we stop putting in the effort. The time we give, the consideration & compassion we show, the love we have yields strong & meaningful bonds. These relationships are deep, passionate, & life altering, but when left unattended they do not linger. We only get out of them what we put into them. Kinship is something that is worth paying for...worth working for...but it is not free.

Song of Solomon 8:6 "Love flashes like fire,the brightest kind of flame."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1 Corinthians 13 for Moms

I came across this post on another blog today & just had to share it with hit home & convicted me. I hope it blesses you as well...

1 Corinthians 13 for Moms

If my child speaks in the tongues of men or of angels, masters sign language at six months and Spanish and Mandrin Chinese by six years, but does not learn to love, she is only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If he has the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge-ABCs at a year, reading by two, writing chapter books in Kindergarten-but does not have love, he is nothing. If I volunteer for every mommy ministry-MOPS, AWANA, Sunday School, and if I give all I possess to the poor (or at least bring loads of groceries to the foodbank), but do not have love, I gain nothing. 

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy other mother's lifestyle choices or possessions, it does not boast in the areas of my children’s natural strengths (while covering for their faults), it is not proud of the way my child potty trained before your child. It does not dishonor others by insisting that my method of parenting is the best, it is not self-seeking-hoping that you’ll notice how smart, talented or well rounded I am raising my child to be. It is not easily angered by perceived slights or misjudgments, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth that all of parenting is fueled and driven by God’s grace. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails-even where I have fallen painfully short of God’s best for my children. But where there are competitions to see whose body bounces back best after childbirth, they will cease; where there are verbal fights over the correct methods of discipline, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge about the best way to feed and clothe and nurture a child, it will pass away. For we know in part and we parent incompletely, but when they are fully grown, what we thought we knew about raising our children will disappear. When I was a new parent, I thought, spoke and reasoned with immaturity and without grace. As my children grew, I asked God to give me the wisdom to put these childish ways behind me. For now we see our children’s future as only a reflection as in a mirror; one day we will behold their adults selves face to face. Now I know in part; then we shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

*Here's the link to the blog this came from:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Chocolate Milk & Mind Control

Two weeks ago there was nearly a revolt in the Davidson household. Wails resounded, feet stomped, arms crossed over chests, pouty lips came out, a strike upon sleep was very nearly anarchy. You may wonder what incident incited such animosity, & I am certain that once I tell you, you will fully understand & justify the reactions of my girls. We ran out of chocolate milk mix. Evidently in our household this is a Capital offense. Living 20 minutes from the nearest town does not a quick trip to town make, but at last we were able to make peace with our hostile brood (After a desperate S.O.S. & quick jaunt up to John's parents yielded the much yearned for item). A liberal spoonful of chocolate, a quick stir, & all was forgiven....

Needless to say our weekly grocery list had a bold highlighted item at the top. A giant can of chocolate mix was the first object into the cart. Peace has reigned in our household ever since...until 3:00 a.m. this morning that is. My feisty little 2 year old groggily (& rather crankily) stumbled her way into our room & thrust her sippy cup into my face. The demand was simple, "More poclate." In my drowsy state I quickly determined not to do battle quite then & so off I went to the kitchen. I poured the milk, I put the lid back on, & I delivered the sippy to my aggravated, thirsty daughter. After the merest of sips, she thrust the cup back at me & in well-grounded ire said, "There's no poclate." As grogginess was rapidly wearing off I realized that indeed I had forgotten the desired chocolate  but in my reticence to wake the other 4 members of the household by rummaging through the kitchen, I made a hasty decision. "Be right back," I mumbled & I stepped out of the room for a moment. I leaned against the wall, took a deep breath, & walked back in shaking the cup. (We mommies are well aware that the universal sign of "There's something sweet & yummy in this cup, & it's for you!" is the shaking of the sippy). I was fairly certain that this bold & daring tactic would  result in mayhem, but to my astonishment the stinker tipped back that cup & guzzled the entire glass. With jaw dropped I watched as this wondrous event occurred. In a dazed state I kissed her goodnight, tucked her back in, & trudged to my room with the thought of, "there's a good post just waiting to be written about this one!"

As I went back to bed the wheels of my mind were turning. Part of me was elated that WWIII had not began, but the deeper part of me was lamenting that it had been so easy to deceive my sweet girl. During the day I would never have been able to pull off such a stunt, but in her weary state of mind my little one was not  watchful. While this is justifiable & understandable when it comes to a 2 year old & her chocolate milk, we as adults quite often endure similar situations. In a society plagued with psychological disorders, it's safe to say we are not adept at mind control. From extreme struggles with depression to the minute jealous thoughts, our thoughts have a tremendous sway over us. Our attitudes, our words, & our actions stem from emotions of our hearts. Emotions within our hearts are created by the thoughts in our minds. Allowing our thoughts to run wild is akin to going down a ski slope with no guide poll to control our descent. I would wager that 9 times of 10 sin happens as a direct result of a thought. Here's a laymen's terms list of the 10 Commandements:
1. Put God First                                                                   6. Do Not Hurt Other People
2. Worship God Only                                                          7. Be Faithful in Marriage
3. Use God's Name with Respect                                         8. Do Not Steal
4. Remember God's Sabbath                                                9. Do Not Lie
5. Respect Your Parents                                                     10. Do Not Be Envious of Others

How many items from that list can be violated without first having thoughts about doing it?  Jealousy, lust, anger, bitterness..all sins that originate with thoughts. Anxiety, depression, eating disorders...all struggles that originate with thoughts. I am not claiming that we can stop thoughts before they occur. I am not saying that certain thoughts of hurt, betrayal, & etc. are not justified. I am saying that we have the ability to control what those thoughts produce & what sins we commit because of those thoughts.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6
The world is unprincipled. It’s dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t fight fair. But we don’t live or fight our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren’t for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity. (Message Bible)

2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. (Amplified Bible) 

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]. (Amplified Bible)

How do you renew your minds, take your thoughts captive, & exert mental self-control? I'm glad you asked!

Colossians 3:2 And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. (Amplified Bible)

Proverbs 3:5-6 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understandingIn all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. (Amplified Bible)

1 Corinthians 16:13 Be alert and on your guard; stand firm in your faith ([a]your conviction respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, keeping the trust and holy fervor born of faith and a part of it). Act like men and be courageous; grow in strength! (Amplified Bible)

Philippians 4:6-Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition ([b]definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. And God’s peace [shall be yours, that [c]tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall [d]garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorableand seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the God of peace (of [e]untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you. (Amplified Bible) 

What I share with you today, I myself must put into practice. A lifelong battle for me has been a sense of worthlessness, self-doubt, & a desperate need for affirmation. I must learn to take hold of such thoughts the moment they enter my mind & to cast them out with the thoughts of my Father. Hear my heart, I beg you. The task I am asking us to undertake is not an easy one, & for some it will be a far greater struggle than for others, but it is one that by His Grace we can begin to conquer. It is far easier for Satan to gain a stronghold in our minds when we are not immersed in guarding them. When we cram our minds full of the things of our Father there can be little room for the evil that might otherwise pervade. Just as my little one was deceived when her guard was down, so too will we be when we fail to be diligent watchmen over our thoughts. For my feisty two year old the consequence of her neglect was that she drank white milk instead of chocolate...for us the consequences are far greater.

May we be mindful today of the repercussions we might face we let our thoughts run wild. May we take our thoughts captive through the power of Christ within us. May we set our thoughts on the things above.

Be Blessed.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Proverbs 31:28-29, 31

Her children stand and bless her.

    Her husband praises her:
“There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
    but you surpass them all!”

Give her everything she deserves!
    Festoon her life with praises!

If you have walked with me along this journey to becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman, then I rejoice with you as we reach the verses that address the payoff for all that hard work! For 18 verses now we have broken down, deciphered, & applied all the biblical qualities of a godly woman. We have had our toes stepped on, been convicted, & have endured the pruning process to become what God would have us to be...& beyond His approval, here is where it all becomes worth it! These verses, to hear my husband & daughters say these things & to know that I am worthy of hearing them, well that's the great cry of my heart. The road to being a P31W (Proverbs 31 Woman) is not a short journey, nor is it smooth. For some of us this trek will take a lifetime, but I firmly believe that we will one day no longer be P31W in training, but we will be the woman described in this passage!

There is little breakdown needed for these verses, but I want to describe the scene I picture in my head as I read them. I picture my daughters on the eve of their engagement, on their wedding days, after having just given birth. I see tearful eyes, hear emotion filled voices, & feel their hands gripping mine. I imagine them saying something like this,

 "Mama, I could not have asked for a better mother, confidant, friend, or example to follow. I want more than anything to be like you! Because of you, your time, your sacrifice, your transparency, I am a woman after my Father's heart. I have learned from your mistakes, & I will follow in the footsteps of your successes. More than the importance of you giving me life through my birth, you have guided me to life eternal. You, mama, are a godly woman!"

Imagining a conversation like that, day dreaming of hearing words similar to those...even now I am emotional at the thought. One day to be deserving of such an honor...oh yes, striving to obtain all the qualities of a P31W is worth the effort! As if that were not enough, the following verse  says there's more! 
"Her husband praises her:
'There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
    but you surpass them all!”

What greater reward, this side of Heaven, could there be than to hear your husband, your lover, your other half praise you!? Webster's defines praise as: to express favorable judgement of; to glorify especially by the attribution of perfections. As I read that, I most certainly feel unworthy of such a strong sentiment. I view the word praise as something only to be referenced in terms of my admiration for Abba, but to consider that I might one day be the recipient of such a strong exaltation...well that possibility is unfathomable to me. The quote that the Word says her husband will make, well that I believe is what any woman would love to hear. My mind pictures something like this,

My husband says he has a surprise for me. He tells me to get dolled up & to put on my finest, most favorite outfit. When I am ready I see that he & my daughter's are also dressed to the nines. He ushers us to the car & we travel to some unknown destination. When we arrive he urges the girls to go in & find a seat. He opens the door & offers me his arm. He slowly leads me into a room filled to the brim with our loved ones, friends & family. On tiptoes I whisper, "What's all this?" He gestures with his arm & whispers in return, "All of this is for you." As he guides me to the front of the room, my husband thanks me for the love I have given to him & the girls all those years. He extolls upon the sacrifices made, the "unnoticed" acts of service. He leads me to a place of honor in the room & then quietly makes his way to the front. Before everyone, he takes my hand, & with tears in his eyes he says this,
'There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,

    but you surpass them all!”

Dramatic, perhaps. Romantic, absolutely.Fanciful, certainly. Could it happen? I have no idea, but I like to think so. Can't you picture such a scene?! The truth is, sisters, that if we lead a godly life, if we strive to be the woman that Abba God designed us to be, then we can rest assured that whether such an event as I described happens or not...we are worthy, deserving of such an honor. That alone, whether I receive that praise literally or not, well it's motivation to strive towards that goal. 

Give her everything she deserves!
    Festoon her life with praises!

The final verse in this section of scripture is an admonition, a command not a request. It is powerful in content & in implication: A P31W, a godly & righteous woman, is worthy & deserving of special treatment. She has earned a level of deference & respect. She is a woman to be sought after by younger women for her counsel. She is one to be confided in with woes & to be trusted with her admonitions. She is special & priceless & should be treated as such! The rewards promised to the P31W are incredible! 

When John & I married, he began the tradition of reading to me Proverbs 31 on our anniversary & on special occasions. Prior to that, I had never taken notice of this particular piece of scripture, but after the first time hearing it from his lips...well a great sense of unworthiness took root. Each time he reads it, he says that I am that woman, & each time I am equally as sure that I am not. I vowed to myself that I would strive to be this woman both scripture & my beloved described. I promised that I would do all within my power to one day feel deserving. I have spent 5 years on this journey, at times failing terribly & others succeeding, & I'm still not there. Less than a month ago, on our 5th anniversary, he read Proverbs 31 to me once again, & once again tears fell like rain as the sense of unworthiness pervaded. Sobs came tumbling out as he read the verses we've discussed today...I want so badly to hear from my children, "you were a good mama." I want so badly to have my husband praise me...& to know I deserve the honor of his words! With all of my heart I believe that day will come. One day I will no longer be  P31W in training, but I will be her! My husband will read those words to me & tears of joy will fall rather than tears of discouragement. 

If you can sympathize with this feeling, if becoming a P31W is the desire of your heart, join me in the journey! If you have followed with me as we have broken down all the verse & still, like me, feel as though you have not yet reached your goal then start again. Verse by verse, trait by trait, try & try again until you've mastered each one. If you have only recently joined in this study, then go back in the archives of this blog & start again at verse 10 & walk through this journey for the first time. It is worthwhile! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Plus-Sized Princess

So I was scrolling along Pinterest & happened upon this image:

The blog it was connected to claims that rumor has it that Disney's next Princess will be plus-sized. As my previous post, "Punishing Princesses" made clear, I am a big fan of letting little ladies have their Princess-Loving stage. I think it is what we make of it.  If we let it be about vain-diva-like behaviors then it harms their character, but if we mold it into a positive, integrity-building opportunity to teach them about their role as "Royal Princesses, Daughters of the Most High King of Kings" then it can be an amazing tool to have them understand their identity in Christ. 

But alas, I have drifted from my original thought. I was intrigued when I saw this image & was captivated by the thought that Disney might dare to go in this direction. Aside from her hard to miss ta-ta's being flaunted, I like the idea of presenting to our daughters the idea that a Princess does not have to be rail thin & traditionally beautiful. This princess deviates from the stereotype & just looking at her kinda makes me want to hear her story. As a young woman who grew up in the presence of an eating disorder, I can fully appreciate the acknowledgement that most women do not (should not) look like Barbie. It appears as though Disney has tastefully created a unique, in my opinion normal sized, girl. They did not cross the threshold into making her morbidly obese (thereby condoning unhealthy habits) but put some meat on her bones. Her black hair & green eyes would also have them covering every base as far as hair type, skin tone, & eye color are concerned. I'd like to do some research & see if indeed they are creating a movie with a princess such as this (might send them a polite email requesting a little more modesty while I'm at it), but I just thought I'd share with you this discovery & see what your thoughts are :o)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Being One, Making One: God's Will for Your Life

Many weeks ago I wrote & posted a work with this title. Several weeks later having read what I had written I removed it. My reason for doing so was that I realized that my writing came across as harsh & even judgmental...that is not a righteous nor pleasing attitude. My greater point got lost in the shuffle. I cannot be a respected believer if I am not authentic & transparent. By God's grace my time away from writing has provided a time of pruning & of regaining perspective. As I still hold true to the greater point of that previous point, I wanted to rewrite it, this time in a manner pleasing to the Lord. All of that said let me try this again.

I have always struggled with the conundrum, "What is God's will for my life?" For as long as I can remember that question has been asked of me, & to be honest I had no real answer. Somewhere along the way I began to feel as though there were only a couple of acceptable responses to that query. What I once perceived as pressure to relay those expected replies, I now know was merely my own lack of maturity & wisdom in the Lord. What I once mistook as disapproval for not having the right answers, I now know was truly my own self-doubt & self-incrimination. I eventually, through no one's leading or fault but my own, came to the conclusion that if I did not one day go out into the mission field, or to live a life of extreme lifestyle in service to the Lord, then I was not "in His will." This altercation within my self, to be in the Father's will, whatever that will might be, tremendously stunted my spiritual growth. I had quite convinced myself that indeed I was called into the mission field, so much so that at 16 years old I went to Haiti on a 14 day missions trip. It was the experience of a lifetime, one that I would trade for nothing in the world, but it did present to me a clear perspective...I was not cut out for overseas missions, at least not in the long term sense. That experience & that realization, due to my misconceptions about God's Will, created within me a self-loathing. I began to tremendously doubt the authenticity of my faith. After all God had designed each of His children to serve in this way, hadn't He?

From the time I was 10 years old, I had in the deepest essence of my being known what I wanted to do with my life, but that inner desire did not jive with my misinterpretation of God's great plan for the lives of believers. The few times that I had dared voice my ambitions, I received less than desired responses. Raised eyebrows, the question "What else do you want to do?", & even blatant looks of disapproval caused me to hide within myself that deep longing & to further question my faith. Perhaps I am the only one that has struggled in this way, but this query & need to discover God's will for my life did anything but draw me nearer to Him. Through no one's fault but my own, & indeed enhanced by my lack of true seeking, I became a rather shallow believer. As I entered adult hood the cry of my heart increased regardless of my attempts to squelch it. By no coincidence I found my heart's desires being fulfilled, yet a part of me still struggled with my ceaseless ( & honestly a lacking in effort) search for God's Will. Surely my Father wanted, expected, desired more from me than to merely be a wife & mother...regardless of how important that task was to me. Somewhere along the way revelation began to occur within me, & coupled that this (God's Will) became a theme of the sermons at our church, God began to graciously provided answers to my quest.  Here is what I have learned, & what I believe God would have us to set our eyes & our hearts upon....

Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind, & with all of your strength, & love your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10: 27) Before ascending He also gave this task, "God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) Several times throughout scripture the command is given, "Be fruitful & multiply." This is often interpreted as an order to physically reproduce offspring & while that is literally the command there is also a deeper level of expectation within that commission. We as believers should "reproduce" more believers. We should be disciples, & we should make disciples. My church has recently set it's mission statement as "Being One, Making One" meaning just that: Be a disciple & make disciples. Seek after the Lord & help others do the same. THIS is God's will for us as His people! 

Further revelation has opened my eyes as my pastor began sharing out of the book of Ephesians. I will be referencing an interpretation of scripture known as the Five Fold Ministry. I am not going to attempt to go in depth with this as I am not nearly educated enough to do so, however I encourage you to research & seek out answers in this area if the struggles I have mentioned are ones that you too have faced. What I am about to share is rudimentary at best, the tip of the iceberg so to speak. If what I say below wets your appetite & births an awakening within you, I invite you to seek out more explanation on the Five Fold Ministry. 

Ephesians 4:7 says this, "But that doesn’t mean you should all look and speak and act the same. Out of the generosity of Christ, each of us is given his own gift." This is further explained in Ephesians 4:11-13.
 "He handed out gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, & teacher to train Christ’s followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ’s body, the church, until we’re all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God’s Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ." To very briefly explain, each of us has been "wired" to operate within 1 (or 2) of these 5 capacities. The following are a secular, non biblical definition of each of these terms.
Apostle: one sent on a mission
Prophet: one who utters divinely inspired revelations
Evangelist: one who evangelizes (shares the Gospel)
Pastor: one who spiritually oversees
Teacher: one who instructs

In my skewed thinking I only perceived evangelists & apostles as true followers of God's Will & because I did not feel an affinity for those areas concluded that I must not be a genuine believer. I now know that I am merely just hardwired to perform in a different way. Teaching is my area of gift, followed closely by Pastoring. How do I know this? For one, it really just makes sense. I instinctively & intuitively perform in these ways. Also there's an online test you can take that will help you discover your gift. :o)  Visit & answer the questions very quickly & very honestly. After doing so you will receive the results. I implore you to not just take the survey & then assume that you know what the results mean. Seek out scriptural & scholarly explanations of the Five Fold Ministry & what each area of gift means by God's standards. The revelation of this area of scripture has given me a peace about being in my Father's Will. I now know how to operate within my role as a member of the body of Christ. I no longer feel inadequate but empowered to step into my calling. I fully appreciate & admire those who are gifted in the other areas...indeed scripture is clear that if we do not appreciate & embrace all functions of the body then we are incapable of operating effectively.(1 Corinthians 12:1-31)

The calling of each of us is to "Be One, & to Make One" be a disciple of Jesus & to help others to the same, but the mode by which we do that is different for each of us. Understanding & being grateful for who we are as children of the Most High allows us to rise to the challenge & be who we are supposed to be. We will have little impact on the Kingdom if we spend our lives questioning His Will & not ever discovering our place within it. We will be ineffective if we stand envious of those who are walking in purpose & do not embrace our own mission field. God has most certainly called many to sacrifice comfortable & normal lives in order to go out into the world to share His love, but He has also placed some in the midst of "normal" & asked us to be "unusual" in our ardent love for Him. Each role is important & vital to the multiplication & fruitfulness of the Kingdom. I spent so much of my life desiring to be something & someone other than who He created me to be. I wasted time envying the gifts of others & attempting to deny my own. I am so grateful for those who are apostles, evangelists, & prophets...I could not do what you do with the heart & success that you do it. I am excited to know that I have something to instruct about His love & to shepherd those He has put within my proximity. Finally I can say that I am fulfilled & certain in the Will of my Father. The Will of our Lord is that we love Him wholeheartedly & that we help others to do the is answered through understanding the gift He has placed upon your life, & where well that is between you & Him.

I truly believe that complicating God's Will & creating confusion about it is a successful tool of Satan used to make us ineffective in the cause of the Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 14:33 says that "When we worship the right way, God doesn’t stir us up into confusion; he brings us into harmony. This goes for all the churches—no exceptions." Ephesians 4 also says that the "mystery" of God is revealed to us through our salvation. Ephesians 1:8-11" With all wisdom and understanding, he[c] made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
11 In him we were also chosen,[d] having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,"  For those who love God there should be no confusion. Scripture is clear that the veil of mystery has been lifted. Discover the knack that God has given you, be a disciple, & utilize that knack for making more disciples. 

I pray that this has been an encouragement to those who have been searching to find their function within the body of Christ. Be Blessed.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Proverbs 31:30

"Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.

    The woman to be admired and praised
    is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God."

         Inner Beautythe quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit...originating from character, integrity, & faith.

I daresay that 'Botox', 'augmentation', & 'liposuction' are words that would have been unheard of in biblical times. While I am sure that the Proverbs 31 Woman (P31W) probably had moments of bemoaning the gray in her hair, the lines on her face, & the northerly parts that now sagged south, I am equally as sure that she at some point accepted those features for what they were...evidence of a life well lived.

It would be foolish to say that beauty did not matter to the ancients, scripture makes clear that it did. Sarah, Rebekah, & Bathsheba are women whose beauty was legendary...we won't get into the fact that for each of these women their beauty caused troubles. Song of Solomon is explicit in it's reference to a woman's outer appearance, & Proverbs has admonishments to be wary of placing such importance upon it. Even Jesus was described as being rather homely in his looks. So many references to outward appearance would not be needed if ancient women (& men) did not place as much emphasis on the physical nature as we do. It is common knowledge that Archaeologists have unearthed age-old evidence of makeup, & the biblical stories reference jewelry & clothing as being esteemed gifts...appearance has always been & will always be a matter of importance to humankind. All of that said, it is appropriate & even good to be concerned about one's outward presence, within reason. As we know from studying this section of scripture, some level of consequence has already been placed upon a godly woman's attire & presentation of herself. Problems arise when attention to this becomes all-consuming. In an age of eating disorders, body alteration, epidemic shopping, & with women acting/dressing half their age,  it is safe to say that we have crossed that barrier. Let me pause and say this, I am not casting judgement or condemning use of Botox or surgical procedures, that is not my place, in fact I know of circumstances in which it's use has been extremely beneficial. It is a transparent admission that having borne 3 children, I've spent my fair share of time examining what could be enhanced with a few nips & tucks. The point that I want to make is that when we spend so much time with our eyes on the mirror, it is impossible to keep our eyes on Him.

I can just picture the women of old as they would wash clothes in the creeks & small rivers. They'd lean out over the water as they scrubbed, catching a brief glimpse of themselves. Work worn hands would reach up to brush back mussed hair, & gently sliding down their faces to momentarily smooth out wrinkles. The women would groan & say something like, "Oy, would you look at that, so many lines! Once I had skin smooth as silk!"  Perhaps the older women would cast an envious glance at the young girls who were blissfully unaware of what time & hard work would one day do to their smooth complexions & luxurious hair. As the women stood up & hefted the heavy baskets to their shoulders, they'd hope that their labors would help shed the extra pounds they carried. One woman, a woman whom all the others admired, would chuckle to herself. She'd smooth out her dress, adjust her covering, & call out, "You know what they say, 'The pride of the young is their strength; the dignity of the old is gray hair.'" (Proverbs 20:29) She would laugh out loud as this caused scowls & huffs among the women, & she'd inwardly pray that they'd soak in the wisdom of this truth. That woman, the P31W, would know with utter confidence what so many other women did not know, 

"Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.

    The woman to be admired and praised
    is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God."
Oh yes, I am quite certain that these biblical women were not so different from you & I. These women had the same thoughts, the same worries, the same desires that you & I have today. They struggled with the same battles & endured the same fears. They had the same petty envies & jealousies, & they felt the same pull to conform to whatever society deemed beautiful. 

The great encouragement arises from watching that godly woman. She was one who might not have the hour-glass figure, the thick curly hair, piercing eyes, or small dainty nose, but there was something about her that was captivating. She was a woman that turned the heads of both men & women, not by any intention for attention, but because of who she was. The P31W was one that some women looked upon with disdain & others looked upon with admiration. She was a woman of mystery to those who did not know the God she served, & she was a woman of great esteem to those who wanted to be like her. She had a confidence that was not centered on self, but on Him. The P31W knew that as much as her nature longed to be beautiful & to be admired for it that such a desire was shallow. Time & the trials of life would produce signs of aging that no makeup nor gown could hide, but if her heart was set upon Abba, then beauty of the truest & purest kind would radiate forth, making her beautiful for all time. She knew that the most beautiful of women could often look harsh & unattractive because of the ugly & bitterness from within. The P31W knew that what's on the inside, sooner or later, comes out. (Luke 6:45)  She knew that loving the Lord, & exuding this love created an other wordly beauty that would not fade with time. The P31W knew & trusted that pursuit of her Abba was far more worthwhile & honorable than pursuit of a pleasing appearance. She knew that when her time on this world ended people would reminisce about her character far more than they would recall how long her eyelashes were. As we know from earlier in this chapter, the P31W had nice clothes & a pleasant appearance, but we also know that this did not consumer her nor bankrupt her. The P31W had a clear perspective on what was truly important & what was truly worthy of esteem & she pursued that. Her standards were not compliant with the world & society, but with what her Father wanted. Her real measure of beauty came from who she was, not what she wore.


 With honesty & with thick skin, examine the amount of time, effort, & finances you spend on your appearance. Be truthful with yourself about what changes need to be made in that regard. Proverbs 31:30 makes clear that the woman deserving of praise is not the one who is most fashionable or most beautiful, but the one whose identity is in her Father. If this is an area in which you struggle, I challenge you to redirect your thoughts. Each time you begin to fret about this wrinkle or that pound, this gray hair or that loose skin,those old clothes in your closest or the new ones you saw in the store, turn to Him, open your Bible and read Proverbs 31. Remind yourself of your goal to be a God-focused, righteous, P31W woman & fill your heart & mind with the desire for inner beauty.

Be Blessed this day