Thursday, May 30, 2013

Abercrombie, Marilyn, Corsets, & A Mission: Body Image

I'm deviating from the Titus 2 Series in this post, as another issue near & dear to my heart has been mentioned in media recently. One morning while drinking my coffee & eating  Cinnamon Toast Crunch, I overheard a Fox News reporter discussing a direct quote made by Chief Executive of Abercrombie & Fitch, Michael Jeffries. My jaw dropped. My eyes widened. My stomach clenched. Read the quote for yourself & see why...

'In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids. Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive All-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don't belong (in our clothes), and they can't belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely.'

The store's merchandise maxes out at size Large & in pants size 10, & as is clear by the above statement, they are unapologetic about being 'exclusionary' to body types beyond the fashion world's standards. Hearing that news story made me angry...but it also made me want to throw my bowl of cereal in the trash...sick at the thought of consuming calories. From the moment of our births, women are under terrible scrutiny. The pressure to be 'beautiful' is oppressive. Media & society has propagated the standards of beauty...standards that are virtually impossible to reach by healthy & natural measures. Toys such as Barbie further that expectation...and all of it culminates in an entire culture of females that are brainwashed & disillusioned. I will not pretend that modern day women are the first to experience such pressures, & most certainly American women are not the only ones to have such rigid expectations. The invention of the corset began a very similar body image struggle for women as early as the 16th century (1500's). As fashion became preoccupied with & demanded an hourglass figure, the corset (while fulfilling the tiny-waist goal) could have been an effective torture device. Made with rigid whale bone stays, the corset's only limit to how tightly it could be laced was the strength of the one tying it. Many young debutantes boasted an 18" waist (contrast that with today's average 22"-28" slender waist measurement). Records show that some young women even had ribs surgically removed in order to achieve the tiniest waist possible. Every culture & ethnicity has it's own standards of beauty...standards that they expect women to conform to. Middle Eastern women are expected (sometimes even required by law) to cover themselves from head to toe...allowing only their eyes & their hands to show. Asian cultures once had the practice of 'binding' young girls feet in order that they might remain small...resulting in the feet being broken, deformed, & painful but small (as desired)...which is all that matters of course!

Somewhere along the way, perhaps once Eve realized she was naked & dawned her first outfit made out of foliage, a preoccupation with appearance developed...and grew into a vicious addiction that robs women of any sense of self-worth or confidence. As a believing woman, I know that the intention (of Satan) all along was get women preoccupied on their outer beauty so that they neglect enhancing their inner comeliness, but as a human woman, I get caught up in the trap despite myself. Last night while sitting with the Lone Ranger, watching Wretched (a show on NRB network), I found myself nearly in tears at the topic of the episode. Todd Friel expounded upon an expose written by Joe Carter entitled, '9 Things You Should Know about Female Body Image issues.' (To read the entire list click, here) While I was not surprised by most of the 9 items on the list, a few caught even me off guard, & judging by my husband's reactions it was quite astonishing to him as well. I want to share a few of those with you. 

-According to the CDC, for women ages 20 years old & older, the average height & weight of American women is 5'3" & 166.2 lbs. For fashion models the average height & weight is 5'10" & 120 lbs. 

-By age 6 most girls start to express concern with their weight or shape. 40-60% of elementary school age girls (ages 6-12) show concern with becoming too fat...a lifelong concern.

-The median age for onset of an eating disorder is 12-13 years old. Over 20 million American women suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lifetime...most eating disorders are caused by body image issues.

-Only about 4% of women GLOBALLY consider themselves beautiful...meaning that 96% find themselves flawed or ugly.

I grew up watching my mother suffer from the grips of Anorexia Nervousa & Bulimia Nervousa...I myself, have felt it's tentacles try to wrap around me & only by God's grace have not yielded to it's temptations. I can count on 1 hand (with a couple of fingers left over) the number of times I have felt truly beautiful. The above mentioned statistics prove I am not alone. One look about our society shows that women, in a desperate attempt to reach those unreachable standards of beauty, are killing themselves in 1 of two ways in order to get there. I'd wager that the vast majority of us are pulled towards one of these two polarities...either an eating disorder or obesity. Some fight to meet the standards through starvation & purging while others have chosen to give up the fight & overindulge. Surgeries & injections attempt to correct the mistakes that Abba made when He so carefully crafted His masterpieces. As believing women we are torn, perhaps even more than non-believing women are. We KNOW that Abba stresses inner beauty rather than outer. We know that He created us in His image & called it 'good', yet we are plagued by the world's expectations. We find ourselves trapped in the same maze as every other woman in the world. We compromise our integrity as godly women, struggling to find the balance between being beautiful & being righteous. We beat ourselves up & look in disgust at the reflection before us...and it kills us...body & soul. 

When I look back upon history & think of some of society's most glamorous women, one comes to the forefront of my mind as the epitome of beauty...Marilyn Monroe. Simply Google her name & image upon image will come up...some of her in her starlet mask & others that are au natural...she's breathtaking in all. I came upon this image of her that made me pause...
I've discovered that there is some argument as to whether or not Marilyn Monroe was overweight or under...some debate as to whether she conformed to Hollywood's demands or paved her own path with her curvaceousness. Some images show her with meat on her bones, even a roll or two, while others make her appear very thin, but one thing is for certain the struggle (to be beautiful, to meet society's expectations) contributed to a myriad of problems that resulted in a life cut short.  
                                         (A Thinner Version)                       (Some Healthy Curves)

As always when I post on this topic of beauty & body image, I am not expecting that we toss out our makeup bags & eat quarts of cookie dough. I am not trying to start a movement of women who turn in their heels for slippers or skinny jeans for sweats. I am not encouraging women to run around with bead head & bad breath. I am encouraging us as believing women to put our foot down & say 'enough.' Centuries worth of skewed body image & torture to meet some ridiculous out-of-reach expectation have ruined a female's ability to see beauty within herself. I am encouraging us to redefine make that definition the one our daughters will strive after. Scripture is clear that a beautiful heart pervades to create a beautiful exterior..combine that with the fact that we were chiseled & molded by a Divine Craftsman & it's safe to say God didn't make 96% of females ugly. Our daughters will not buy into this if we don't. So buy your size 8 jeans, wear your size Large shirt, & tell your girl how gorgeous a healthy body is. Make your exercise about health & your meals about nutrition. Curl your hair & talk about how creative Abba was with all the different types of hair He made. Get up one day & walk around without a stitch of makeup on, but when you do apply it, show her that it's for enhancing, not transforming. Endeavor to be so beautiful internally that it has an impact on the exterior. Men who read this post, I challenge you, I implore you, I beg you, to join us in this quest. Tell the women in your lives (mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, daughters, girl friends) that they are lovely, gorgeous, beautiful, breathtaking...tell them often...everyday, multiple times a day. You don't know how powerful that would be.

By far the most widely read posts on this site are those about this topic...because we all struggle & get caught up in the endless maze of beauty. We are snarl & sneer at the reflection in the mirror. We all want it to end. So let's make it happen. Society most certainly will not change, but we as a culture of believers can. I am on a mission to do just that.  If any of you would like to write a post on the topics of beauty, body image, appearance, or anything of that nature, please email me & I will post it on your behalf. I'd love to hear other voices joining in unison when it comes to this issue!  Be Blessed, Sisters!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Titus 2 Woman: Love Your Husband

'Likewise, tell the older women to behave the way people leading a holy life should. They shouldn't be slanderers or slaves to excessive drinking. They should teach what is good, thus training the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to take good care of their homes and submit to their husbands. In this way, God's message will not be brought into disgrace.' -Titus 2:3-5

Quality #4:
Love Their Husbands

I love Mi Pueblo (a Mexican restaurant in my hometown). I love NASCAR. I love country living. I love dogs. I love reading. I love the mountains. I love my husband, John (a.k.a. the Lone Ranger).
Typically I would turn to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for the proper definition of the word 'Love', but as you might have guessed from my list of 'loves', the English language (& our culture) has rendered the word meaningless. It's no exaggeration that Merriam-Webster's had nearly a dozen definitions of this one word. We 'love' many things...some of which 'love' us in return & some of which do not. We fling the word around with such carelessness that the emotion & thought behind the term are rarely differentiated when speaking of a 'love' of Mexican cuisine or a 'love' of our spouse. The word that describes the most intimate & powerful of emotions is the same word used to describe inanimate objects. Quite simply, we do not think about what we are saying...or (even worse),just maybe we have become so callous & so unfeeling that we do indeed mean to use the word 'love' interchangeably...and with the same degree of sentiment no matter who (or what) we are expressing our 'love' to. All that said, Merriam-Websters was inadequate in defining 'Love'...or at least the emotion that this scripture is speaking of. The Greek language is far better about having only 1 definition per word & so we will utilize that dictionary for this post. While we have 1 word that encompasses a dozen definitions, the Greeks have 5 entirely different words that very specifically differentiate between the types of emotion that we've termed 'Love'. It is worth noting that not 1 of the 5 definitions refer to an emotion towards an inanimate object (something lacking living/breathing life or a spirit).

Mania: an obsessive emotion to the point of insanity; manic. (example: Bieber Fever).
**This unhealthy emotion is prevalent among tween/young teenage youth in our culture when they become emotionally involved long before they are capable of dealing with such powerful
 feelings. Domestic violence also stems from this type of emotion.

Storge: emotion that is parental in nature; stems from the lovee being dependent upon the lover
**Marriages in which spouses 'parent' one another very seldom survive.

Eros: passionate emotion based upon physical & mental excitement, attraction, & pleasure.
**Very temporary in nature. When the new & the excitement dissipates, the attachment fades as well

Phileo: affection born out of being similar in nature, having similar likes & dislikes, & through experiencing life together; friendship
**This emotion typically deepens over time as those in the relationship endure struggles & experience triumphs together.

Agape: a freely given, selfless, willing choice to put someone else first; love in action; lover gives wholly of his/herself to the lovee with no expectations of reciprocation.
**Biblical love used to describe the Abba feels about us. It is the same word used biblically to describe how we are to 'love' others.

Marriages begin (and end) for various reasons, but very often it has to do with a couple being (or no longer being) 'in love'. Many a couple has headed to the altar thinking that they are head over heels 'in love' when truly they are head over heels in Eros. Infatuation would be a good synonym for this type of emotion. When the new wears off, when their feet land back on solid ground, & when real life smacks them in the face, these couples rarely make it through. The foundation of their marriage was purely about the physical, mental, & emotional pleasure they derived from one another, so when that ends so does the relationship. Other marriages are Storge in nature. A mama's boy looks for, finds, & marries a girl just like his mama...only to discover that 1 mama is plenty. Women, full of a nurturing spirit, try to parent their husbands which results in husbands who resent being treated like children. Those marriages usually end too (if the spouses do not alter the nature of the relationship). Perhaps the most common foundation for marriage is Phileo, friendship. A man & woman meet,discover that they are very similar (common personalities, goals, standards, expectations, likes, dislikes, etc.), become good friends, evolve into 'more than' friends, & get married. It's an excellent foundation for marriage, & if the friendship is maintained these marriages generally survive...but even Phileo love is not quite what Abba had in mind for man & wife. Abba designed marriage to be Agape

I wonder how many brides walk up the aisle with Agape thoughts running through their minds? During that long (or short) sojourn, how many women think about how selfless they are going to be towards their man or how they will give (and give and give) expecting nothing in return? I'd say the contemplations of most brides while heading towards their groom are vastly more romantic in nature & therein lies a problem. Our culture has an obsession with 'romance.' By 'romance' I mean "extravagant gestures of love" (Thank you, Merriam-Webster). From the time we are little girls, we are spoon fed storybook concepts of epic fairytale proportions. The emotion that is 'love' has a stiff measuring stick in the form of romance. Love letters, bouquets of flowers, cavalier gestures, extravagant gifts, & flowery words have become the standard by which a woman determines just how much a man 'loves' her...or how the lack of such displays just how little he cares. The more grandiose his gesture, the greater his love. Novels, movies, plays, t.v. shows, & etc. all feed this Romance Monster & in turn add to our illusion of what true love ought to look much so that we wouldn't know real love if it did sweep us off our feet. It never seems to dawn on women that romance is very selfish in nature...encompassed by all of the sweet things men 'in love' are supposed to do for women. It never occurs to us that the whole idea of being 'in love' is entirely self-centered...revolving around how he makes us feel, & what he does to prove his love to us. Very often even gestures of a romantic nature made by women to their men stem from a desire to spur him to do something even more romantic in reciprocation. It's preposterous. What's even more ridiculous is that we have so bought into this 'romantic' definition of 'love' that we each play our part. In the initial stages of relationships men are very often gallant & chivalrous, showering their lady loves with the expected gestures...for a time. Inevitably at some point real life hits, adventure becomes normal, the Damsel becomes a nag & the Knight becomes a brute. The woman concludes that her man has fallen 'out of love' with her & they either go their separate ways or the relationship simply limps along through life. 

Abba wanted so much more for His children...He intended marriage, & yes, 'love' to be so much more.   I find it interesting that in all scriptures speaking to the relationships between men & women the focus is always Marriage & how spouses are to treat one another within the marriage relationship. 'Romance' & a call be 'romantic' are not present. There's no reference to being 'in love'...storge, eros, mania, or phileo. Truly in the Word, whenever 'love' of any form is spoken of, the word used biblically is most often Agape.

John 13:34
'A new commandment I give you, that you Agape one another: just as I have Agaped you, you are also to Agape one another.'

Even the most descriptive passage that speaks to 'Love' (& is used in nearly every wedding ceremony) speaks of something other than speaks of Agape. How different that passage comes across, how much more sense it makes, when we use the proper term...knowing what Agape means...

1 Corinthians 13:4-5
'Agape is patient & kind, not jealous, not boastful,
not proud, rude or selfish, not easily angered,
and it keeps no record of wrongs. '

Abba intended marriage to be Agape, to be love 'in action'. He intended it to be freely given & selfless in nature. He wanted a woman to wholly & entirely give of herself to her man...without care for whether or not he does the same for her. Abba wanted us to choose to serve our choose to meet his needs & to be a blessing to him...whether he deserves it or not. The great power & significance of Agape is that it's not based upon a flighty emotion or selfish pleasure...Agape is a willing decision to put his wants & needs before our own, to give of ourselves for his's a choice to 'love'. Abba intends for us to enter into the precious covenant of marriage, to walk up that aisle, with those thoughts on our mind...with that decision being made. 

The Romance Monster that our culture has bred, that Satan birthed, sets marriage up for failure...and it makes that holy covenant the antithesis of what God intended it to be. The idea of 'romance' (such as is defined by novels) is just that...fictitious. Women believe with all their hearts that they will find it, (many think they have), but when the romance fades (& it will fade), they believe love is lost...they allow the precious covenant of marriage to be dissolved...very often in hopes of finding 'love' again. It's imperative that we as a believing culture redefine 'romance' according to Abba's standards. It's time for us to realize that there is no greater gesture of love than selflessness...than choosing to give, adapt, serve, & bless...than Agape. It's vital that we end the selfish habit of measuring 'love' by 'romantic' gestures, & begin defining 'love' as Abba would.  We must train our daughters to seek a man who will Agape her rather than romance her. We must equip them to love their man in that way. 

The importance of this trait, 'Love their Husbands' is paramount. There is great tragedy that occurs when buying into the ideology of any form of love other than Agape. The most obvious results are the colossal divorce rate & the impact upon families (children) of broken homes, but there is a travesty that far overshadows even that. Marriage, the union between a man & a woman, the holy covenant (binding agreement), was given by an invisible, intangible God to mere mortal man as a visual, tangible representation of His extreme & extravagant love for us. Marriage was provided as an analogy so that we, simple minded human beings, could slightly grasp the extent of an omnipotent God's love. The intention was such that a nonbeliever should be able to look at the 'love', the Agape flowing between a couple & begin  to understand that God loved them in such a way...looking at such a picture would/should incite them to want a love such as that. 

Ephesians 5:25
'Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..."

When we distort 'love', when we skew marriage, when we redefine it, when we make it something that it ought to not be (selfish)...when it becomes cheap, disposable, bitter, & ugly...we do something enormously deplorable...we (at best) make Abba's love unrecognizable & (at worst) make it wholly unappealing. When people, lost in darkness, no longer can find light as a guide, what hope do they have? When sinners, blinded by that nature, no longer have the fortune of a clear picture, how will they ever see? When 'love' is eros, storge, phileo, or mania...anything but ruins the precious picture Abba painted of His love. Therefore, it is detrimental that we restore Agape not only to our vocabulary but most importantly to it's rightful place within our marriages. When Titus 2 calls us to learn to 'love our husbands' it is truly admonishing us to Agape them.

We are commissioned in scripture to Agape...anyone & everyone, but in terms of this post we are speaking of Agape within marriage. As readers there are 3 groups reading this post; Married Alreadys, Yet to Weds, & Singles.

Married Alreadys: 
Some of you reading this post have already entered the marriage covenant. Some of you entered into that relationship with a 'love' other than Agape as the foundation. Some of you have years of married life under your belt & have experienced the disillusionment of the Romance Monster. Regardless of how or why your marriage began, regardless of it's health status at this current moment, there is hope for Agape with your spouse. This Titus 2 passage sets the expectation for godly women to love their husbands in this start now. In this moment, where ever you are, whatever you're doing, choose to love your man selflessly...'love in action' that's what Agape is. He may not deserve it, & he may not Agape you in return...that's not yours to worry about. YOU are called (I am called) to Agape HIM. Your responsibility is to live that out...despite & in spite of how he loves you. Begin to Agape your husband (one conscious, selfless choice at a time) & watch how Abba touches his heart...and how you both discover the meaning of REAL 'romance." May I say, that I know firsthand there is no greater 'romantic' gesture than experiencing selfless acts of love...that is the epitome of love. If it is a struggle remember that you do this for a great purpose...that others might see your marriage & understand God's love.

Yet to Weds:
My hope for you is that this post has altered how you look at marriage, & most importantly that it will impact how you enter into this covenant in the future. I pray that you will prepare yourself to Agape your future husband, & that you will keep your eyes open for 'romance' that is Agape in nature. Storybook romance is not a good standard for measuring love...especially not godly love. I hope that you will make Agape the standard of love that you expect to have, & will determine to have in your marriage.

Regardless of your marital status, you too are a bride...His bride! Your life, the way you act, & the way you treat others can & should still paint a picture of Agape. Be selfless, give freely, & expect nothing in return. Cultivate a servant's heart & put it into practice! 

I pray that we as godly women will strive towards Agape in all areas of our lives, but especially within our marriages. I hope that we will grasp the importance of the picture we paint...that we will make it a clear & desirable representation of Abba's amazing love. Choose to Love...starting right now! Be Blessed!

Previous Titus 2 Series Posts:

Friday, May 24, 2013

Titus 2 Woman: Slaves to Drink (Addiction)

'Likewise, tell the older women to behave the way people living a holy life should. They shouldn't be slanderers or slaves to excessive drinking. They should teach what is good, thus training the younger women to love theirs husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to take good care of their homes and submit to their husbands. In this way, God's message will not be brought into disgrace.'
-Titus 2:3-5

Quality #3:
Slaves to Excessive Drinking (Addiction)

When first I read Titus 2:3-5, I chuckled to myself (I really did) when I read that godly women should not be 'slaves to excessive drinking." After that initial humorous reaction when I considered the historical context of wine being a common & typical beverage, I understood a little better...I mean if sweet tea could intoxicate you...well then this scripture would certainly be for me. As I began to truly research this passage, read the commentaries of highly educated scholars, & found that they ventured beyond consumption of alcohol to the quality of addiction, I could not help but come into agreement. Shamefully I must admit that I even felt proud...this was one quality I wouldn't have to work on...or so I thought. 

In our culture, when we hear the word 'addiction', our mind instantaneously assumes the object of addiction to be either drugs or alcohol, & more often than not that assumption would be accurate. With that assumption in mind, it seems a bit preposterous that this quality need be emphasized to a believing woman...but I would wager that addiction is vastly prevalent (far more than we realize) in the lives of believing women. Shocked? Dismayed? Defensive? Skeptical? I was too when Abba first laid that thought upon my heart.

Consider the definition of Addiction, 'compulsive need for & use of a habit'...what in my life do I compulsively need? What habits do I have...ones that drive me batty if I don't do them? Conviction began to rise within me as I suddenly realized (to my dismay & astonishment) that judging by the definition of Addiction, I had several of them. Abba, in loving discipline, began to open my eyes to the truth. Yes sisters, as believing women we most certainly are tempted to indulge in addictive tendencies, perhaps not to the obvious (drugs & alcohol), but veiled temptations bind & chain us. What 'temptations' & 'addictions' am I speaking of? Good question. Here are a few that Abba laid upon my heart; Social Media (texting, email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest), Pursuit of Beauty, Materialism, Romance, Adventure, & (here's the kicker) my Children.

If you just read that list & think I'm ridiculous, I get it...I did too...until I began to really think about it. The battery on my cellphone went dead one day, & I was hours, HOURS (okay really only like 2 hours) without the ability to communicate...I was frazzled. The satellite internet at my home was down one day...and lemme tell ya there were most certainly 'psychological symptoms of withdrawal'! I am constantly agonizing over what I eat (or don't eat), this pimple, & that bit of cellulite. I'm fretting over what to wear, & whether anyone will notice that it's from Wal-Mart instead of the mall. There are weeks when money is tight because I purchased something we 'needed'.  The romantic gestures of men in romance novels & in movies, convince me that my marriage must be lacking something. As for how my children are an addiction, I'm not even going to get started (a whole post will be devoted to this later)...all of which consume me far more than thoughts of Abba do. Oh yes, it became painfully apparent that my prior chuckles, skepticism, & pride were hasty reactions...this was indeed a quality intended for ME. 

Sisters, Satan is far too wily to utilize drugs & alcohol as ways of tripping us up (not to diminish that these are very real struggles for some), he tempts us with addictions that are far more veiled & disguised. Perhaps you think I'm exaggerating or being a bit list certainly describes preoccupations, but Addictions?! Maybe you are even wondering just what's so wrong with those 'preoccupations'? Herein is the true problem. The object that one is addicted to becomes an idol...a god in his/her life. Scripture is clear that we should have no other gods before Him (Exodus 20:3) That list that I described, those seemingly harmless fixations, steal my energy...even my resources. I become so hung up on, so caught up in, each of those things that my faith winds up on the back burner. Think I'm exaggerating? How often do I check the newsfeed on Facebook before I open my Bible? How much time do I spend perusing Pinterest in lieu of studying the Word or in prayer? How frequently do I change outfits or apply more makeup to change my appearance, but neglect to change the flaws within my character (that would enhance my inner beauty)? Can I deny that my family would be far more comfortable financially if I wasn't so worried about 'Keeping up' with whatever everyone else has? When I am wholly honest with myself, it doesn't take long to realize that I often allow idols into my life...addiction does that. 

If we are to pursue righteousness...if we are to follow after Him wholeheartedly...if Abba is to be the one & only God of our lives...then there is no room for addiction...indeed there can be none in order to fulfill those responsibilities that we have as believing women. He should be the only one whom we 'compulsively need'...deepening our relationship with Him should be our only true 'habit'. We have to remove the scales from our eyes & realize that there is an extensive list of preoccupations that deceptively become addictions (idols) in our lives...and we must begin ridding ourselves of them. 

1 Peter 2:11 
"Beloved, I urge you a sojourners & exiles to abstain from passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul."

Matthew 6:21
'For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Colossians 3:5
'Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, & covetousness, which is  idolatry."

We must first be willing to be honest with ourselves about the addictions within our lives. A good litmus test for whether or not something is an addiction is to consider this; How do you react when this 'preoccupation' is gone? 
How I reacted when my cellphone battery died & when the internet was down were prime indicators of how social media has become an idol in my life. Some of you might be scared that the next step is to eradicate those items from your life...and you might be hyperventilating at the thought of throwing out your makeup bag or romance novel collection...fear not ( although for some this might be a needed course of action), I am not declaring that you should do so. Steps do need to be made, however; to change. Awareness of the addiction means that it's time to withdrawal from put those things in your life back into their proper place. Depending on what the particular preoccupation is, a course of action must be taken. 

Here are some examples that I have personally put in place for myself:
Addiction: Social Media
Action: Reduction of usage & not until AFTER quiet time with The Lord

Addiction: Romance
Action: Put away novels & begin recognizing 'true' romance for what it is

Addiction: Pursuit of Beauty
Action: Be certain that there are times in which I do NOT wear makeup. Work on the sins & flaws in my character.

Addiction: Materialism
Action: Be honest about 'needs' over 'wants', be accountable to my husband in spending.

The time has come to be aware of the idolatry that pervades our be aware that it does not take the form of little wooden statues, but of disguised distractions that keep us from becoming the women Abba desires us to be. As always my prayer is that your toes will be gently stepped upon, that conviction will rise, but most importantly that answers as to how to heal from those bruised toes have been provided. We are all works in progress, & women pursuing righteous womanhood...we are all (me especially) lumps of clay being molded into beautiful & useful masterpieces. I pray that this has been an eye opening blessing! 

Previous Titus 2 Series Posts:

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Titus 2 Woman: Not Slanderers (Gossips)

'Likewise, tell the older women to behave the way people living a holy life should. They shouldn't be slanderers or slaves to excessive drinking. They should teach what is good thus training the younger women to love their husbands & children, to be self-controlled & pure, to take good care of their homes & submit to their husbands. In this way, God's message will not be brought into disgrace."

Quality #2:
Not Slanderers (Gossips)

Other Translation Wordings:
Gossips (CEB), Not go around saying bad things about others (ERV)

Slander: a false & defamatory oral statement about a person
Gossip: habitual revelation of personal or sensational facts about another

"Sticks & stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"

Most of us learn that little ditty as children...and at an equally young age, most of us realize how stupid it is. I'd venture to guess that most of us have been wounded by words far more frequently & far more deeply than sticks or stones ever could. Nearly every hurt I can recollect was a result of hurtful statements...made either to my face or behind my back. I know that I am not alone in that. Gossip is a curse that nearly all women are plagued with...We are endlessly hurt by it, yet perpetually participate in it. 

The break down of this quality need not be complex...Gossip hurts feelings, divides friendships, & ruins lives. Psychological disorders, mental illness, & even suicide result from Gossip...we cannot diminish the impacts of slander. Very simply stated it is unacceptable for godly women to participate in such destructive behavior...and gossip is always, ALWAYS destructive. 

There are 2 roles being portrayed in any given Gossip scene; Deliverer & Recipient. The Deliverer of Gossip does the talking. She's the one who reveals the juicy & sordid details. She delights in 'knowing' things...she equally delights in divulging that information to others. The Deliverer very often does not have malicious intentions, indeed sometimes her transmitting of gossip stems from good ones. Perhaps her motive is to discover ways of helping the one whom she is gossiping about, or overflows out of genuine concern. Believing women often cloak gossip behind Christian jargon...intentional or not, this does not negate the harm of gossip. Here's an example: 'Bless her heart, Bri is having a rough time....' or 'So you can be praying for her...'

James 1:26
'If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.'

Proverbs 16:28
'A  dishonest man spreads strife, & a whisperer separates close friends.'

The Recipient is the hearer of the 'news'. She generally does not divulge gossip herself; merely nods her head, mumbles appropriate responses, tsks under her tongue, but certainly relishes in receiving the juicy details. The Recipient often feels blameless...all she does is listen, but not reveal the information herself. She gets a thrill out of being 'in the know' & feels virtuous for not being the Deliverer. The Recipient sometimes feels distress from having heard gossip, & then out of that distress unwittingly gossips herself when relaying the discomfort of her situation. She views herself as an innocent bystander rather than as a participant.

Proverbs 20:19
'Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.'

Proverbs 18:8
'The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body.'

Proverbs 17:4
'An evildoer listens to wicked lips, & a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue.'

 Nearly every woman, at some point or another, will fill both roles, but we typically find ourselves more frequently acting as one or the other...both are equally wrong. Regardless of motive, despite intentions, it is never beneficial to divulge information about another. Regardless of actually transmitting the gossip, despite merely being the recipient of it, it is never beneficial to receive information about another. Being the 'silent bystander', being the willing Recipient, provides an audience to the Deliverer & thus encourages her behavior...that in itself is just as hurtful & harmful. If a Gossip had no one to gossip to...

Proverbs 26:20
'For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.'

There is a common perception that if gossip is true...if the details are accurate...if the facts are correct...then that the passing along of that information is somehow permissible.  The definition of Gossip belies the fact that true or false, right or wrong, transmitting of negative information is gossip. True information & accurate facts can still be destructive. If is does not edify, if it does not enhance the integrity of individual, then it does not need said. Thumper said it best, 'If you can't say nothing nice, don't say anything at all."

Ephesians 4:9
'Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that is may give grace to those who hear.'

Depending upon your predisposition to either be Deliverer or Recipient, there are several ways to begin combatting this sinfully innate tendency to Gossip.

Deliverer: The age old adage, 'Think before you speak' is priceless wisdom. Begin to practice it. Consider your words prior to speaking them. Ask yourself a few questions:
1. Would the subject of this conversation be comfortable with the content?
2. How would she/he feel if the conversation got back to them?
3. Will the content enhance or destroy the Recipient's opinion of the person being discussed?
If the answers to these questions are in the negative, then bite your tongue. I stumbled across this acronym & it is prime for this topic

Think Before You Speak: Is It?
T: True
H: Honest
I: Inspiring
N: Necessary
K: Kind

Recipient: Scripture makes it clear that any involvement in gossip, any role, is wrong. Avoid situations in which gossip occurs. If gossip begins, leave the situation. I would even encourage becoming bold about halting gossip. Vocalize an unwillingness to participate, & allow no room for it to continue. The same questions that the Deliverer should ask herself can be used by the Recipient to determine if a conversation is beneficial or destructive. 

Alternative: We have such a propensity to lean towards & focus on the negative, & we have more than enough evidence of how harmful that negativity can be. Consider if we would exert such effort towards discussing the positive. Imagine the impact of having positive, uplifting, & encouraging 'Gossip' return to you rather than hurtful. Consider how it would feel to overhear praises about you rather than criticisms. When my husband & I went to premarital counseling we received a fantastic piece of advice that has blessed us over & over. We were told to frequently & publicly brag on one another, knowing that all who heard would have a higher opinion of our spouse & that sooner or later the spouse his/herself would get wind of the praise. This same principle would be a wonderful alternative to gossip. Let us begin to sing one another's praises rather than highlighting faults. 

One final truth about gossip is that very often both Deliverer & Recipient participate in the behavior out of self-consciousness, jealousy, & insecurity. We must be honest with ourselves & get to the root of why we engage in Gossip. Step 1 is to end our participation in gossip, but equally important is Step 2 of discovering why we do it...and remedying the problem. When we become fulfilled in who we are, when we have pure integrity, & acknowledge the unique beauty that Abba placed within us...the urge to gossip will be lessened. I do not know that conquering Gossip once & for all is possible...I  think it will always require diligence & effort, but I do know that the diligence is worth the effort. To spare heartache & hurt, to uplift & encourage are most certainly worthy of all attempts to slay the beast that is Gossip. This pursuit is just one more step in the journey towards becoming a godly, Titus 2 Woman. Be Blessed!

Previous Titus 2 Series Posts:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Titus 2 Woman: Behavior

'Likewise, tell the older women to behave the way people leading a holy life should. They shouldn't be slanderers or slaves to excessive drinking. They should teach what is good, thus training the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to take good care of their homes and to submit to their husbands. In this way God's message will not be brought into disgrace."
-Titus 2:3-5

Quality #1: 
Behavior Reflecting a Holy Life

Other Translation Wordings:
Reverent & Devout Deportment (AMP), Reverent in behavior (ESV), Live in a way that honors God (NLT)


According to Webster's dictionary the definiton of behavior is:
'the manner in which one conducts his/herself' or 'the response of an individual to it's environment'

A great travesty of the Church (the believing body of Christ) is that we are blending in more & more with the secular world. (For more on that click here) It is no secret that we live in a fallen world...a place that thrives on corruption, that thirsts & hungers for all things deemed evil in the eyes of Abba. The very nature & essence of the world is such that it should feel like persecution for a believer to merely breathe the same air as nonbelievers. Scripture goes so far as to declare that we ought to feel as though we are immigrants in a foreign land, or aliens on a different planet...such strong analogies, & such a shame that we seem to not understand them. Rather than remaining separate, we camouflage ourselves right in with the environment around us.

1 Peter 2:11
'Dear friends, I warn you as 'temporary residents & foreigners' to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.'

2 Corinthians 6:17-18
'Therefore come out from among unbelievers, & separate yourselves from them, says The Lord. Don't touch their filthy things, & I will welcome you. And I will be your Father, & you will be my sons & daughters, says The Lord Almighty."

I think we can break down our behavior issues into 3 problems...3 issues that we need to work on to aquire this quality of behaving 'the way people living a holy life should."

Problem #1: Behaving Like a Sinner
For very many of us (believers) living in this world is not a trial...not persecution at all, but a joy ride of pleasure seeking & of indulging in the same behaviors that nonbelievers do. Throughout history morality has ebbed & flowed in this fallen world, but no longer do we stand firm regardless. Rather than being as a lighthouse offering a beacon of light & hope in the midst of darkness, we have become content to ride the tide & follow the trend. Long has the argument been made that Jesus socialized with the sinners, as if this makes it permissable to live life the way that the nonbelievers do...and while it is very true that Jesus spent his time with such as these, he did not behave like them...He did not stoop to their level. He did not sin in order to save. There are ways of reaching out...of finding the lost, being light in darkness, & of helping the blind to see without compromising our moral integrity. As mere human beings, born into sinful natures ourselves, we are playing with fire when we try to live with one foot in each world. Very few people have the ability to play in the dirt & not become stained. Very few believers can immerse themselves in corruption & not sin themselves. When we accept the gift of amazing grace, we are also accepting a responsibility...the obligation to deny our old nature & to embrace our new one. As sinners the fallen world feels like home, but as believers it become a foreign land...a new planet.  

Problem #2: Behaving Like a 'Christian'
Aside from compromising our morality & outrightly sinning, there's another type of 'blending in' going on. Christianity has become a culture all it's own, complete with jargon, dos & don'ts, trends, & etc. There are catch phrases, programs, & cliques that all the 'cool' Christians know about. A culture within a culture if you will. The Church (body of believers) has it's own in crowd & is full of believers who still feel like they are on the outside looking in. On Sunday, when you walk into church just observe. Note the people who stand off to the side or at the back...the people that everyone nods at, but no one stops & talks to, that rush out the door afterwards rather than socializing. Those people have been accepted by Jesus, but not by his people...oh we are polite & extoll the proper etiquette, but we don't truly embrace them...until they learn the jargon, join the programs, & don the appropriate 'modest' attire, until they look, talk, & act like we do...and even then some still don't quite make it in to the inner circle. They are always those people that we pat ourselves on the back for & gloat over how we "won them to Christ." Does that sound harsh? Perhaps, but it's also honest...don't believe me? Observe your church on Sunday, note those people I described. It happens. 

Problem #3: Behaving Like a Hypocrite
There's a third problem with our behavior as believing women. We've become very, very good at talking the talk. We know the Christian jargon that I mentioned earlier. Examples: "Bless her heart", "Saved", "Quiet Time", "The Lord is working on my heart". We know the scriptures to use at the appropriate times...& there's a little thrill that comes with knowing conviction is provoked when you use the right verse at the right time. That little wince across someone's face gives us a dirty little pleasure. We're very comfortable giving stoop speeches & sending sad little smiles towards those we're preaching at. We're good at extending our helping hand towards those in need, & then discreetly wiping it off as though their touch has somehow dirtied us....We're good at talking the Christian's just walking it our that we struggle with. 87% of people believe that Christians are judgmental, & 81% say that we're hypocritical. Since I'm talking about using convicting scriptures in the right moments here's one, 

Matthew 7:3-5
'Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye & pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye' while all the time there's a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, & then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.'

We have 2 purposes in this life: to be a disciple of Jesus & to make disciple of Jesus. How can we possibly do that if 87% of the world believes we snarl our nose in judgment of them, & 81% believes we've got no backbone to live out what we preach? How detrimental is it to Abba's kingdom when we (believing women) are giving out this perception? Who would want to be a part of a judgmental & hypocritical people?  Our hypocrisy, our talking the talk but not walking the walk, is tainting nonbelievers vision of a Good & Loving God. 

With these 3 problems in our behavior; Behaving Like Sinners, Behaving Like 'Christians', & Behaving Like Hyopocrites, it's very easy to see that we are in need of an attitude adjustment. It is equally as apparent why the quality of behaving 'the way people living a holy life should' is #1 of the 11 listed in Titus 2:3-5.

Sisters, we (I) must begin striving towards living a holy life, behaving in a way that exalts The Lord, & does not skew others' image of Him. We have to acknowledge, address, & answer the 3 behavior problems we've discussed. 

Solution to Problem #1: Behaving Like a Sinner
There is no acceptable excuse for continuing in the old sinful nature when we have been given a new nature...His nature. It is not possible to serve The Lord, but act like the world. Accepting His Amazing Grace opens our eyes to allows us to know right from wrong & good from bad...and we are expected to do right & to do good. The only solution to the problem of continuing in sin is to exert some will power & to stop. Will we still sin? Yes, but we will be aware that we are doing so & are capable of becoming better at being proactive (preventing sin) rather than reactive (reacting after having sinned).

Hebrews 10:26
'For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins...'

Solution to Problem #2: Behaving Like a 'Christian'
There is nothing inherently wrong with cultivating our own culture as believers, but there is something wrong with not welcoming & embracing any & all who believe. If we only create a mini culture, one that behaves in a similar manner to the one which we are called to be separate from, then we have done no good. If we hold at arm's length those who differ from us or who don't toe the line of what we deem acceptable or trendy, then our behavior is not as Abba would have it be. It's time to quit worrying about who's wearing what, & who's in this bible study or that group. It's time to erase the invisible boundary line of cliques that exist within the Body. It's time to stop acting like a 'Christian' & to begin acting like Jesus. If Abba forgives, welcomes, & embraces all who come with a contrite heart then we should do the same. Let us quit letting our sisters & brothers be on the outside looking in.

Romans 2:11
"For God shows no favoritism."

Solution to Problem #3: Behaving Like a Hypocrite
It's time to quit worrying about the talk until we are successful at walking the walk. We must strive to live in such a way that even if we were mute one might be able to observe the way we act, the things that we do, how we treat those around us (our familes, friends, & even strangers), & want to know why behave as we do...then & only then does our talk become revelant. If our walk causes people to ask questions about our motive then we are doing something right & our talk will be received. Very simply put we need to heed our own preaching & advice. We need to live out what the Word says. We can ill afford to continue tainting people's understanding of Abba's love & goodness, but our own lack thereof. 

Matthew 7:1-2
'Do not judge others, & you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.'

Romans 2:3
'Since you judge others for doing these things, why do you think you can avoid God's judgment when you do the same things?'

The time has come for me to acknowledge my behavior problems, & to allow Abba lovingly discipline give me the attitude adjustment that I need. Titus 2 calls godly women to behave in a way that reflects a holy life...I want to begin doing just that. In the very beginning of this post I wrote of how scripture calls us to be aliens & foreigners in this forsaken world, & striving towards holiness will very naturally cause us to be just that.  Be Blessed!

Previous Titus 2 Series Posts:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Titus 2 Woman: Mentorship

"Likewise, tell the older women to behave the way people living a holy life should. They shouldn't be slanderers or slaves to excessive drinking. They should teach what is good, thus training the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to take good care of their homes and submit to their husbands. In this way God's message will not be brought into disgrace."  
-Titus 2:3-5

Like most women, I'm a people pleaser. I have been for as long as I can remember. Tell me what you want from me. Tell me what you expect of me. Tell me what would make you happy. I'll do it, I'll do it all if humanly possible. Disappointing someone, letting them down, or failing to meet their expectations is my greatest fear in life. Needless to say that when I realized that I had no idea what Abba (God) wanted from me (not merely me as a believer but specifically me as a woman), I panicked. If the thought of letting down a mere mortal human being made me sick, well the idea of disappointing the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Creator of Heaven & Earth was more than I could bear. For over 7 years now I've been on a quest to not only discover God's vision for women, but to become the epitome of one myself. I look back over all of my years in the church & can't believe that I knew so little about what was biblically expected of me as a believing woman. My heart's desire is that not another generation of Christian young women would grow up without this knowledge. Titus 2:3-5 provides a framework that defines 9 traits that righteous women should possess. It very specifically describes the integrity & conduct that Abba expects from His daughters. This Titus 2 Woman (T2W) series will define & discuss each of those 9 traits, but I can't begin doing that until I first address a concept that makes the achieving of those traits possible. 

Chapter 2 of Titus presents an idea of mentorship. When one looks at the life & ministry of Jesus, it's clear to see that this approach is very effective. Jesus shared Abba's love with the masses, but he also more intimately shared himself & Abba's truths with a few dear friends-his disciples. For 3 years he poured into their lives, & in turn they gleaned wisdom, insight, & understanding from him. They applied & incorporated all that they had learned into their own lives.  Those 11 men (a twelfth was added after Judas' suicide) then spent the remainder of their lives imparting Jesus' wisdom to others & creating even more disciples. That framework, that structure of intimately passing on knowledge, is the overlying concept in Titus 2. It calls for older men to lead younger men, for older women to teach younger women. 

It is important to note that while our society entirely intermingles the 2 genders in nearly every way, this particular scripture speaks to the separation of them in this regard. Older men are not guiding younger women. Older women are not training younger men. The qualities that each gender should strive to possess, that each must learn, cannot not & perhaps even should not be taught by the opposite sex. 

I am passionate about the idea of mentorship. When I look back at my time of feeling lost & alone, of being uncertain what God desired of me & for me, I know that had this concept (discipleship) been in practice, had it been a focus of our faith, that moment in my life would have looked quite different. I was hungry for truth. My decisions, my choices, my overall perspective would have been drastically altered had I known that truth. I want my daughters, all daughters, to go through life with someone pouring Abba's wisdom, vision, & plans into their lives. I want them to know that when those trying uncertain times come, they are not alone. Mentorship makes that possible. 

 We live in an era in which youth disrespect & disregard the sage wisdom of elders. We live in a time in which that disregard results in finding things out 'the hard way'...very often yielding great & tragic consequences. They snarl & sneer at Grandma's life lessons & stories from days gone by, but crave & cater to the opinions of their peers. Things have not always been this way. Before the internet, computers, telephones, & much of modern technology in general, people communicated in vastly different ways. Long letters were written to one another. Generations of women worked side by side. Communities were small & intimate. Relationships went back for centuries, & the culture was vastly more focused on familial bonds rather than peer ones. From the moment of birth a daughter or son apprenticed & learned by modeling their mother or father. Kneading dough, drawing water from the well, planting gardens, & doing wash were all opportunities to learn the how-tos of was also a chance for conversation, time to pass on all that is learned simply by living & journeying through life. Children were taught to greatly admire & respect their elders. The words that came out of the mouths of those older & wiser were considered a treasure. Before the written word was available, history & teaching was passed on from generation to generation orally...therefore youth listened when elders spoke. Mentorship happened very naturally in that cultural structure. We need to return to that. We need to make drastic changes in our culture. Children need to learn, (& we must intentionally teach them) that there is much to be learned from those older than them. Children need to learn (& we must intentionally teach them) that they should respect that wisdom. These qualities are not innate...they must be taught. We need to teach our children to be humble. We need to learn to be humble ourselves. We do not know it all. We do not have all the answers. There is much to learn at every age & stage.

When we become humbled, when we realized how truly little we know, the wisdom, insight, & understanding of others becomes priceless. As this passage of scripture (Titus 2) has come into my awareness, The Lord has laid upon my heart a phrase that simplifies the concept of mentorship (discipleship): At Their Feet & Under Your Wing. Mentorship is a 2 fold idealogy. Part 1 is to find someone older, wiser, & willing to invest in you...someone whom you can simply sit 'at their feet' in order to glean anything & everything they have to offer. Never underestimate the importance of any tidbit that comes your way. Sage wisdom about how to handle marital conflict to the handy tip of how to get your grout clean can all add to your life. There is no wisdom that is too silly, too mundane, or too trivial. Find someone who loves you, who wants the best for you, & who is wise in faith, family, & friendships...ask them to teach you everything & anything they know. Part 2 is a responsibility. As believing women ourselves, we have an obligation to take a young woman 'under our wing'. Take note of women around you, women who are now in their lives where you have already been in yours. Befriend her, encourage her, & begin pouring into her all that you learned when you were in her shoes. Regardless of what stage or state of life you are in, you have something to offer. We must keep in mind that there is always someone with more wisdom than we possess, and there is someone who would greatly benefit from our personal insight. That is Mentorship/Discipleship in a nutshell.

Imagine how deep, how genuine, and how transparent such friendships would be! Picture those bonds that are derived out of discipleship, born out of pouring into one another's lives...I want that in my life! I want to walk through the ups & downs, the joys & the sorrows, the successes & the failures, knowing that I have women by my side through it all. What a comfort it would be to have that soft place to fall. What confidence would come with knowing that there was someone to turn to in times of questioning and confusion. No longer would the trial & error, 'find it out the hard way' approach be necessary because generations worth of wisdom will passed down and utilized. No longer will we feel desolate & alone in our circumstances because that mentor will be there to guide us through. No longer will we feel useless and unneeded because a young woman will be depending upon our wisdom. I love the picture that this concept paints. As we begin to journey through the 11 qualities a godly woman should possess, we have to bear in mind that we achieve them through this practice. Mentorship and discipleship will guide us along that journey & train us how to acquire each trait. 


My philosophy on the approach to applying the principle of Mentosrship varies from Part 1 to Part 2.  For Part 1 (At Their Feet) Be Bold! There has to be a woman that you admire...that you see her & think 'she has all her ducks in a row', that you wish you could be like. Pray first, boldly express your admiration, & ask if she'd be willing to show you the ropes. What woman wouldn't take that as a high compliment?! When she humbly accepts, observe her, listen to her, back it up with scripture, & then apply it to your life! Sit at her feet, glean, & reap the benefits of her wisdom!

For Part 2 (Under Your Wing) Befriend. I think boldness must be tactful here. No woman wants you to walk up to her & say 'Hey, I think I could teach you a thing or two!" While I'm certain none of us would put it quite that way, the wrong wording could certainly carry that connotation. Most women do however desire deep & meaningful friendships. Take note of women who you can relate to, who are struggling with issues that you've faced, who are currently in the state of life that you recently were, & most importantly who are open to maturing in faith...befriend her. Lend a listening ear & a helping hand. Prove yourself to be a trustworthy & genuine friend, & the opportunity to pour wisdom into her life will occur quite naturally. Take her under your wing, love on her, pour into her, & be a blessing!

Scriptural Reinforcement:

"Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another." -Proverbs 27:17

"The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple." -Psalm 119:130

"Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning." -Proverbs 9:9

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." -Matthew 28:19-20

"Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ." -1 Corinthians 11:1

Previous Titus 2 Posts:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Titus 2 Woman: Setting the Stage

Before we embark on this journey towards becoming Titus 2 women, I want to set the stage a bit so that each post will be very easy to follow. I will attempt to keep the format as consistent as possible. Each one will open with the scripture, & I will bold the words that reference the particular concept being discussed in the current post. I am using the Complete Jewish Bible translation unless otherwise noted.  When referencing scripture that corroborates with the topic at hand, I will almost always write out the entire scripture for 2 reasons: 1. If I don't most people will not look them up. 2. There are readers who may not have access to the Word. I also ask you to bear with me as I endeavor to fully cover each concept within the confines of one post per topic...history has shown that readers do not read continuations, so I want to wholly cover each topic at hand in one post. Finally, at the end of each post I will provide links (in a bulleted list) to all previous ones corresponding with the Titus 2 series just in case you've missed one. As always I want to convey that I speak not out condemnation or judgment but of from a place of conviction & transformation. I am a work in progress...I am no where near being the woman God wants me to be...this is all about the journey & the molding that takes place along the way. 
In the coming weeks (perhaps even months) we will be dissecting this passage that so fully encompasses God's vision & expectation for women. I have 4 main goals in the pursuit of understanding Titus 2:3-5:
1. To fully grasp Abba's definition of biblical womanhood
2. To become that woman myself
3. To establish this vision for the upcoming generations of women that they might know the alternative to the world's perspective of what a woman ought to be.
4. To ensure that we live in such a way as to not bring discredit to The Lord.

I am beginning work on the first post in the series, but until then I invite you to read and meditate on Titus 2:3-5

"Likewise, tell the older women to behave the way people living a holy life should. They shouldn't be slanderers or slaves to excessive drinking. They should teach what is good, thus training the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to take good care of their homes and to submit to their husbands. In this way, God's message will not be brought into disgrace."
-Titus 2:3-5 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Becoming a Titus 2 Woman: Beginning a New Chapter

Typing that title almost made me feel a bit adulteress to my very familiar Proverbs 31 Woman moniker. For over 7 years now Proverbs 31:10-31 has been a guiding focus in my life, & the reference of P31W has become near & dear to my heart so inserting a new scripture reference feels a bit scandalous...silly, eh? When my engagement to my high school sweetheart ended early in 2006, I was utterly lost, confused, & hurt. I had no idea what or who I was supposed to be. I desperately wanted to be a godly woman, but had no clue if God even had a specific plan for women at all. I'd grown up in the church, heard countless messages on various topics, but I had never heard anything that spoke directly to the character of women. I'd heard admonitions to be modest, & I'd heard the 'S' (submit) word whispered with snarls & sneers, but that was it...and it just seemed like there ought to be more to the story. Many months later a wonderful man opened his Bible one evening. He told me to listen as he read something that reminded him of me. By the time he finished reading, tears poured down my face because I knew that he was wrong...I was not the woman that Proverbs 31 spoke of, but I wanted to be. Needless to say that I hung onto that man...any man who reads you the Word is a keeper in my book! The Lone Ranger is my supreme blessing, along with our 3 precious little ladies. That night he unknowingly guided me towards the answers I'd been longing for. I spent the next 6+ years scouring that passage (in every single version of the Bible), reading books & commentaries that broke it down, & allowing God to begin a work in me. I was not quite prepared for how uncomfortable & disconcerting it would be. It's not a fun thing to discover that everything you know, everything you think, everything you do is wrong. The journey has not always been pretty. Very often along the way, I handled the conviction & correction with ugliness & anger, but Abba was always faithful. Each time I was ready to throw in the towel, He revealed to me the extravagant blessing that was behind each transformation. With every revelation, He lovingly reproofed me & molded me (mind, body, & soul) into the vision He had. Little did I know how much my high school ceramics class would prepare me to endure the painful molding process.

'And yet, Oh Lord, you are our father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We are all formed by your hand." (Isaiah 64:8)

That class had given me insight into how nothing becomes an ugly, stinky lump of clay becomes a beautiful & useful vessel. I knew that who I preconceived notions, my skewed ideologies, & the results of that stinking thinking...made me just like that clay, but I also knew that Abba was a master artisan & that I was in good hands. That knowledge alone made me willing to seek His transformation in my life. While I would not go so far as to say I am either beautiful nor useful, I will say that what I am now is vastly more improved than what I once was. So I continue to yield to this molding process, knowing that the Potter will get me there.

Proverbs 31:10-31 has been the backbone of my transformation thus far, but nearly a year ago a dear friend introduced me to a new piece of that I believe creates an even more encompassing & definitive framework of Abba's vision for godly womanhood. Titus 2, specifically verses 3-5, speak to 9 qualities that we as believing women should strive to possess. It is this passage, & the acquiring of these traits that has begun a new chapter of molding in my life. Over the next little while I will be writing a series over Titus 2:3-5. I'll be defining these qualities & discussing their relevance in our lives today.

My hope is that perhaps you will join me on the journey...that you too are a lump of clay ready to be molded into a work of art by the Potter's Hands. I can promise that moments of conviction will come & step on your toes. I can promise that uncomfortable & sometimes painful changes will need to be made, but I can also promise that it's all worth it...that discovering & becoming Abba's version of a godly woman is more fulfilling & more rewarding than being a woman of the world could ever be. I must make clear that very often in our discussions the conduct of the secular world will be the utter antithesis of what God desires...I'll make no apologies for truthfully acknowledging where we as a believing believing women...have compromised our integrity by blending into that culture, but as always I speak from a place of personal conviction. If what I share steps on your toes, know that mine too have been bruised by Abba's righteous revelations...that's why I so strongly desire us to endure this molding process together! As soon as time allows, & The Lord urges, I will begin posting this Titus 2 Woman (T2W) Series...until then, Be Blessed!