Monday, December 22, 2014

Train Up a Child...How?

As each member of the Gaggle has come along, the Lone Ranger & I have increasingly felt the burden (& the blessing) of how to raise them up in the 'training and instruction of the Lord'. (Ephesians 6:4)

How does one do that? How do you herd up little heathens...keep them calm...keep them still...keep their attention? What do you teach them? Where do you begin? 

The task is daunting! Believing parents' greatest desire...their greatest joy...would be knowing that their children 'walk in the truth'. (3 John 1:4) Our children personally & sincerely accepting the faith is what we all want...but how do we lead them there?

A couple of years ago the Lone Ranger began doing family devotions with the Gaggle before bedtime. In the time since we've tried several tactics, used countless children's Bibles, & mostly wound up feeling defeated. If you've any doubt that your child is indeed a sinner in need of saving, you've only to attempt this feat to rid yourself of such misgiving. We struggled to find something, ANYTHING that would work...that would give any evidence that seeds were being planted. Our kiddos needed more than watered down Bible stories...and we were exasperated. The time that we so intended for good became something that we all dreaded...until my wonderful husband struck upon the perfect teaching tool.

Several months ago the Lone Ranger came home with a skip in his step & a renewed excitement for our devotion time. When I inquired as to the reason for this revitalized outlook he said something about a Catechism. I had not a clue as to what he was talking about. I nodded, agreed, and at the first opportunity sneakily googled the word Catechism. 'Oral Instruction'....that's the definition. A deeper look defined it as this: 'a collection of questions and answers that are used to teach about the Christian religion'. I must admit that I was a little skeptical as to how this would solve our dilemma, but my husband was so full of excitement & had done so much research that I found myself catching his enthusiasm. 

That evening after supper we gathered around the table, & the Lone Ranger asked the Gaggle a question. 'Who made you?' Immediately they answered, 'God made me!'  They were right of course, & it really was as simple as that. From that moment on our devotion time has been different. Each night the Lone Ranger pulls up our catechism, reviews questions & answers from the precious nights, & asks a new one. The Gaggle (& I) memorize the answer. The catechism also has scriptures that support the theology so we check those out as well. We make a game out of seeing who can answer the most questions or answer them the quickest...and the girls LOVE it! I've been astonished by their reaction. Our girls are ages 5, 4, & 2 and each of them (even precocious Belles) participates. Their enjoyment & obvious gain of knowledge would be enough reason to continue but today something occured that further solidified my commitment to this style of instruction.

As a parent have you ever had your kiddo ask you a question...a hard question? Have you ever fumbled for an answer? Have you ever not known what to say, & so you respond with 'ask your dad'? Well that happens to me ALL THE TIME!  The Gaggle would ask me something like, 'Why can't we see God?' And I'd be all like, 'ummmmm....well....hmmmmm....'. That's a good question. It needs a good answer. Now, thanks to our Catechism I have one! The proper answer is this, 'God does not have a body like men'. Our catechism has provided a foundation, a reference point upon which we can turn to for answers. Just today my girls were asking questions about the Trinity & how it works...not long ago I'd have stalled and given some mumbled answer. Today I could remind them of their catechism question: 'Are there more gods than one?' They immediately responded with the answer they'd learned: 'There is only one God.' The question immediately following is this: 'In how many persons does this one God exist?' Again they knew the answer. 'In three persons! The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit.' 

I can't tell you how many times this scenario plays out. Weekly at least, more often daily. Our Gaggle is learning what they believe & why they believe it (and so am I!) As the questions come, so do the answers...and it's such a blessing. I tell you all of this because it's truly changed the dynamic of how we 'train up' our children. (Proverbs 22:6) I tell you this because we have a responsibility & a duty teach God's truth to our kiddos when we 'sit at home and when we walk along the road, when we lie down and when we get up.' (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) We have that calling and it is daunting and overwhelming...but we MUST do it. This catechism has given us a wonderful avenue upon which to be faithful to that responsibility. I share it with you because I hope it'll do the same for you! Below is the link to the catechism that we use. Don't be frightened by your children's age...they are capable! Don't be intimidated baby your lack of knowledge...learn with them! I pray that this will be a lesson you & yours!   

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dodgeball & Jesus

Years ago when the Lone Ranger was just a pup, a dear family friend took John & a few other fellas under his wing. He taught them how to hunt & skin a kill. He taught them the art of archery. The hallways of an old abandoned school building turned out to be great range upon which to practice those skills. In the midst of all that, he did something priceless. He taught them about Jesus. This man took it upon himself to be mentor and friend to the Lone Ranger. He poured into his life, & my husband was forever changed by him.

The whole shooting-archery-down-the-abandoned-school-hallway ended up evolving into a thing. More fellas began showing up, & before our friend knew it, a ministry was born! Eventually the boys realized that the basketball court provided another area of entertainment, & some of the guys began to play ball while others shot archery.  Somewhere along the way, basketball turned into dodgeball, & let me tell ya that gets intense! Our friend roped his wife into helping chaperone, and soon they were also serving snacks. Snack time proved to be the perfect opportunity to share the gospel. The kids would stuff their faces, & our friend used that time to share with them the message of the Cross. 

Skip ahead a few years to 2008 when the Lone Ranger & I were expecting our first daughter. Our friend called my husband one day & asked if he might be interested in helping out with Dodgeball Night. John agreed & soon began helping teach during snack time. The next year I joined the crew as a room mom of sorts. For the last 6 years the Lone Ranger and I have been blessed to serve alongside our dear friends. They have been such examples of how to selflessly serve the Lord. 

Tonight we begin again another season of Dodgeball/Archery Night. Every Thursday evening from now until April kids will come play dodgeball, shoot bows, & hear about Jesus. Bonds are formed, trust is built, & (it is our prayer) that lives are changed. At a time in life in which most are carefree & flying on the sense of immortality, it is imperative that they grasp their eternal prospects. We LOVE these kids. They have become OUR kids....our hearts break when they suffer, & we rejoice when the light of understanding comes into their eyes.  Tonight they will come into a forlorn building with no heat to wage WWIII with dodgeballs. They'll eat nachos & Little Debbie's. They'll drink pink lemonade (and it MUST be pink lemonade)...but beyond that they will hear the Gospel. Our heart is truly that this be about more than a good time. Our goal is not to woo these kids to the Salvation by way of entertainment. We want them to know the magnitude of what Christ has done for us...we want them to come to Him with full sobriety & understanding of the weight our our sin...their sin. 

Would you pray with us? Would you pray for their hearts to soften? Would you ask for their salvation? Would you pray for wisdom as we love on them? Would you lift the Lone Ranger up as he takes on the burden & blessing of sharing Christ's love?  Would you make our kids your own?  It would mean the world to us to encompass this ministry in prayer.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Class of 2004 & Silent No More...

Today will be a reunion of sorts for my classmates & I. Today we will reunite and reminisce for the saddest & most tragic of reasons. Today we will say goodbye to a classmate, a squad member, & a friend. Today I will forever regret that I was not more to her than I was...and today I owe the Class of 2004 an apology.

In High School I was a goody-two-shoes, & I certainly made no bones about it. In High School I was a member of the Chrisitan Clique & made certain that I toed the religious line. In High School I knew the truth, the truth that would set you free, but I did not share it. In High School I was infinitely more concerned with proving who I was, & terribly derelict in sharing the One who'd made me that way. In High School I was juvenile, insecure, & simply selfish. The truth is that I was afraid...afraid to die to self, & I was afraid to die to your opinion of me.  In High School I was afraid & so I was silent...but today, although I am still afraid,  I will be silent no more. 

'My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.' (John 15:12-13) 

Today I will say goodbye to a dear member of my Alma Mater family, & I will mourn with all of my heart all that I failed to say. I will grieve for the friend that I failed to be to her...the friend that she deserved. Today I will hug your neck, & we will catch up on the last 10 years. Today I will do that...I must do that...knowing that I cannot make the same mistake again. I must love you enough to die to self & perhaps even to your opinion of me. Today I will end my silence by speaking to you. Today I will say what I should have said 10 years ago. 

We are the same, you & I. Despite our social clique then & in spite of our circumstances now, we are the same. We are sinners. (Romans 3:23, Romans 3:10, Romans 5:12) We are lost, we are blind, & we are wretched. It's not pleasant to think of ourselves in this way, but we only have to look within to see how true it is. If you could read my mind, see my thoughts & feelings, you'd know in an instant how horribly dismal I am. The same is true of you. That wretchedness has doomed us. (Isaiah 59:2-3) It has left us hopeless & empty. It has left us searching for some thing more. Friend, that something more is found in Jesus. He lived for you. He died for you. (1 Peter 3:18) Through His death upon the cross, salvation is yours if you accept it. (Romans 10:9-10)  In Him there is life anew (2 Corinthians 5:17), & life eternal (John 3:16-17).  

If you desire this in your life, please speak to me. There is so much more to this than is possible to be written within this post. I love you, friend. I ask your forgiveness for not sharing this years ago. I ask your forgiveness for my silence. I know that many of you will think I'm off my rocker...and that's okay. I know that some of you will flat out disagree with me...and that's okay too. I pray that even one of you might be touched by this, might desire it for your life...and that's my greatest desire. I love you, friends...

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Day When Something Began...

Birthdays are a kind of a Big deal. If you've ever attended or seen photos of my daughters' parties, you'll notice that I have a tendency to go a bit overboard on the anniversary of their birth. I get that from my momma. For as far back as I can remember my mom made sure that our birthdays were something special. We always got (& still get) to choose our favorite meal & the kind of cake we wanted. Each year she sent us to school with special birthday treats for our class, & at the end of the day we got called into the office to pick up the surprise she'd had delivered. On a few occasions we even got to play hooky....eeerrr...happened to be 'sick' on our birthday & had a whole day filled with one-on-one time. There were special parties with scary....I mean funny excursions. Don't even get me started on the gifts...the Minnie Mouse watch (with red leather band) or my Sweet Sixteen surprise of a black Pontiac Sunfire (complete with giant red bow). I'll never forget my first birthday away from momma got up early, & drove 30 minutes to have breakfast with me because neither she nor I could imagine spending that day apart. Oh yes, my momma & daddy have always made sure that our birthdays were something special, & I've tried to carry on that tradition with my gaggle...because birthdays are kind of a big deal.

Everyone knows what a birthday's the anniversary of an individual's birth. Nerd that I am, I was curious to see it's official definition, & I must say that I was a bit intrigued by what I found. The first description of birthday was the fore mentioned one, but the second is this: The Day When Something Began. I like that. I like it a lot.

Those of you who know me well know that I'm a wee bit introspective...I'm also a crier...which makes me a bit of a schizophrenic basket case, but alas I deviate. A few years ago, birthdays (all holidays really) became a time of deep emotional reflection for me. On the anniversary of a loved one's birth, I pray for them...I think about him/her & our relationship...I contemplate the way I see God's sovereign hand moving in their life...I feel very deeply what a big deal their birthday is...because on that given day, however many years ago, something began

My own birthday (which is terribly imminent) causes the same reaction within me...because just in case you missed it, I'm kind of a big deal. I jest. You see, I was a bit of surprise to my momma & daddy, but by God's grace they decided to view my life as an endowment rather than as an uh-oh. I was, however, actually kind of a 'for real' big deal on my dad's side as I was the first girl to be born after a marathon of 8 boys in a row. (If you know the Rainey boys, you know well just how big of a deal that really was!) In my rather lengthy introduction I detailed just how extravagant my birthday has always been...because greatly loved I am. My birthday has always, above all else, reminded me of just greatly loved I am.

 About the time I became a schizophrenic basket case (an over exaggeration I assure you), I began to think long & hard about my own birthday. For several years now, on the anniversary of my birth, I have reflected on the beginning of my life & of all that has proceeded since. Perhaps what has recurred most often in my reflections is this: my birthday indeed has very little to do with me. That suggestion must seem quite contradictory in light of my elaborate birthday celebrations, but it's true nonetheless. My birthday is truly about those who love me...about those who gave me life in the first place. As I mentioned previously, my parents chose life for me, & beyond that they blessed me with an incredibly amazing childhood. They raised me to be the woman that I am today...what an incredible gift they have been to me! Indeed, my birthday has little to do with me & everything to do with the One who gave me life.  My birthday is about the Author of Life...about the One who knit me together in my mother's womb & numbered the hairs on my head (Psalm 139:13 & Luke 12:7). My birthday is about the He who appointed a day & an hour to begin begin something with me

'Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.' -Psalm 139:16

My Father knew me...He knew me before I ever truly was. These last 28 years & 361 days were known to Him...they were predestined long before that day when something began. The years of my life that have already been...the years (I hope) of my life that are yet to be, come as no surprise to the One who wrote the story. It astonishes baffles humbles overflows my think of His writing the story of my life. My birthday has become the turning of a page, the ending of one chapter & beginning of another, in the story that is my life. Each anniversary of my birth, I am excited anew to see what He else that He has written. I'm at a time in my life in which many dread the passing of another year & bemoan all the superficial fleshly failings that come with added age...but for me...well the excitement of reading the next chapter far outweighs all that...because I have again realized that my birthday indeed has very little to do with me. It is not about me & my life at all!

'I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.' -Galatians 2:20

My life belongs to my Savior...I surrendered it long ago. The anniversary of my birth is not about me, but truly about He who lives in me! My birthday is a reminder not only of something that began nearly 29 years ago, but more importantly of an eternal life that was provided through Amazing Grace.  Each birthday may certainly gift me with fleshly failings, but beyond that it presents me with something far greater...a reminder that He began something with me. Each birthday I am beyond thrilled...not to receive gifts but to be a pass on THE gift. My birthday has become a time of reminder to continue on with what He began. 

'Because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.' -Philippians 1:5-6 

More than anything else on my birthday I desire this: to share the gift of Jesus with you. I long for you to know that for you too there is a day when something began. He wrote the days of your life in His book as well. He preordained your precious life. He gave it to that you could give it back to Him. God began something with you...are you not curious to see what that something might be? Your name next to mine in His book of life would be the greatest gift you could give me. Friend, I can think of no greater joy nor gift than to know one day together we will celebrate the culmination of this something that began. I'd be beyond honored to share this gift with you. Please talk to me if you'd like to know how to receive it. Begin a new chapter with Him today!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

1st Term Reflection: Meltdowns, Mayhem, & Memorable Moments

This morning I'm sitting in my fleece pj's, sipping coffee, & reflecting on the last six weeks. On August the 4th we began our second year of homeschooling, & already I have a tendency to think fondly back over the time since then with a haze of nostalgia clouding my view...hence the need for this cold water dose of reality I'm about to plunge myself into. 

The night before school began lended a bit of foreshadowing that my overly romanticized day dreams about the impending 'school days' were just that....a little too glorified. On the eve of the new school year, The Davidson School for Girls has a tradition in which the Principal (The Lone Ranger) prays a blessing over our school room & the year ahead, but this year that tradition went awry. We'd had a long day (mistake #1), a late evening (mistake #2), & an OCD Teacher/Mommy (mistake #3) who couldn't let go of her tradition despite the warning signs of impending meltdowns. By the time we gathered in the schoolroom fists were flying & attitudes were blazing. The Lone Ranger cast me a sideways glance that I chose to ignore, & I pressed for the tradition to go on regardless...needless to say the Blessing didn't happen & almost everyone went to bed with tears in their eyes. A good night's sleep went a long way towards mending spirits (temporarily). We had our annual celebratory big breakfast, donned special pj's, & marched down the hallway to our school room. Morning Meeting went well, & inwardly I was fisting pumping my success (mistake #4). The problem began when Goldilocks & Sweet 'N Sassy headed to their desks, & Belles 'N Whistles realized that her playmates were to be otherwise engaged. Needless to say hysterics & bedlam ensued...and proceeded to last every morning for the next 3 weeks. My littlest lady had no clue how to play by herself, & that has been a tough lesson to learn. Midway through the term she caught onto things & it has been smooth sailing (in that area) from there. 

The second major blip came in the form of my overly high expectations. With a background in Elementary Education, one would think I'd be more perceptive of things...but I tell ya, it's just different with your own kiddos. By the end of Day 1, I realized that I'd set expectations of Sweet 'N Sassy that she just wasn't ready for. I pushed. I prodded. I goaded...and then my Father lovingly jerked a knot in my tail. For the next little while I battled a sense of failure & inadequacy. By the end of week 2, I scrapped all 6 weeks worth of Sassy's lesson plans & began to go day-by-day. I'm an uptight perfectionist, & I tend to burden my children because of my ways. The Lord has been teaching me hard (but good) lessons in patience & humility. My old college lessons in learning styles were put to good use, & Sweet 'N Sassy is doing exceedingly more than I knew she could now that I've laid aside societal & personal benchmarks. 

It was around this point that I remembered a dear friend & fellow homeschooling momma's advice: Create a long term goal for your family/school...anything that doesn't support, encourage, or advance that goal is disposable. In the world of homeschooling the options for curricula, techniques, & methods for educating your own children are endless & overwhelming. Having a firm grasp on why you're doing what you're doing is imperative in deciding how to do it & what to do in order to accomplish the goal. The Lone Ranger & I had a chat about our heart for homeschooling & the motives behind it. My hope is to have our goals hanging in our school room as a reminder to myself. Those goals create a litmus test that prevent stress & that drowning feeling. Over the years these objectives might be added to or amended, but currently these are the goals for our Davidson School for Girls:

1. To raise children who love & follow Christ. (Deuteronomy 6:5, Colossians 3:23)
2. To equip our children to be disciples & to make disciples. (Matthew 28:19)
3. To teach our children how to learn & decern truth. (Romans 12:2)

As we choose curriculum, make lesson plans, & further delve into to homeschooling lifestyle bearing this agenda in mind will keep our hearts & minds in check. 

Here are some of the adventures of homeschooling thus far. 

Just yesterday we got together with a fellow homeschooling family & had a Fall Fun Day. At the end of each term the momma of this crew & I will be alternating planning events & activities for the kiddos. 

Midterm we had a 'field trip' to the Children's Museum. My Sweet 'N Sassy is a Dino lover so this trip was right up her alley!

Sick Days are inevitable, but unless buckets are needed, we still try to get the meat of our curriculum in so that we can keep on track with our 180 days. A late summer cold caught everyone unawares (especially poor Sassy), but with pj's on & Piggy in tow, she was able to make it through an abbreviated school day. 

Thursdays are our grocery/errand days. When you live 20 minutes from town, you don't venture there too frequently. In the car & throughout the grocery store we do oral learning in the form of Recitation & discussion on current lessons. The gaggle gets a kick out of this (and so do fellow shoppers). 

When we return home, the paperwork begins as I unload groceries & fix lunch. Goldilocks thrives on independence so I set her up with her daily binder & away she goes! 

Fridays are a little hectic (for me) as I begin the next week's preparation as soon as the current school day is complete. I switch our command center's Letter of the Week, Christ-Quality, & Artist card. The living room is then overrun with binders, hole punch, highlighters, text books, & workbooks as I refill Goldi's daily binders (my version of work boxes). My goal is always to have all preparation done so that Saturday & Sunday are completely school free days. 

This first term of the 2014-2015 school year has FLOWN by! We've laughed...we've cried...we've bonded...we've disagreed. They've learned oodles, but I've learned more. We've got 30 days in the books & 150 left to go!

The greatest lesson for myself has been this:

I am wholly and richly be wife to the Lone Ranger & momma/teacher to the Gaggle. When all is said and done I LOVE this life & the opportunity I've been given. The days ahead will continue to be both idyllic & less than so...but at the end of each day He is good, & "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me". (Philippians 4:13) 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Proverbs 31:11-12 & Adrian Balboa

'The heart of her husband safely trusts her; 
So he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good and not evil 
All the days of her life.'

Last night the Lone Ranger & I cuddled up on the couch & hit 'play' on the movie I'd convinced him to watch...20 minutes later tears poured from my eyes as Rocky Balboa surrenders his training (he's getting ready to fight Apollo Creed-Heavy Weight World Champ) to stay by his wife's bedside. Adrian is in a coma after childbirth complications, & her life hangs in the balance. Rocky's never far from her bedside. He holds her hand, writes her poems, & in his slurred speech struggles to read to her. The only time Rocky leaves Adrian is to go to the chapel to pray. He doesn't even see or hold their newborn son...he's waiting for Adrian so they can meet him together! It's heart wrenching. I'm a blubbering mess throughout the fore mentioned scenes, but I manage to cran my neck & sneak a glance of the Lone Ranger. In my feminine mind, I'm swooning over Rocky's devotion. As I glance at my own man, I can't help but wonder how he'd react in that situation. I envision myself glamorously pasty...errr pale...laid out on a bed. I picture my husband holding my limp hand and sobbing at the potential loss of his better half. He'd be devastated (he'd better be if he knows what's good for him). Alas, I I'm sneaking glances at the Lone Ranger & caught up in the haze of Rocky's a ton of bricks, it hits me. I've watched this scene play out a dozen times (literally), & every single time I react the same way (swooning over Rocky), but I've missed the point! I've always gotten sidetracked over Rocky's admirable qualities...his faithful & selfless devotion to Adrian...that I've given very little thought to her. This scene really says more about her integrity than it does his. What kind of woman causes a man to behave in such a way? A woman of Noble Character that's what!
A woman worth far more than rubies! Adrian has earned Rocky's devotion. Her character, decency, goodness, & virtues are the reasons that Rocky behaves as he does. Adrian does Rocky good and not harm...and she has for all the days of her life, however much longer that life may be.  As this dawns on me, I can't help but relive my little personal scenario in my head...this time not focusing on how my Lone Ranger would react, but considering what kind of devotion I would inspire...what kind of response I'd deserve. 

I know that's a long intro for the breakdown of our next two Proverbs 31 verses, but it just seemed fitting. I've lumped verses 11 & 12 together because they both refer to the Proverb 31 Woman's husband...but also because they say so much about her

**Side Note: If you are single, consider the other male figures in your life. Your father, grandfathers, older brother, or father-figure are impacted by the type of woman that you are. These admonitions and character traits are applicable despite marital status**

Vs. 11: 'The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain.' 
Webster's defines Trust as this: assured reliance on one's character, ability, & strength; one in which confidence is placed. Proverbs 31:10 spoke of the Proverbs 31 Woman's (P31W's) Noble Character. Integrity such as that elicits trust. A man (husband/father/etc.) can wholly and fully have confidence in a woman who is firmly rooted in her morality & faith. He can completely trust that she will behave & speak in a way that is appropriate & reflects well upon his own character. The P31W's Noble Character impacts & enhances the integrity of the man in her life. A woman who has Noble Character & who is worth far more than rubies adds wealth of all kinds to her husband/father. He has much because he has her. We must also bear in mind that the reciprocal is also true...the absence of Noble Character will result in an absence of Trust.

Vs. 12: 'She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.'
In the Feminist culture that we live in, we very easily & quite frequently do much harm to the male gender. We demasculate & demean him. We rob him of his need to be needed. We scoff at his chivalry. We deem his desire to lead as dominance, & then gripe that he has no initiative. We've stolen his right to be head of our households and have instead made him the doormat. We nag at him to fulfill his honey-do list & then nit-pick the manner in which he does it. We yearn for romance yet sneer at the gentlemanly qualities needed to breed it. Oh yes, my sisters, we do much much harm to the men in our lives. We are women, hear us roar...and cry, and nag, and gripe, and complain. When we lack Noble Character, we most certainly bring our husbands and fathers much harm & precious little good. On the conrtrary, however; if we embrace our calling, our righteous heritage, we can be certain that we will bring good to those we love. 

I've bolded & italicized the term Noble Character at least a half dozen times in this post. Sisters, this trait is the stepping off point for the rest of this study. Vs. 11 & 12 hinge on it. If we cultivate Noble Character, we will earn the full Trust of our husbands & fathers, & with it we will bring much good into their lives. The antithesis is equally true...without this integrity we lose their confidence, & we hurt them. This study of the P31W is not about transforming the attitudes of the men in our lives, but is about morphing ourselves into the women that God intended for us to be, & we can only so this by His grace. By becoming P31W, we become women who are worthy of trust...who are deserving of a man who would wait faithfully by our bedsides. I am fairly confident that the more I strive to become a woman of Noble Character, the more devastated my Lone Ranger would be if he lost me. 

I can scarcely imagine that any of us desire to hurt those we love, and so Noble Character must be will require some elbow grease and intentional effort on our part. The following verses will outline very practical traits that the P31W should possess. As we dissect each one & to begin developing those traits within ourselves our Noble Character will begin to emerge. Proverbs 14:1 warns, 'The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.' Without Noble Character, sisters, it is almost certain that we will bring, not only ourselves, but our households to ruin, therefore; let us strive in all ways,in all areas, & with all our might to cultivate such integrity!

Monday, July 28, 2014

2014-2015 Homeschool Room & Schedule

One week from today our second year of homeschooling commences. Last year we dipped our toes into the homeschooling abyss in the form of preschool. We laughed. We cried. We learned. This year we are wading waist deep in the lifestyle that is domestic education. 2/3 of my Gaggle are now also my pupils as Sweet 'N Sassy embarks upon preschool this year. (Goldilocks is advancing to Kindergarten curriculum)

In addition to moving up to a 5 school days/week, the Lone Ranger & I have also decided that a year round schedule is more beneficial (& practical). Davidson School for Girls will now be operating on a 6 Weeks on/1 Week Off schedule. We hope to complete 90 days by Thanksgiving so that we might have an extended holiday during the month of December. 

Our school days (day in general) will look something like this: 

5:30-6:00 I wake up & begin my day with coffee & quiet time (the two are inseparable)
6:30-7:30 The Gaggle wakes up & drags in
7:30-8:00 Breakfast, Morning Chores, Get Dressed, Brush Teeth, & etc.
8:00 School begins with Morning Meeting & Recitation
8:30 Alphabet/Phonics
9:00 Math
9:30 Copywork
10:00 Literature/Storytime
10:30 Enrichment/Activity
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Recess/Play Time
1:00 Naps
3:00 Playtime & Afternoon Chores
6:00 Supper & Family Time
8:00 Devotions with Daddy
8:30 Bedtime

Yes, I really am that anal. I like order. Our family functions best with a schedule. We also do best by having school in a designated room. Last year it seemed as though I was constantly rearranging our schoolroom. I mentally made notes of what worked & what didn't. If we aren't in our schoolroom they can't/don't focus & neither do schoolroom it is. 

2014-2015 School Room
View from the doorway. Our morning meeting takes place at the table. 
This area is new, & the result of a poor setup last year.
View from the back of the room.
Our shelves contain from top to bottom: Books, Binder System (more on that in a minute), Resources & Games, & lastly toys.
The top of our shelves hold our 'treasures': Globe, Microscope (Discovery Toys), Plaque, Musical Instruments, Giant Pig, Antique Lunchbox, 'Crown of Thorns' (Grapevine Wreath)
The plaque hung in my Grandma's classroom, & she passed it on for our schoolroom. It's such a reminder that modeling Christ is vastly more important than the teaching of Him.
This is our command center complete with easel, bulletin board, & white board. 
Our bulletin board contains our weekly artist, letter, & Christ-Quality
My girls each need their own space to work...we found that out the hard way. The desks are divided by a cube shelf. Each girl has a 'Do' & 'Done' basket above her desk to help cycle through material. She also has a tote with her curriculum, & the bottom tote holds my manuals, Planner, & etc.
My binder system is my (inexpensive) version of the workbox system. If you're considering homeschooling or new to it, you'll want to google 'Workboxes'. Each day's work is placed in it's given binder. The material is divided by subject. As my girls cannot yet read, I simply labeled them numerically. Daily each girl will work her way through her binder. When she's done with the final tab, she's done with school for the day. Some tabs hold an activity or game as an opportunity for one to work independently while I teach the other. 
In the pockets I will also place supplemental material so that we simply have to grab the binder to begin our day.
This is my corner of the schoolroom. My desk holds our prayer jar & 'untouchables'. 
Beside my desk hangs our calendar.(Oriental Trading) This little thing was a worthwhile purchase! I can't get over how much they learn from it!

It's not much, but the truth is, 'There's No Place Like Home'...and I wouldn't change a thing! We are so blessed & so grateful to live our life as we feel led! I cannot wait to see what The Lord has in store for us! 

'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.'  -Deuteronomy 6:5-9 


Thursday, April 3, 2014


*I'd like to note that this post & it's contents, as well as all of my posts, are simply my own deductions based upon my study of scripture...I'm in no way a theologian or biblical scholar*

SIN...perhaps the most commonly used word in Christianese. SIN...the very reason we need our own 'language' in the first place. SIN...a small word with massive consequence. SIN...the word we use to convince people that they need Jesus, but how can that term be effective if it is void of meaning or understanding? SIN...What is it?! Where did it come from? Why do I do it? Why is it such a big deal?

**for clarity's sake, I will also briefly define the word "unrighteous" as it is pivotal to defining Sin.
'Unrighteous'- morally bad or unpleasant, wrong according to religious law (God's standard)**

SIN: What is it?
        Sin is anything & everything that contradicts who God is (His Character)
          (1 John 5:17) 
          Sin is doing what we shouldn't do & not doing what we ought to do. 
          (1 John 3:4) (James 4:17) 
           Sin is rejection and rebellion of God's will.
           (Isaiah 30:1)
          Sin is not limited to physical action but extends to words & thoughts...a heart matter
          (Matthew 15:18-19)

SIN: Where did it come from?

'Let's start at the very beginning...a very good place to start...'
For real. Let's start at the beginning...the very beginning. 'In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth'...and water, and land, and dark, and light, and plants, and animals, and man, and woman...and it was good. He said so. It was more than was perfect. God created the perfect paradise, & into it He plunked down the perfect man & the perfect woman. It was so good that God even walked among I said, it was perfect...for a while.  The perfect man & the perfect woman had free reign of the perfect garden, & were given just one simple rule: eat from whatever tree you want, but steer clear of the one in the middle. Easy peasy, right? Wrong. That selfish, gullible, ignorant woman (albeit with aide from a conspiring serpent) ate that fruit & so did her selfish, gullible ignorant husband. This was the first Sin. One might read the story & conclude that eating a forbidden fruit was not such a big deal in the grand scheme of things. So what?!  Well...that act, in & of itself, is a reflection of Adam & Eve's heart. The wily & conniving serpent knew their weakness, & he enticed them with it. The prospect of being 'like God'...stirred within Eve a desire, & she yielded to it. Yielding to that unrighteous desire, by way of eating the fruit, revealed the nature of her heart (and Adam's). This is why we cannot define sin by degrees of 'evil'. A vile heart is a vile heart, just as soured milk is entirely sour. That first sin began a domino effect of Sin that carries on to this day. (For the full Creation story, check out Genesis 1-3)

SIN: Why do I do it? 

Let's skip ahead in the story a bit, about 6,000 the year 1985 when a beautiful, precious, sweet, smiling baby girl was born...her name was Brianne. 😉  She was marvelous & darling...and she was fatally flawed. Tragic is it not?! What was her flaw? It was a genetic condition passed on by her bazillionth times great grandmother. From the moment of birth, poor Brianne was doomed. Her condition plagued her. The condition is called, 'Sin'. Remember I mentioned its domino effect? The moment that sin pervaded the hearts of Adam & Eve, it became a genetic condition of sorts. Each & every descendent henceforth was born with the malady of 'Sin'. In Christianese it's referred to as the 'Sinful Nature'...meaning quite literally that it is in our very nature to sin. I sin, you sin, we all sin because deep within us is rooted evil desire. We might look at ourselves & think..."hmmm I don't feel 'evil'." (If it were possible I'd say this in a Dr. Nefario voice)....and compared to a serial killer we might look darn good, but the truth is that his heart and mine look quite the same because, as we said before, there is no scale of evil & eviler...wrong or wronger...bad or badder. ALL sin stems from unrighteousness within. I sin because it's in my nature to do's in yours to do the same. As I mentioned before soured milk is entirely sour...don't believe me? Take a swig next time your milk goes won't find a sweet drop in the carton! We are born with unrighteousness rooted deep...our hearts are vile through & through. 

Think of it this way:
Remember that perfect garden with the perfect people plunked down in it? This bowl of clear water represents that time. 

There was just one rule: Stay away from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil. Adam & Eve had a choice...obey the rule or don't. They didn't. My drop of food coloring in the bowl represents that disobedience (Sin).

Sin didn't/couldn't just begin & end with that first snowballed & infiltrated every single life from that moment onward...see the yellow bleeding into the clear?

One has only to glance at our culture to see how deeply sin has much so that it has become 'normal'...just as all that clear water is now entirely yellow. 

Remember that sweet baby girl, Brianne? She was born a sinner because it was in her DNA, in her nature, to sin. It's in your nature too. Every single person from the first bite of that fruit has been doomed. We sin because they (Adam & Eve) sinned. Romans 5:12

SIN: Why is it a big deal? 

Call to mind someone that you love dearly: spouse, parent, sibling, friend. Think of how very intimate that relationship is. You know this person as well as you know yourself. The love between you is immense...indescribable. Now think of a time when you have argued or disagreed. Think of the anguish you feel in those moments. As close as you are, during times of conflict the chasm between you is immense. It's hard to communicate...hard to be on the same page. A barrier divides you & makes it impossible to feel united. This is what happened between God & man when sin entered the picture. Adam & Eve's relationship with their creator was one of bond. HE made THEM. From dust & rib, He formed every facet of their being. Their betrayal created an abyss between them. Isaiah 59:1-2 speaks of this gulf. God is perfect. He is wholly good & righteous (pure, ethical, honorable, upright, moral). Our sinful nature results in our being quite the opposite...and the truth is that good & bad just don't go together. Forgive me, my intellectual friends, for this simplistic explanation...but I truly want to be as simplistic as possible so that it will be understandable for those of whom this is new information. Righteousness & unrighteousness, good & bad, virtue & evil, God & Sin are like oil & water...they don't mix...they can't.


SIN: What is it? unrighteousness within our nature that expresses itself via our thoughts, words, & actions. Anything contradictory to God's nature.

SIN: Where did it come from? It began in the Garden of Eden when Adam & Eve yielded to their desire to be 'like God' via eating the forbidden fruit.

SIN: Why do I do it? I sin, you sin, we all sin because Adam & Eve sinned. Their disobedience became a genetic disease that ALL descendents are born with. The first sin caused a snowball effect that still impacts you & I some 6,000 years later. Romans 3:23

SIN: Why is it a big deal? Like oil & water are sin & God...they cannot mix. We cannot be in relationship with God while we operate under our sinful nature. It's a big deal because it separates us from God, our Abba (Daddy) & Creator, who loves us. As long as we live as slaves to our sin, this will always be so. Also, Sin = Death & Eternal Damnation. Romans 6:23, Matthew. 25:41...and who really wants that sort of 'Unhappily Ever After'?

Believers, it's important that we are able to define sin, to explain its origins & repercussions. We cannot afford to present unbelievers with vocabulary that is misunderstood. Vague ambiguous concepts are not only ineffective but harmful. Expecting Nonbelievers to speak & understand Christianese is like expecting a Duck to "oink". We must SCRIPTURALLY define our language & accurately convey it...both in the midst of the Body & in the evangelizing of converts. There are various responses  upon understanding the definition of SIN and acknowledging that YOU and I are SINNERS...some will become emotional, others  are piqued intellectually...some will be pragmatic, yet others will be indifferent. However you process this information, the important thing is what you do with the knowledge...but that is another post entirely.

Christianese, Please!

For quite some time I have been troubled by Christianese or more specifically the ambiguity surrounding it's terminology. Christians have key phrases & choice words that we use...A LOT. There is an underlying assumption that the definition of these terms is apparent...and that assumption, in my opinion, creates 2 issues:

1. Christianese creates a feeling of being 'in' or 'out'. Believers' frequent use of terms, vocabulary that other believers understand but non believers do not, breeds an image (hopefully an inaccurate one) that Christians are haughty & unapproachable. We have become a clique...As If! I vividly remember my middle school days & that terrible awareness that I'd never quite fit in with the cool I didn't even try. Imagine the humility required for one to inquire as to the definition of "sin", "grace", "repentance", "born again", & etc. Many feel far too intimidated & embarrassed to do so. Making one feel 'out' is seldom a good tact for getting them 'in'. There is far more at stake here than a spot at the cool kid's lunch table or a prime seat in a pew...eternity is in jeopardy for those who feel as though they'll never quite fit in with the "Christians". 

2. Believers speak Christianese without fully understanding it...this not only hinders personal spiritual growth, but inaccurate usage & understanding in communication with others impacts their maturity as well. It's nice to be able to talk shop with those who believe as we do. It's amusing, encouraging & motivating to engage in theological's also confusing when terms are used that we 'ought' to know but do not. It's embarrassing to be a long time believer but not know precisely what one means when they say 'quiet time'.  It's hard to mature in faith when the basics are lacking. We need to know & make scriptural connections to the terms we use. We need to be able to explain & biblically vouch for this terminology in our communications with others. How can one 'abide' if he/she has no idea what that looks like? How can we 'repent' if we do to understand that the word means more than 'I'm sorry'? How can a nonbeliever see their need for Jesus if they do not understand 'sin'? 

I want to be clear that I am not advocating that we abolish Christianese...I'm merely stressing the dangers of inaccurate & inappropriate use of Christian jargon. There is an absolute necessity for the Church to have a universal vocabulary that describes the depth & import of who God is & who we are because of's just equally as important that we clearly define that vocabulary as well as know how & when to use it. Words have incredible power...particularly when they are poignantly used & well understood. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Auntie Anne's Samples: Discipleship

I'll never forget that moment (actually 3 separate moments), when I first laid eyes on my daughter...then another daughter...and then another daughter. After hours of pain & agony, instantaneous peace overcame me. Time stood still. I looked into tiny eyes, & something supernatural happened within. A transformation came over me, & suddenly in an instant I became something entirely new...something that only a moment before I had not previously been. I was a mother. All the months of travail, all the hours of labor...gone & forgotten. I was a mother. From that moment on life has been inexplicably it should be.

I cannot help but compare it to the infamous Salvation Moment...that instant in which we transition from death to life...from sinner to saved. After months or years of being mired in pain, hurt, dissatisfaction, & disillusionment, instantaneous peace occurs. Time stands still. We look into the heart of Abba (God, our Heavenly Father), & something supernatural happens within. A transformation comes over us, & suddenly in an instant we are something entirely new...something that only a moment before we had not previously been. We are a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17) All the years of mistakes (sin), all the months of hopelessness...gone. We are a new creation. From that moment on life is inexplicably different...or it should be.

This Salvation Moment is monumental. Prior to this moment we are despicable, we are hopeless, & we are doomed. After that moment we are transformed, we are redeemed, & we are saved. (Romans 10:9) It's epic...and from that moment on life should be entirely different. Should Be. There seems to be (and I openly admit I am no biblical intellectual), but there certainly appears to be a massive amount of people who experience this grandiose Salvation Moment, but never quite make it to the inexplicably different life that should follow. And it Should follow...that it does not is an indicator of a great problem. Perhaps more simply, there are people who experience salvation, but never live out discipleship. A Disciple, according to Webster's Dictionary, is 'one who accepts & assists in expressing the doctrines of another.' In Christian terms, a disciple is one who accepts the gift of grace through the blood of Jesus Christ, & who thereafter devotes his/her life to following Jesus & to further advancing His gospel. You'll notice that I italicized two words in the Webster's definition: Accept & Assist. As I mentioned a moment ago, there seems to be many who experience salvation...they Accept that they are sinners in need of saving. Logic demands that they would then also experience the second part of the definition which is Assist...but as is often the case Logic is defied. I believe there are a couple of reasons for this phenomena (Acceptance without Assistance). 

1. As a culture we love, Love the idea of receiving something for nothing.
    Let me clearly state that I am in no way saying that we have the ability to earn our salvation...we are wholly inadequate to in any way do so. I am saying that we like the idea of receiving the gift of eternal life, no strings attached. Here's an analogy: In the mall as you walk by Auntie Anne's Pretzels you quite often get a sample of pure deliciousness. Why? Is their agenda that you have that one bite & then walk away fully satisfied? That's dumb. It's simply Step 1 in a process. They hope that by experiencing just one taste of what they have to offer that you'll be drawn to want the whole thing (a whole pretzel), meaning that we would purchase their product...and after you've had a whole pretzel that you'll crave more & more. The problem is that it's almost as if as we walk by Auntie Anne's, we get the sample, & are somehow satisfied with only that. We don't want to purchase the product...we just want to walk by the sample guy again & again for taste after taste (while hoping the sample guy doesn't realize what we're up to). Receiving the sample requires nothing of us...we just get to enjoy the taste...but the truth is while they do not require us to buy a pretzel, we also do not fully experience it's goodness. One bite isn't enough. Salvation is much like that. It's the first step in a process. It's the step that reconnects us with our gives us a taste of who He is. That taste of who He is should draw us to want more...more relationship with Him...and by deepening our relationship, we will experience involvement in what He's doing. The problem is we are content with the taste...and every now & then we walk by for another sample of His goodness, & another, & another (shamefacedly hoping He doesn't realize what we're doing). We don't finish out the process.We don't buy in to the opportunity to fully experience His goodness...and He doesn't make us. 

2. As a church (the entire body of believers), we have failed first to be disciples & secondly to make them.
    I'll jump straight to the analogy. This time we're the sample guy. We stand by the edge of the Auntie Ann's, handing out samples. We dutifully offer them to all passersby, but when one happens to stop & ask where they can get more, we blankly stare. Rather than say, "follow me" or even merely point them in the right direction, we've no guidance to give...the sample was all we had to offer. Heaven forbid someone ask about the ingredients or baking process! The sample guy ought to be an expert on those pretzels. He ought to know all there is to know about them...and he ought to have eaten a ton of them. When someone asks him about the pretzels...about getting more, the sample guy, he ought to jump on that opportunity! He ought to be ripe with information...and take them right to the checkout counter. He's there not just for samples, but to sell whole pretzels! Friends, it's not enough to merely hand out samples. To think that this is our sole duty is a colossal failure on our part. It's not enough to lead people to their Salvation Moment & then have nothing else to offer. More is required. We ought to be disciples...we ought to be experts on our Father & His ways...and we ought to be able to lead people to more. (1 Corinthians 11:1) We've (the church) become content to merely tally up the samples (saved souls) we've handed out, & have failed to offer more. 

Many of us are familiar with the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Jesus called His disciples to go make more disciples & to pass on all that He had taught them. As His modern day disciples this commission applies to us as well. We are called to Accept & Assist. I digressed a bit from the scenario in which I began this post, but I want to return to it now. To jog your memory, I related my experience in first seeing my daughter's first Mommy Moments. As epic as that first encounter was, my Mommy Moments were only just beginning. I told you that it forever changed my life. From the instantI became Mommy, I have spent every single day with my children. I have cared for them, loved them, disciplined them, & begun training them.  To correlate it to the topic at hand, I didn't just become a Mommy in the moment that I met my daughters & cease to be one the moment after that. I've been one each and every day, hour, minute, & second since. That moment of meeting my daughters was just a sample of all the goodness & love I would experience for the rest of my life. Truly as I look back over nearly 5 years jam packed with those Mommy Moments, I can honestly say that I've had many that rivaled that very first. I didn't deserve my daughters...I did nothing to earn them...I could not in any good work do so, but I was given them nonetheless. Even though I did nothing to earn them, I have a responsibility to them & to the relationship we share. Can you imagine how much...both they & I would have missed out on if we stopped our interaction at that first encounter? Friends, we cannot encounter the one true living God in our Salvation Moment, & cease to be forever impacted by it. That moment is just a glimpse...a sample...of all that He has in store for us. As epic as it is, there are many more of that caliber waiting to be had...if only we don't stop with the sample.  My job as a disciple is to to the same as in my role as Mommy.  There are those who look up to me, who watch me, & who imitate me. My job is to Assist them in becoming disciples for themselves. The ultimate goal is to train them to deepen their faith for equip them to begin Assisting others. Can you imagine all that I am robbing them of if I stop at their Salvation Moment? Can you fathom all that they are missing out on if I cease to have answers & guidance?

I'm to be the sample guy with loads of expertise & direction. (1 Peter 3:15) Yes, I am to offer them the sample (to lead them to Acceptance), but my agenda is also to be that they would want more of the product (that they would become Assistants). In order to achieve this goal, I myself must first be a disciple. I cannot offer answers or wisdom if I possess none. After I Accept God's Grace, I must Assist others in Accepting it & then Assist them in beginning to Assist for themselves. I'm being intentionally redundant. This is important. There is a mass of people who are paralyzed by their inability to move beyond Acceptance & into the role of Assisting...perhaps we ourselves are in this predicament. We've got to do something about that...starting with our own discipleship.

I believe that there is much much more to this concept of discipleship...I want to dig deeper into it with you, but for now I'll close with this...

Ephesians 4:11-17 
Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. 15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. 16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

I am challenged, & in turn I challenge you, to be certain that I am not content with Acceptance, but that I am Assisting. I am challenged, & in turn I challenge you, to be a true disciple so that I am prepared & equipped to aide Abba in making more disciples. 

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I'm Gonna Watch You...

As I am making my bed this morning, I hear the sweet little voice of my 20 month old say, 

"Making my bed," I reply. 
"Okay." she says, "I'mgonnawatchyoumommy!" 
Not long after I hear,

This comment is followed up by the hurling of pillows onto the yet unmade bed.

Just like that...complete sentences all in one long word. "Whatcha doing, Mommy?", "I'm gonna watch you, Mommy".  "Can I help you, Mommy?" My little ladies say those phrases often. They are highly curious...always wanting to know what I am doing & why I am doing it. Just now as I type this, Sweet 'N Sassy is hovering over my shoulder asking countless questions as to my mission & motive at the moment. "Whatchudoingmommy?" Most typically, as in the aforementioned scenario, the followup response is "I'mgonnawatchyoumommy!' And then they me that is. Wherever I am, whatever I'm doing...folding clothes, doing dishes, scrubbing toilets, writing a post (you get it) there's usually one or more of my gaggle of girls right by my side. They observe. They comment. They even critique. At the wise old age of 3 & 4, they are certain they know how to do (whatever it is I'm doing) better...and they let me know it. Very often their interest & curiousity transitions from an observance to a desire to join in. "Canihelpyoumommy?" They want to help...sometimes their help is truly an aid & other times is the creation of yet more work. 

Intitially this adoration & curiousity were flattering...and then when the critiquing began, it was humorous (& a little annoying)...and now that they not only watch but they help, well that's a source of pride (& frustration). Oh yes, these 3 questions, while often yielding an ego boost to Moi, equally as often result in a convicting humility. 

Here are a couple of examples: 
1.One day my Goldilocks takes me by the hand & pulls me into the laundry room. With extreme pride she points to pile of folded laundry. My mother's heart melted into a pool at her feet! Unprompted my sweet girl did me a service...This was one of those ego-boost-pride moments!

2. Passing by the playroom I overhear that same sweet girl hollering (yes, hollering) this,"What in the Sam Hill do you think you're doing?!" This statement was followed by the sound of her sister screaming. I don't know what caused the scream...I don't want to. Hearing my trademark anger-inspired catch phrase (in my own tone of voice no less) was eye opening...This was one of those convictingly humiliating moments!

It hasn't taken too many years of parenting to realize that parenthood seems to be as much about my growth as it is theirs. There are times when I want to holler (yes, holler) back at them, "Nunya!" (None of your business), "Quit watching me!", & perhaps most often, "I don't need your help!" 
 *Candidate for Mom-Of-The-Year Award right here!*  
That's just the truth though...the  honest-to-goodness way I feel. It's exhausting having someone oogling you, criticizing you, & 'helping' you all the time...all the time. So cry a river & join me at the Pity Party, alright? All these thoughts ran through my brain as I straightened sheets, folded blankets, & plumped pillows...the same pillows hurled at me (before I was ready) by my precocious girl...the same pillows I'd chastised her for 'helping' me with. As I turned to leave the room I noticed something was took me a moment to put my finger on it, but then it hit me like a ton of bricks...Belles 'N Whistles was gone. After my harsh (& unwarranted) response, she'd left the room. Who would want to watch or help a mean mommy? 

My little outburst got my wheels turning, & I got to thnking about my girls & about the church (us, the body of believers in Jesus Christ). It occurred to me that my little sad scenario was a precise picture of my purpose here on this earth. My job is to be a model for this gaggle of girls to emulate. They are supposed to want to know what I am doing and why. They are supposed to watch me. They are supposed to help me...And I need to be for sure & for certain that I'm doing the right thing...that I'm worth watching...that I embrace their help. Because if I'm not, I'll turn around one day & they'll be gone...just like Belles was this morning. I can grumble all I like about how annoying that role of leader is, but it's my job nonetheless. I can be indifferent to my impact upon the girls...lackadaisical in my rolemodeling, but the truth is that my gaggle will grow up one day wanting to be just like their momma or as different as possible. 

Friends, the truth is that this same scenario plays out for the church. We, believers, are commissioned by Jesus himself to be disciples & to make disciples. Essentially He has told others to ask, "Whatchudoing?"...He has given them a desire to say, "I'mgonnawatchyou."...and hopefully some will ask, "Canihelpyou?" One of the greatest hindrances to the growth of the Kingdom (unbelievers believing) is the hypocrisy of the church (us). We are sick & tired of being questioned, observed, & criticized...we get asked tough questions, & we want to holler back, "Nunya!"...and sometimes we do. 
*Candidate for Christian-of-the-Year Award right here!*
We experience convicting moments of humility, but rather than acknowledging our fault, we get angry at the observers for pointing it out. Even worse, we are simply content with ourselves: we go to church, we join a biblestudy, we pray before bed, & even work in a little "quiet time"...but we rarely make a bold stand for Jesus. We then look around us and wonder why people aren't stnading in line to join us...why they've left the room. We can grumble about it all we like...about how annoying the role of Christian is, but it's our job nonetheless. We can be indifferent to our impact on the world...lackadaisical in our rolemodeling, but the truth is that those around us will one day want to be just like us or to be as different as possible. 

We are meant to be disciples of follow as closely in his footsteps as possible...and we are called to help others become disciples as well. This is our purpose. It's time to quit grumbling about the duty...or perhaps worse, quit being indifferent to it, & to get to work. Before I close, I want to acknowledge that our observers watch us for 1 of 3 reasons:
1. They are brothers & sisters in Christ & are looking for someone to share the journey with.
2. They are sensitive believers & are being drawn to Jesus...they are watching us to see if they want it.
3. They are hostile unbelievers just itching for a reason to cry 'hypocrite' & do disclaim Jesus because of our poor example.
Friends, regardless of Why they watch, the important thing is that they Do. We cannot worry about the motive of the observer, but only about our own example. We should model Jesus regardless. Who we are & what we do should be unwavering & unflappable. That example should not hinge on who the aundience might be or why they are watching. We are to be disciples of Jesus & to create more disciples of Him (not ourselves). 

Many a times have I knelt down & apologized to my was another of those times. I am compelled to be the kind of woman that I want them to one day become...I am equally as compelled to be the kind of disciple that is worthy of observance. I no longer want to grumble about my responsibilities as a a disciple...I no longer want to be indifferent of my impact. I am enegized & eager to embrace my duties & to be worthy of the call. I refuse to yield to the urge to holler (yes, holler) "Nunya" & instead long to say, "Come & See for Yourself!" I want my life to bear fruit...I want to know that He used me to add citizens to His kingdom. I want to make a difference, to be the change!

So I ask you today,
 'Whatchudoing" with your life...your faith?
I tell you today,
"I'mgonnawatchyou" because I love you & you inspire me to do be more.
I ask you, 
"Canihelpyou?" make your journey easier...share the burden...carry the load?

We're in this together, brothers & sisters! It's time to get busy!