Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Auntie Anne's Samples: Discipleship

I'll never forget that moment (actually 3 separate moments), when I first laid eyes on my daughter...then another daughter...and then another daughter. After hours of pain & agony, instantaneous peace overcame me. Time stood still. I looked into tiny eyes, & something supernatural happened within. A transformation came over me, & suddenly in an instant I became something entirely new...something that only a moment before I had not previously been. I was a mother. All the months of travail, all the hours of labor...gone & forgotten. I was a mother. From that moment on life has been inexplicably different...as it should be.

I cannot help but compare it to the infamous Salvation Moment...that instant in which we transition from death to life...from sinner to saved. After months or years of being mired in pain, hurt, dissatisfaction, & disillusionment, instantaneous peace occurs. Time stands still. We look into the heart of Abba (God, our Heavenly Father), & something supernatural happens within. A transformation comes over us, & suddenly in an instant we are something entirely new...something that only a moment before we had not previously been. We are a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17) All the years of mistakes (sin), all the months of hopelessness...gone. We are a new creation. From that moment on life is inexplicably different...or it should be.

This Salvation Moment is monumental. Prior to this moment we are despicable, we are hopeless, & we are doomed. After that moment we are transformed, we are redeemed, & we are saved. (Romans 10:9) It's epic...and from that moment on life should be entirely different. Should Be. There seems to be (and I openly admit I am no biblical intellectual), but there certainly appears to be a massive amount of people who experience this grandiose Salvation Moment, but never quite make it to the inexplicably different life that should follow. And it Should follow...that it does not is an indicator of a great problem. Perhaps more simply, there are people who experience salvation, but never live out discipleship. A Disciple, according to Webster's Dictionary, is 'one who accepts & assists in expressing the doctrines of another.' In Christian terms, a disciple is one who accepts the gift of grace through the blood of Jesus Christ, & who thereafter devotes his/her life to following Jesus & to further advancing His gospel. You'll notice that I italicized two words in the Webster's definition: Accept & Assist. As I mentioned a moment ago, there seems to be many who experience salvation...they Accept that they are sinners in need of saving. Logic demands that they would then also experience the second part of the definition which is Assist...but as is often the case Logic is defied. I believe there are a couple of reasons for this phenomena (Acceptance without Assistance). 

1. As a culture we love, Love the idea of receiving something for nothing.
    Let me clearly state that I am in no way saying that we have the ability to earn our salvation...we are wholly inadequate to in any way do so. I am saying that we like the idea of receiving the gift of eternal life, no strings attached. Here's an analogy: In the mall as you walk by Auntie Anne's Pretzels you quite often get a sample of pure deliciousness. Why? Is their agenda that you have that one bite & then walk away fully satisfied? That's dumb. It's simply Step 1 in a process. They hope that by experiencing just one taste of what they have to offer that you'll be drawn to want the whole thing (a whole pretzel), meaning that we would purchase their product...and after you've had a whole pretzel that you'll crave more & more. The problem is that it's almost as if as we walk by Auntie Anne's, we get the sample, & are somehow satisfied with only that. We don't want to purchase the product...we just want to walk by the sample guy again & again for taste after taste (while hoping the sample guy doesn't realize what we're up to). Receiving the sample requires nothing of us...we just get to enjoy the taste...but the truth is while they do not require us to buy a pretzel, we also do not fully experience it's goodness. One bite isn't enough. Salvation is much like that. It's the first step in a process. It's the step that reconnects us with our Creator...it gives us a taste of who He is. That taste of who He is should draw us to want more...more relationship with Him...and by deepening our relationship, we will experience involvement in what He's doing. The problem is we are content with the taste...and every now & then we walk by for another sample of His goodness, & another, & another (shamefacedly hoping He doesn't realize what we're doing). We don't finish out the process.We don't buy in to the opportunity to fully experience His goodness...and He doesn't make us. 

2. As a church (the entire body of believers), we have failed first to be disciples & secondly to make them.
    I'll jump straight to the analogy. This time we're the sample guy. We stand by the edge of the Auntie Ann's, handing out samples. We dutifully offer them to all passersby, but when one happens to stop & ask where they can get more, we blankly stare. Rather than say, "follow me" or even merely point them in the right direction, we've no guidance to give...the sample was all we had to offer. Heaven forbid someone ask about the ingredients or baking process! The sample guy ought to be an expert on those pretzels. He ought to know all there is to know about them...and he ought to have eaten a ton of them. When someone asks him about the pretzels...about getting more, the sample guy, he ought to jump on that opportunity! He ought to be ripe with information...and take them right to the checkout counter. He's there not just for samples, but to sell whole pretzels! Friends, it's not enough to merely hand out samples. To think that this is our sole duty is a colossal failure on our part. It's not enough to lead people to their Salvation Moment & then have nothing else to offer. More is required. We ought to be disciples...we ought to be experts on our Father & His ways...and we ought to be able to lead people to more. (1 Corinthians 11:1) We've (the church) become content to merely tally up the samples (saved souls) we've handed out, & have failed to offer more. 

Many of us are familiar with the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Jesus called His disciples to go make more disciples & to pass on all that He had taught them. As His modern day disciples this commission applies to us as well. We are called to Accept & Assist. I digressed a bit from the scenario in which I began this post, but I want to return to it now. To jog your memory, I related my experience in first seeing my daughter's faces...my first Mommy Moments. As epic as that first encounter was, my Mommy Moments were only just beginning. I told you that it forever changed my life. From the instantI became Mommy, I have spent every single day with my children. I have cared for them, loved them, disciplined them, & begun training them.  To correlate it to the topic at hand, I didn't just become a Mommy in the moment that I met my daughters & cease to be one the moment after that. I've been one each and every day, hour, minute, & second since. That moment of meeting my daughters was just a sample of all the goodness & love I would experience for the rest of my life. Truly as I look back over nearly 5 years jam packed with those Mommy Moments, I can honestly say that I've had many that rivaled that very first. I didn't deserve my daughters...I did nothing to earn them...I could not in any good work do so, but I was given them nonetheless. Even though I did nothing to earn them, I have a responsibility to them & to the relationship we share. Can you imagine how much...both they & I would have missed out on if we stopped our interaction at that first encounter? Friends, we cannot encounter the one true living God in our Salvation Moment, & cease to be forever impacted by it. That moment is just a glimpse...a sample...of all that He has in store for us. As epic as it is, there are many more of that caliber waiting to be had...if only we don't stop with the sample.  My job as a disciple is to to the same as in my role as Mommy.  There are those who look up to me, who watch me, & who imitate me. My job is to Assist them in becoming disciples for themselves. The ultimate goal is to train them to deepen their faith for themselves....to equip them to begin Assisting others. Can you imagine all that I am robbing them of if I stop at their Salvation Moment? Can you fathom all that they are missing out on if I cease to have answers & guidance?

I'm to be the sample guy with loads of expertise & direction. (1 Peter 3:15) Yes, I am to offer them the sample (to lead them to Acceptance), but my agenda is also to be that they would want more of the product (that they would become Assistants). In order to achieve this goal, I myself must first be a disciple. I cannot offer answers or wisdom if I possess none. After I Accept God's Grace, I must Assist others in Accepting it & then Assist them in beginning to Assist for themselves. I'm being intentionally redundant. This is important. There is a mass of people who are paralyzed by their inability to move beyond Acceptance & into the role of Assisting...perhaps we ourselves are in this predicament. We've got to do something about that...starting with our own discipleship.

I believe that there is much much more to this concept of discipleship...I want to dig deeper into it with you, but for now I'll close with this...

Ephesians 4:11-17 
Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. 15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. 16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

I am challenged, & in turn I challenge you, to be certain that I am not content with Acceptance, but that I am Assisting. I am challenged, & in turn I challenge you, to be a true disciple so that I am prepared & equipped to aide Abba in making more disciples. 

Be Blessed!