Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Precious Princesses...My Daughters

I thought I might share with you a little more about what motivates me to pour out my heart to all of you. I am the mother of 3 beautiful little girls. Daily I look into their eyes & pray that the romance of their lives will be falling in love with Jesus. It's my deepest hope that one day they might read the words I have written, take them to heart, & be spared (at least some of) the heartache that I've endured...the regrets that I have. I know that they will make mistakes & learn from them. I know that they will endure the struggles that every young woman faces, but I hope that my willingness to be transparent might act as a guide & a point of reference to them...that's my heart for you as well. All of that said let my introduce you to my first Precious Princess

Abigail Grace

Abigail means "Her Father's Joy" & oh how accurate that description is! From the time I was 10 years old I knew that I wanted to be a mommy, & this sweet blue eyed, blonde haired little wonder fulfilled that desire! At 3 years old my little Abigail has a mighty personality! She's a bit of a showboat, loving to sing & dance & put on a show! She has a tender heart & is extremely sensitive. Abigail is already into fashion, particularly dresses & shoes! Her most recent phase is deciding that mommy no longer needs to be her stylist. As feminine and girly as she is, our little lady has a love for the outdoors. She loves to find beautiful rocks, to ride in her daddy's semi, to "explore" the woods in which we live. Abigail is crazy about horses & adores riding. She is a little nerd (which makes me very proud) & constantly asks, "Help me learn, Mommy!" She has a strong desire to please others, to make them happy, to make them smile. Abigail is wise beyond her years & says things that amaze me. She is a wonderful big sister & a terrific helper to mommy. She has reached that rough stage of not being a baby anymore but not quite a big girl either. Abigail loves to worship, to raise her hands & dance with the abandon that only children have. She is sweet as can be, but often surprises me with her spunk! She is anxious & worries far more than she should. Oh How I Love Her!

Jordyn Elizabeth

The look on my Jordyn's face in this picture is not a's a look I get often out of my sassy second born! Her name means "God's Promises Flow Down" & how I am reminded of that every time those little arms of hers wrap around my neck! Abigail was only 6 months old (crazy I know) when we had the desire for another child & less than a month later our precious Jordyn was on the way! My little lady was sweet as could be & mellow her first few months of life, but somewhere along the way this tremendous personality emerged! Jordyn is all spitfire & sass. She's my little firecracker, but often so very sweet that tears come to my eyes. She's far from compliant & already shows an independent nature (that I have to admit scares me a little). She's a do-it-by-myself kinda girl. Her black hair & dark eyes make her quite a little beauty (says a biased momma). She is seldom seen without dragging along her sidekick of a stuffed pig (for those of you who have seen Piggy in person, you know how dearly loved he is by his well-worn appearance). Jordyn tries my patience & tests boundaries constantly, but when she is in a loving mood there's no one sweeter than my Jordy. She adores her big sister & is lost without her. She is beginning to embrace her "big sister" role & often chides me for letting Isabella cry. She too has an outdoorsy side & loves to ride horses & in the semi with Daddy. She's a little comedian & knows how to make people laugh. She often throws her arms around my neck & says in her cute little voice "Need a hug, Momma!". She's bold & she's brave. She is protective of those she loves. My Jordyn warms my heart & holds a place there that belongs only to her!

Isabella Hope

When my Grammie (a true Proverbs 31 woman) unexpectedly passed away, my heart began longing for another child, another daughter truthfully. Right before Jordyn turned 1, John & I were pleased to discover that God had blessed us with another gift, daughter #3. Isabella Hope means "My God is a Promise of Hope", her name hold such special meaning to me because of the loss of my beloved Grammie.My pregnancy with Isabella was rough from the get-go & several times I thought that I had lost my precious girl. The day she was born was such a sweet moment of finally having her in my arms, safe & sound.  Sweet Bella Hope is 10 weeks old now. She is a gem of a baby! Bella is quick to smile. She has a sweet nature, but a fierce temper when she gets riled (which rarely happens). She is fascinated by her big sisters, captivated by her daddy, & is quite attached to mommy. She is a tiny little lady, but is starting to fill out. I am anxious to see her little personality emerge, to see how she keeps up with those sisters of hers! She loves to be talked to & snuggled. She provides a whole new dynamic to our family & is a source of joy to each of us.    My sweet Isabella Hope fills my heart to overflowing!

These precious little princesses are the fulfillment of all of my desires. My calling in life is to raise them up & to train them to be Princesses & Daughters of the Most High...daily I remind myself to be diligent in that task. I hope that seeing them, & knowing them helps you to know me better & to see that my heart is always to help each of us be & become the women God wants us to be.


  1. Your daughters are so precious! That picture of Abigail is soooo you! I can't believe how much you look alike.

  2. Lol Poor girl! Thank you for your sweet comment! They my pride and joy!
